How will they rule ??!

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Kelly Craft is a huge UK fan and her husband has donated millions to our athletic department. It will be nice to have Kentucky represented by a UN ambassador. Go Cats, Go Kelly Craft.
I have one daughter at Craft Academy at Morehead now, and one who has already graduated. Indebted to their generosity and always happy to see good things happen to good people.

Also, /humblebrag
Now I see where the Iowa broadcaster has been suspended by the university. A player was laying waste to the opposing team at the end of the game, and the guy said that he was "King Kong." He meant it as a compliment, that the guy was a beast, at the end of the game, but because the player was black, some took offense. This crap is just going to far. I believe in equality and everyone being treated the same, but when you get junk like this, it is just beyond belief.
Me too
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Lol, of course someone runs in with the liberal garbage, yet the Trump cult gets upset if everyone doesn't deepthroat Trump's penis the right way.
Lol, of course someone runs in to defend this liberal idiocy, the leftwing sycophants get upset if everyone doesnt tacitly comply with their tyrannical zealotry.
Thanks, your post has greatly added to the thread.
PC has taken over thanks to liberals who have to get involved and ruin everything they touch. Most old TV shows would be cancelled and the actors ostracized nowadays. It's all about control and zero about caring.
I've seen whimpy whining about things as silly as this from both sides of the proverbial "fence", so let's not play sides.
Lol, of course someone runs in to defend this liberal idiocy, the leftwing sycophants get upset if everyone doesnt tacitly comply with their tyrannical zealotry.
Good lord freak show, take that crap somewhere else. Talk about being offended - you sound like you're about to explode with anger over, yep, something as STUPID as politics.

This is ridiculous, the guy may not even be charged for any of the things they’ve claimed.

The judge gave the prosecutors 2 weeks to decide, as of now the only crime they have him in on is a drug charge. Which I believe was Tramadol and also illegal possession of a firearm.

They haven’t charged the guy for any of the things the media is reporting. It may all turn out to be true, but as of now he’s just being held on suspicion.
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Good lord freak show, take that crap somewhere else. Talk about being offended - you sound like you're about to explode with anger over, yep, something as STUPID as politics.

If it's not about political correctness then it's about patriotic correctness. Both parties get offended about everything. They just can't say that they both do the exact same dumb behavior.
I am not going to get in politics as this isn't a political thing really at all. It is a dumbass thing . Did he call the player a monkey ? No he said King Kong as in a monster as in a beast . You know like when you say some one is Beastin . Nothing racial about that. You should be considerate of all peoples regardless of race , nationality , sexual preference ect ect but this does not fall into that.

Also this thread should be in Paddock .
Lol, of course someone runs in with the liberal garbage, yet the Trump cult gets upset if everyone doesn't deepthroat Trump's penis the right way.
You are literally describing obama voters, it ain’t about trump it is that he fights the media’s lies and attempts to tear this country apart. Which party divides people into groups ... which party criminalizes speech ? Snowflake is a term to describe liberals safe space is also their term ...liberals are absolute cancer
You are literally describing obama voters, it ain’t about trump it is that he fights the media’s lies and attempts to tear this country apart. Which party divides people into groups ... which party criminalizes speech ? Snowflake is a term to describe liberals safe space is also their term ...liberals are absolute cancer

He’d rather munch on Hillary’s b......
What's the problem? I was born a poor black child. I turned out okay.....didn't I?

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This is sad. If my son was dominating the court and a commentor called him King Kong, I would be proud. If he called him Ali, for other reasons, I would be proud. We need to encourage people to think the best of others, rather than parse comments for the worst.

Now I see where the Iowa broadcaster has been suspended by the university. A player was laying waste to the opposing team at the end of the game, and the guy said that he was "King Kong." He meant it as a compliment, that the guy was a beast, at the end of the game, but because the player was black, some took offense. This crap is just going to far. I believe in equality and everyone being treated the same, but when you get junk like this, it is just beyond belief.

Wow absolutely ridiculous
I mean of all ones to pick to represent a black person, picking a gorilla is pretty high on the list of ones not to pick as referring to black people as apes/gorillas/monkeys is an absolute no-no. He's been in the business at Iowa for 22 years, he should know better by now.

However, he was previously suspended two games earlier this season for criticizing Iowa players and McCaffery's recruiting on a hot mic, the comments of which apparently infuriated McCaffery and were part of what the Iowa AD says is ongoing tensions. And it's not his first time using either a racist term or something with racist undertones on the air. My guess is this lengthier suspension is a result of him being suspended for a second time, "ongoing tensions," and his previous use of a racist term. Most of the time being suspended for on-air comments after having a history of showing poor judgement on the mic is going to result in lengthier suspensions.

However, the length of the suspension does seem a bit much, but I also don't know what these ongoing tensions are since the Iowa AD refuses to make any further comments on anything.