How will they rule ??!

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Yeah posting memes that have nothing to do with my quotes is such a beat down. @AustinTXCat has a crush on me, he reposts my old stuff daily. Living rent free in his head, maybe he should build a wall to keep the freeloaders out of it.
It had more to do with your quotes than you understand or want to admit. You simply don't get the inference of the meme which by the way most monkeys could figure out. When beat down you libnuts simply deny the points being made. You're too easy.
Hey Dion. What do you think about liberal Jimmy Buffet saluting Hitler style?

It had more to do with your quotes than you understand or want to admit. You simply don't get the inference of the meme which by the way most monkeys could figure out. When beat down you libnuts simply deny the points being made. You're too easy.
The meme was stupid, there’s no point in responding. Everyone knows the 12 year window mentioned is roughly how long we have to change our behavior if we want to keep warming below 1.5-2 degrees C. No one has ever said the earth would cease to exist in twelve years. It’s a bad faith argument that contributes nothing to the conversation.
The meme was stupid, there’s no point in responding. Everyone knows the 12 year window mentioned is roughly how long we have to change our behavior if we want to keep warming below 1.5-2 degrees C. No one has ever said the earth would cease to exist in twelve years. It’s a bad faith argument that contributes nothing to the conversation.
They just don't give you anything to help the cause and yet, you cling to them as if they were your God. How dumb does this make you look? They have been warning us almost every decade for over 50 years now and you buy it every time. How? Better yet, Why?
The meme was stupid, there’s no point in responding. Everyone knows the 12 year window mentioned is roughly how long we have to change our behavior if we want to keep warming below 1.5-2 degrees C. No one has ever said the earth would cease to exist in twelve years. It’s a bad faith argument that contributes nothing to the conversation.
But heres what is hilarious, they only extrapolate the most horrendous trends, while systematically ignoring positive ones, offering worst case scenarios as if its balanced presentation.

Why are dens so g'damn negative about everything? Its bc they want power and the ability to control everything. A 30 year old bar tender who's lived in one of the biggest cities on earth has no clue or authority about the majority of the country, which is rural, how they should be the ones cleaning up the environment. She raves about cow farting...the US has 6% of the worlds cows...she gonna start slaughtering them all in India? Its the same atmosphere if you didnt know.

Lastly what leads you to believe a govt can fix anything or has the answer? Where have they given you evidence anywhere in history they can do anything with efficacy? But no, its gloom and doom...all the time...unless they are in power. For example, I bet Obama's 16k in 2016 bombs and endless drones were wonderful for the environment, right?
They just don't give you anything to help the cause and yet, you cling to them as if they were your God. How dumb does this make you look?
Most elections can be summarized as South Park said between a giant douche and a turd sandwich. Politicians are just people and people are all deeply flawed. They’re not my God, I’m my God. I choose who to support based on who most closely matches my ideals and promises to make those ideals policy. Currently that’s what y’all would consider the extreme far left. I’ve been critical of centrist establishment Democrats as well as Republicans. Just not as much cause lip service is at least better than no service. Yall’s worship of Trump is the false religion/cult. As he correctly stated himself in Iowa, "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, okay, and I wouldn't lose any voters, okay?"
The meme was stupid, there’s no point in responding. Everyone knows the 12 year window mentioned is roughly how long we have to change our behavior if we want to keep warming below 1.5-2 degrees C. No one has ever said the earth would cease to exist in twelve years. It’s a bad faith argument that contributes nothing to the conversation.
The dumbass Cortez said it. To quote your idiotic leaders-you aren’t entitled to your own facts.
The dumbass Cortez said it. To quote your idiotic leaders-you aren’t entitled to your own facts.
Saying the world as we know it is going to end and the earth will cease to exist after it has for 4.5 billion years are entirely different things. You know that. How many of those billions did humans exist? Equating the world/society we’ve created with the existence of the earth as the meme does is nonsensical. You understand this.
Saying the world as we know it is going to end and the earth will cease to exist after it has for 4.5 billion years are entirely different things. You know that. How many of those billions did humans exist? Equating the world/society we’ve created with the existence of the earth as the meme does is nonsensical. You understand this.
The moron said it along with some of the most idiotic things ever spewed by a politician. Defend away but the moron who is carrying the flag for your party said it. Spin it anyway you want.

She said will end in 12 years, not as we know it and you know that.
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Saying the world as we know it is going to end and the earth will cease to exist after it has for 4.5 billion years are entirely different things. You know that. How many of those billions did humans exist? Equating the world/society we’ve created with the existence of the earth as the meme does is nonsensical. You understand this.

How many climate changes and variations has the planet earth gone through in those 4.5 billion years. Were they all caused by humans?
How many climate changes and variations has the planet earth gone through in those 4.5 billion years. Were they all caused by humans?
We go through this crap every time. They were caused by releasing greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere. What’s pumping those gasses into our atmosphere now? Not volcanoes, not melting permafrost, not microorganisms. Us. Human activity.
Yeah posting memes that have nothing to do with my quotes is such a beat down. @AustinTXCat has a crush on me, he reposts my old stuff daily. I’m living rent free in his head, maybe he should build a wall to keep the freeloaders out of it.
Wrong answer. I troll every damn one of you left-leaning kooks and loons equally.
We go through this crap every time. They were caused by releasing greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere. What’s pumping those gasses into our atmosphere now? Not volcanoes, not melting permafrost, not microorganisms. Us. Human activity.
So what's your answer...should we just blow up China's coal fields?

America isnt the globe.

Also I love stuff like this: where you say "but that's not how it works" yet if the glacier is melting its "see what's happening" aka you dont know you just repeat talking points.

The govt cant save you
The meme was stupid, there’s no point in responding. Everyone knows the 12 year window mentioned is roughly how long we have to change our behavior if we want to keep warming below 1.5-2 degrees C. No one has ever said the earth would cease to exist in twelve years. It’s a bad faith argument that contributes nothing to the conversation.
Aoc did and Beto did
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Is it possible they were influenced by solar activity?

No dumb bullshit. Is is possible?
No dumb bullshit? Deal. Here's a link that will start you in the right direction. I'll break it down for you if you don't like wading through peer-reviewed journals. The sun is in a period of decreasing output currently, and as such does not explain our rising global temperatures. Increasing greenhouse gasses meanwhile results in warming of the troposphere, but cooling of the stratosphere, which is what is being observed. If the sun was responsible for observed warming, warming of the troposphere at the surface and warming at the top of the stratosphere would both be expected. While solar output can have an effect on global temperatures, increased solar activity has not correlated to higher temperatures historically. What does line up with periods of high temperatures are high levels of CO2 and other greenhouse gasses. These correlations can be observed both on the "micro" level in ice cores of the last 800,000 years, and on the "macro" level in benthic cores and sedimentary rocks going back hundreds of millions of years.
No dumb bullshit? Deal. Here's a link that will start you in the right direction. I'll break it down for you if you don't like wading through peer-reviewed journals. The sun is in a period of decreasing output currently, and as such does not explain our rising global temperatures. Increasing greenhouse gasses meanwhile results in warming of the troposphere, but cooling of the stratosphere, which is what is being observed. If the sun was responsible for observed warming, warming of the troposphere at the surface and warming at the top of the stratosphere would both be expected. While solar output can have an effect on global temperatures, increased solar activity has not correlated to higher temperatures historically. What does line up with periods of high temperatures are high levels of CO2 and other greenhouse gasses. These correlations can be observed both on the "micro" level in ice cores of the last 800,000 years, and on the "macro" level in benthic cores and sedimentary rocks going back hundreds of millions of years.

You're one of those people whose perseverance matches their ignorance. You honestly have no idea what you are talking about, yet you will continue to preach about it and accuse others of having a cursory knowledge. If your ignorance had been diagnosed at an early age it would have been fairly easy to correct, but as it stands now you are in a state of full blown dumbass.

"While solar output can have an effect on global temperatures,"

See what I mean? Here's an easy experiment for you. Go stand out in the street today at noon. Notice the orange sky ball? Don't stare at it but feel it's warmth. Twelve hours later at midnight repeat the experiment. Come back and tell us what you've learned. If you repeat this experiment enough times, hopefully there will come a day when you won't come back to report. By the way, looking both ways before you cross the street is overrated, I read it on Wiki.
Most elections can be summarized as South Park said between a giant douche and a turd sandwich. Politicians are just people and people are all deeply flawed. They’re not my God, I’m my God. I choose who to support based on who most closely matches my ideals and promises to make those ideals policy. Currently that’s what y’all would consider the extreme far left. I’ve been critical of centrist establishment Democrats as well as Republicans. Just not as much cause lip service is at least better than no service. Yall’s worship of Trump is the false religion/cult. As he correctly stated himself in Iowa, "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, okay, and I wouldn't lose any voters, okay?"
Eeeeeenh! Wrong answer BOB, but thanks for playing. You guys were singing songs to Obama as if he were the second coming. Following Pelosi when she said "We have to vote it in before we see whats in it" with a strong and loud "Amen Sister!". Allowing Harry Reid to admit that they lied about Romney to get Obama elected, Taqiyya anyone? You people epitomize the word sheep. You don't think for yourselves which has been evident in almost everything you post because, it comes right out of the liberal media service guide.
Saying the world as we know it is going to end and the earth will cease to exist after it has for 4.5 billion years are entirely different things. You know that. How many of those billions did humans exist? Equating the world/society we’ve created with the existence of the earth as the meme does is nonsensical. You understand this.
You really are one dumb poster, he was telling you that her and her cohorts have no clue about what they are talking about because, the earth has existed this long with many more disastrous things happening to it and what man is doing (Not proven man is effecting climate change yet) will not end the world in the next 12 years.

Yes they did say that.
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We go through this crap every time. They were caused by releasing greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere. What’s pumping those gasses into our atmosphere now? Not volcanoes, not melting permafrost, not microorganisms. Us. Human activity.
Humans have not put anywhere near the amount volcanoes and other major disasters throughout the earths history has done. You have been duped into destroying Americas economy and riches for a matrix that cannot sustain the population that currently exist. I wonder if that is why you guys want to abort farting babies too.
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As I said, being a lefty is a mental defect. We're all on the internet, with access to all the information in the world, and Dionysus repeatedly just makes up bullshit.

And you wonder why we don't take your bullshit global warming alarmist claims seriously. "Seriously guys, we need more taxes, the world is ending."

Do you ever get tired of just making shit up to carry water for the D party?

No paying the Middle East not to develop nukes, let's just sell them ours!

We're selling them the ability to make their own, not ours

No one has ever said the earth would cease to exist in twelve years. It’s a bad faith argument that contributes nothing to the conversation.

"Millennials and people, you know, Gen Z and all these folks that will come after us are looking up and we’re like: The world is going to end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change and your biggest issue is how are we gonna pay for it?" - Ocasio-Cortez
Most elections can be summarized as South Park said between a giant douche and a turd sandwich. Politicians are just people and people are all deeply flawed.
Good point. Which is why Eric Holder's comment asking when the USA has ever been great because we've had slavery & other discriminations is so F-ed up. All great people & nations have faults, so saying you can't be great because you have faults is literally stupid. If having a fault means you can't be great, then the word is artificial, meaningless.
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