I agree. Biden is almost, but not quite, as productive as Occasional Cortex when it comes to stupid comments.I was looking forward to Biden on the trail. He's going to say some very stupid things along the way.
Truly scary
The government is overriding a fathers decision on his 14 year old child getting hormones. The child learned about this stuff at school and decided they wanted to be trans, the father said no and the government is overriding his decision.
Also if the family doesn't call her by her new male name and doesn't call her by male pronouns, it will then be classified as "family violence".
How freaking scary is this. The Canadian government is now overriding parents on how they should parent their children.
They lost my business and I was a very regular customer. I was on a first name basis with some of their employees and I told them I was history at the store. They were against the position Dick's took and understood. Nothing against them but business is business.
They lost my business and I was a very regular customer. I was on a first name basis with some of their employees and I told them I was history at the store. They were against the position Dick's took and understood. Nothing against them but business is business.
.This is what resonates with the American people, maybe not at first glance but when they are given time, the American people see the validity of this question. The two invasions cost $6 trillion.
Used to shop there in Lawton Oklahoma until they caved to the snowflake brigade. Have not been back since.
This is why I don't read your posts, they are simply ideological claptrap. You take no responsibility for any completely horrible actions that conservatives implement and then when they are brought years later you act as if you were caught by surprise. The Iraq invasion was greatly opposed by Americans and to this day conservatives are not honest about the Neo-cons that lied to us. You try to ideas that people of your choosing were bad people because they trusted the Bush administration and were caught up in the ongoing corporate wars. Mueller is a bad person because of the support he gave to the Bush administration. Never mind he was in the FBI not the CIA. Everything you say is worse than what Mueller did, because those great lies have been exposed to you and you instead of looking squarely at the truth try to belittle Obama for the colossal crapfest that was handed to him. Your just not intellectually honest. It's that simple and that is why I know it is a waste of my time to engaged with a brainwashed ideologue that can only try to lay blame at the foot of the "Libs" who have witnessed cuts for years and now are watching as this administration try to steal more money from the insurance funded by separate contributions in the FDIC. My God man the word INSURANCE is even in the damn name of the program!.
I agree the two wars for damn near 20 years is too much, Trump does too. That's where liberals could find some common ground with Trumpy and other repubs like Rand, if they decided to get their heads out of their asses, walk back from the edge and towards to middle.
Trump literally ran on criticizing the war and how it's cost the country too much and we're probably not going to see any return on our investment. He tried to pull out and the swamp erupted in bi-partisan hollering.
One way to help protect the country from outsiders attacking other than going to their home and fighting endless wars is stricter immigration and even some outright bans of certain countries...we see how that goes over...
A lot of that 6 trillion for the wars has gone to useless nation building. Bullets, bombs, and boots on the ground kicking ass are relatively cheap next to building schools, infrastructure, and trying to raise an army out of herding people. Of course if Bush just told the armed forces to kick ass and roll out after about a year or two, there would be hollering about not cleaning up and trying to build some sort of better more stable society.
The country has spent a lot of money on a lot of other things over the years, not just war.
I'm all for reallocation of money to more pressing needs, but libs are going to have to come to the table with some cuts of their own. Again, Trump has been pushing to get out of the wars as well as cutting back on all the aide we spread around the world, what are the Libs willing to give up?
This is why I don't read your posts, they are simply ideological claptrap. You take no responsibility for any completely horrible actions that conservatives implement and then when they are brought years later you act as if you were caught by surprise. The Iraq invasion was greatly opposed by Americans and to this day conservatives are not honest about the Neo-cons that lied to us. You try to ideas that people of your choosing were bad people because they trusted the Bush administration and were caught up in the ongoing corporate wars. Mueller is a bad person because of the support he gave to the Bush administration. Never mind he was in the FBI not the CIA. Everything you say is worse than what Mueller did, because those great lies have been exposed to you and you instead of looking squarely at the truth try to belittle Obama for the colossal crapfest that was handed to him. Your just not intellectually honest. It's that simple and that is why I know it is a waste of my time to engaged with a brainwashed ideologue that can only try to lay blame at the foot of the "Libs" who have witnessed cuts for years and now are watching as this administration try to steal more money from the insurance funded by separate contributions in the FDIC. My God man the word INSURANCE is even in the damn name of the program!
This is why I don't read your posts, they are simply ideological claptrap. ....
This is a great day for the state of Georgia. Georgia is much better off without them. Maybe another million or so transplants will leave the state.
This is a great day for the state of Georgia. Georgia is much better off without them. Maybe another million or so transplants will leave the state.
This is what resonates with the American people, maybe not at first glance .......
Other than Stil!er, do any of them still have careers?
So what the hell is wrong with the rest of them? (It's rhetorical. We know.)CBS Poll: Majority Of Americans Believe Russia Probe Was Politically Motivated
It wouldn't take him long to move left to catch the other nuts.If Obama could run even he would damn near be a moderate compared to some of the others running. And that's saying something because Obama was about as far left as it gets.
This is why I don't read your posts, they are simply ideological claptrap. You take no responsibility for any completely horrible actions that conservatives implement and then when they are brought years later you act as if you were caught by surprise. !
This is probably why the actual report will not be released to the Public until later. It gives the left leaning media and their nut job followers time to run the narrative that he is running. When it finally comes out, they will have already moved on to another "Fake or False" story about Trump. Sad part is, their supporters are so hungry for any of it to be true that they will not listen to reason. It is really all they (The Left) have left. Their policies don't work so, in order to maintain control, they resort to lying, cheating, and smear campaign/tactics.When was this meme made? The report did clear Trump and Fox News has been talking about it for every 30 minutes. Do you honestly think Barr just completely made up that Mueller cleared him of collusion?
If any of that was a lie, Mueller would've of just came out and said Barr was lying, kind of like what he did for the Buzzfeed article.
When was this meme made? The report did clear Trump and Fox News has been talking about it for every 30 minutes. Do you honestly think Barr just completely made up that Mueller cleared him of collusion?
If any of that was a lie, Mueller would've of just came out and said Barr was lying, kind of like what he did for the Buzzfeed article.