None of them have the courage to actually get in a fox hole and confront a real enemy. As a soldier who has been to war, I am offended.
Is this how that works? Rise up veterans and let that bitch know it is nowhere near the same.
None of them have the courage to actually get in a fox hole and confront a real enemy. As a soldier who has been to war, I am offended.
And dumber than dog sh**. A fine arts degree, really? What did you expect you moron.
Not only has the GOP elected two Presidents with alzheimer's they can't even tell when they have! LOL
Not only has the GOP elected two Presidents with alzheimer's they can't even tell when they have! LOL
It disgusts me how much these same people who are tweeting praises of Joe Biden's character were out for blood on such weak evidence against Kavanaugh.
A member of my girlfriend's family is a gay Republican Trump supporter. Wonder how this'll go over.
"The Illinois House of Representatives has passed a bill mandating that all publicly-traded companies headquartered in the state will need to have a woman and an African-American sitting on its corporate board by 2021"
Cause it's their jobs??Why should the MALE Secret Service agents have to tolerate seeing Biden's wrinkly old @ss? It's disgusting to be subjected to that no matter what sex you are.
It's got to be news to be breaking. Who wins in podunk Ferguson is irrelevant.
The problem is when the health of business supersedes the health of the planet and the human race. Perspective is important. One of the most successful businessmen in the world today says America's mistake was spending all its time and treasure on war.Because businesses shouldn't be run by the most qualified, but instead by a government-approved quota of people of varying races and genders.
C-town has lost population going on 4 straight years. IL is at five &, best of luck Chicago.
One of the most successful businessmen in the world today says America's mistake was spending all its time and treasure on war.
First show me where I've made the claim you have falsely attributed to me. As for doing something, I was a single father of a great daughter who has two degrees from UK, one in business along with her masters from the University of Delaware. I'm retired from a career that included work on multiple civil projects and DOD projects. That career my friend afforded me a lot of air miles, so travel I've done! Mcgraw-Hill wanted me to travel to Houston to accept an engineering award for solving a problem the COE had not resolved in 50 years. I didn't bother because I am not an engineer. My career was cut short by a catastrophic illness, first misdiagnosed as MS by Norton, a diagnosis Vanderbilt University Hospital refuted. With all due respect I have done something and many of the books I've read are by conservative authors.
One of the most successful Chinese businessmen in the world
You like to claim you're smarter than the average paddock conservative, but this is mind-numbingly obtuse of you to say and can only be the result of the exact thing you accuse paddock conservatives of (which I am not one of)
we wouldn't even be here talking this nonsense if the US did not spend all its time and treasure on war, we would not have that luxury if we were even still alive.... my god man, open better books, stop scouring the internet day in and out to confirm your biases... travel more... my god man do something!
Students end protest after UK president concedes to demands
Eli Cuckilouto caved to these people. "Food insecurity" even though there is already an open God's pantry type arrangement for students in need. But, shockingly, that isn't enough. Students sleeping in their cars? They don't have a single friend who will let them stay in their luxurious resort style dorm?
And the biggest concern? A painting which shows black people as slaves. I wish their ancestors depicted in that mural were still alive so they could smack these brats for being so ungrateful and brainwashed.
Students end protest after UK president concedes to demands
Eli Cuckilouto caved to these people. "Food insecurity" even though there is already an open God's pantry type arrangement for students in need. But, shockingly, that isn't enough. Students sleeping in their cars? They don't have a single friend who will let them stay in their luxurious resort style dorm?
And the biggest concern? A painting which shows black people as slaves. I wish their ancestors depicted in that mural were still alive so they could smack these brats for being so ungrateful and brainwashed.
Then you can explain why Ma's nationality being Chinese devalues his opinion. He is certainly not alone in his opinion, a fact you failed to recognize in your post.