How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Well, it all depends on what your definition of "is" is.

[laughing] beautiful

You ok bud? Can’t remember to last time I talked to anyone about religion. Yet alone tried to convince them I serve the Lord.

Maybe you have me confused with someone else.

He confuses threads he's in. Can't expect him to keep the people straight.

I laughed out loud when AOC's head opened up and a tiny fart was emitted. [laughing] I think it was a popcorn fart and it far exceeds her actual mental capacity. Kind of like d1ja.
2 ppl..good job.

Btw, I didnt even vote for trump, nor am i even a Republican. Did you know you dont have to follow everything a party says. Probably didnt. Dif you know that political parties arent about morality and feelings but of ways of organizing government. Most likely not. Probably thought the left is about morality and the right is about religion. Probably.
2 ppl..good job.

Btw, I didnt even vote for trump, nor am i even a Republican. Did you know you dont have to follow everything a party says. Probably didnt. Dif you know that political parties arent about morality and feelings but of ways of organizing government. Most likely not.
Nice grammer

I'm in his head ymmot31. He will crack soon
I am highly amused at people who think the bigger name is Trump. You think he could have gone into this place and no one would have seen him and ratted him out? As much of a big red X as the MSM has put on Trump? As much money as media outlets would pay for that story? Quit your wishful thinking you colossal dipsh!ts.

It's absolutely criminal that teenagers and early 20 year olds can load up on hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt that's not dischargeable in bankruptcy. Just complete bullshit the federal government has orchestrated that criminal system.

Make student loans dischargeable in bankruptcy and the system will fix itself overnight.
Another one bites the dust. Didn't think you were man enough to address your mistake. Snowflakes melting left and right.

There is no mistake. You're so all over the place you can't keep up with who you are replying to. Let alone the utter nonsense you spew. You give me a headache reading your drivel and it's simply not worth wasting anymore of my time replying to you about it if you're not going to answer the original question.(although I believe you have without saying)

Doesn't mean you won't get called out in the future either. I don't think you've melted any snowflakes on this board. Bless your heart.
There is no mistake. You're so all over the place you can't keep up with who you are replying to. Let alone the utter nonsense you spew. You give me a headache reading your drivel and it's simply not worth wasting anymore of my time replying to you about it if you're not going to answer the original question.(although I believe you have without saying)

Doesn't mean you won't get called out in the future either. I don't think you've melted any snowflakes on this board. Bless your heart.
When your boyfriend rushes to your defense, they should at least know the subject and be prepared to defend you. They were ill-equipped and went on a tangent. Was Christ the Lord you referred to in Joshua?
It's absolutely criminal that teenagers and early 20 year olds can load up on hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt that's not dischargeable in bankruptcy. Just complete bullshit the federal government has orchestrated that criminal system.

Make student loans dischargeable in bankruptcy and the system will fix itself overnight.

Exactly. Once the risk of loss is added to the equation, would trigger typical underwriting and put an end to this nonsense
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Exactly. Once the risk of loss is added to the equation, would trigger typical underwriting and put an end to this nonsense

I don't know, man, we still may have all sorts of lenders willing to shell out $200,000 to someone to get a pharmacy degree from Dickhole State after they were rejected multiple times by UK.

The system is criminal. But, the left loves to give more and more power to the federal government, so what do you do.

I am absolutely 100% against any sort of forgiveness. Those students willingly took on the debt. Would be just as criminal to give trillions in handouts while others worked their dicks off or went with second or third options to stay out of debt.

Shit, my dad could have retired 15 years ago if he didn't put all the kids through college and graduate school. :cool2:
I am highly amused at people who think the bigger name is Trump. You think he could have gone into this place and no one would have seen him and ratted him out? As much of a big red X as the MSM has put on Trump? As much money as media outlets would pay for that story? Quit your wishful thinking you colossal dipsh!ts.
Who has said TRump? its going to end up being either a past Governor or one of the senators. Everyone is saying is a big time Florida politician.
It's absolutely criminal that teenagers and early 20 year olds can load up on hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt that's not dischargeable in bankruptcy. Just complete bullshit the federal government has orchestrated that criminal system.

Make student loans dischargeable in bankruptcy and the system will fix itself overnight.
Yes, it's a very stupid system that will eventually implode and the middle class will end up with the bill for it.
It's absolutely criminal that teenagers and early 20 year olds can load up on hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt that's not dischargeable in bankruptcy. Just complete bullshit the federal government has orchestrated that criminal system.

Make student loans dischargeable in bankruptcy and the system will fix itself overnight.

The system is already fixed and it is operating exactly the way it was intended.
soybean exports are down 20 million tons. that math doesn't work out in farmers favor. and every time we hear a tweet like that it never actually happens. kind of like how we get a report every month for the last year that Mueller is winding down.

P.S. When the **** is rivals going to hire a competent coder and fix the MEDIA EMBED bug? ! I will loan them one of mine for free. will take 5 mins to fix
Who has said TRump? its going to end up being either a past Governor or one of the senators. Everyone is saying is a big time Florida politician.
Lord, please let there be tapes.
I'm assuming d1ja wasn't wanting to see video of Kraft's wrinkly fat @ss, especially since he was posting links to support his assertion that Trump has a small penis earlier, but in this day and age one never can tell.

Also, see the comments to this article: https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.c...e-biggest-name-involved-in-prostitution-case/
Smollett can't help himself. He's still playing the victim card. Looks like his legal team's strategy is to paint the Chicago PD as corrupt and partisan. Claiming the system has betrayed Jussie and the PD has victimized him further because they're out to get him because he's a black man.

When this idiot is finally forced to admit guilt I guarantee he tries to play the victim for a third time and seeks sympathy by blaming it on a drug problem. Watch and see.