I know what a straw man is it’s setting up a windmill to tilt at. I merely quoted you, getting to the heart of your issue. You restated it for emphasis, “but yes it is unrealistic to expect Americans to all of a sudden become un-American.” Nothing about higher taxes is un-American. We’ve had periods of lower taxes and periods of extremely high tax rates. The trickledown bullshit we’ve been trying for the last few decades isn’t any more American than Eisenhower’s 91% top tax rate.
Then you misrepresent the heart of the issue isn't tax rate, but economic freedom i.e. mobility. Nowhere in the world or the history of mankind has a culture (this one) prided itself on the ability of the individual to achieve whatever they want through hard work, in other words the American Dream, and
actually created the environment for the individual,
any individual to do so. That is why people came here and come here. You simply don't have this ability to anywhere near the same degree in socialist democratic Europe, for many reasons in actuality, but yes one of them is you effectively keeping 20k out of your 50k salary.
Yours is a pipe dream, where the hordes of cash you perceive the rich fat cats and corporations are just sitting on magically makes your life better without you having to sacrifice anything for it. It doesn't and it don't work that way
in practice. That's not to say our system is perfect, but there are plenty of ways within American values to redistribute some of the wealth you so lust after without doing something yes unAmerican or clearly immoral, as if your kind had a moral compass, like say an estate tax where you tax someone their whole life then thieve half of whats left as you put them 6 feet under because yeah, it's not fair for that guy to leave a family legacy (the whole reason most people work, to better their families), everyone has to suffer the consequences of the same bad decisions you did. It's only fair.
Yours, radical leftist, is an infantile way of thinking that is dangerous, to the rest of us not only, but really above all to yourselves. I'll leave this here, since I know you can't really grasp what I am telling you, lest i have to engage some stupid argument comparing the new deal to the green new deal, as if time and scope don't matter.