How will they rule ??!

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Looks like we have a mutual admiration society then because your stupidity and lack of reading ability has been fun to laugh at.

You're the dumbass who started posting a few days ago by thinking this was gyero. If you could read then you would notice that each thread has it's own name.

You are smug, yet, you are ignorant. You're smugnorant, and that gives me a chuckle.

Congrats! You're not useless after all.

That's Mr. Albany to you jackass.
That new Brazil president should take him out
Honestly wouldn't be mad if we sent in a seal team to bin laden him. I think places close like Venezuela pose a lot bigger threat than places super far like the middle east. Plus it would send a pretty big message to Russia.
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Epstein was also Trump's neighbor and flew Trump on many private excursions.

Trump on that planes log many times. Epstein was the sex trafficker for the rich & famous. I'm sure he would let his girls pee on Trump.
This series of articles digs deep into the Epstein sex trafficking and how many current and former high level politicians/celebrities were using his services. It also shows how hard Acosta worked to sweep it all away and bury the crimes.


Jeff Epstein...isn't he that Ivy League liberal who ran around in Ivy league liberal circles and gave to liberal candidates and causes?

Let's be real, MSM flipped out over Trump hosting Miss America, "grab them by the Pu**y" and Stormy Daniels, you think for a minute they wouldn't blow this up if he was a key player?

I'm going to err on the side of if you have a model wife and bop pornstars you don't really need to partake in bopping kids.

It's very curious that this isn't a bigger story than what it is. I'd say a lot of folks don't want a lot of the key players discovered.

Maybe it will pop off and mainstream media will start to cover it like they've covered Russia, the "Pee Pee" dossier, Cov. Cath (before the truth came out), Jussie (before the truth came out)...or maybe the MSM will be about as interested in this mess as the Clinton accusers and Hillary doner who seems to suffer from a weird case of gay black guys ending up dead at his house...

I have no doubt that Trump and other former presidents know people at the high level of politics and corporate America who do shit like this, let's be careful about deciding he's guilty of something just because he knows somebody who's guilty of something.
AHAHAHAHAAA! the counter narco pentagon account that Trump planned to use to build his wall is empty. This was supposed to fund 2.6 billion of the wall and has 80 million left in funds. Now they want to transfer funds from other areas to refill it but they cannot do that without Dem's committee approval. Good planning there Mr Cheeto face. The bigger question is why does the pentagon even have a 5billion+ "counter narco" slush fund? We have numerous 3 letter agencies that are supposed to handle that. But you have to be a next level genius to not make sure there was actually money in the accounts you planned to raid.

BUILD THAT WALL! 2+ years now and not one single inch of new wall has been built.
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I dont even get how a judge can constitutionally do this.

Thats fine. Dont need new jersey... and maybr texas will take note. And trump will win and say i won without even being on all the ballots.
Trump not being on the ballot is very bad to other Republicans down ballot. It is not something the RNC would want to happen or allow to happen if they were being smart.
I see some nonsense headline about the CEO of timesup.

The fact victim hashtags are so flush with cash that they need a CEO is just ridiculous. More proof of the true driving force behind victim culture
AHAHAHAHAAA! the counter narco pentagon account that Trump planned to use to build his wall is empty. This was supposed to fund 2.6 billion of the wall and has 80 million left in funds. Now they want to transfer funds from other areas to refill it but they cannot do that without Dem's committee approval. Good planning there Mr Cheeto face. The bigger question is why does the pentagon even have a 5billion+ "counter narco" slush fund? We have numerous 3 letter agencies that are supposed to handle that. But you have to be a next level genius to not make sure there was actually money in the accounts you planned to raid.


New York can donate $3 billion from the Amazon deal.
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Warren and Kamala support reparations lol eventually libs will support the idea of getting tax credits if you murder a republican
So who are these two people?. Well Kamala has a mixed race Jamaican father and a mother from India. So she has not one drop of blood from an American slave. Miss Warren once saw an Indian on the Lone Ranger TV show who had high cheek bones (Tonto) and thinks her high cheek bones gives her the right to be an Indian too. So this is where we are in 2019 in the world of Socialist Politics of America. Reparations here we come.
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It would seem to me these videos should be used as political commercials by his opponents..especially Trump if Sanders were to be the Dem nominee. Make him explain himself. He was a grown man when he did and said all these things.

That assumes two things:

1) anyone supporting Bernie has enough analytical ability to understand why this is bad

2) they even care
You talking about the same Gov. Cuomo that let a bartender hijack his state, party, and run off a bunch of economic growth? She'll have his job and do far worse if he and his crew aren't careful.
New York is already yuppie enough, Amazon would have made it 100x worse. Do you really want to trade some money for yuppies?
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So some dude, who happens to be a rich Republican, gets busted for getting his old man rocks off at a rub-n-tug joint and that's supposed to be exposing how the entire right wing is somehow corrupt.

Anthony Weiner says hold my beer.

That dumbass pretends to be a Christian conservative, part of the moral majority. That rub and tug was also part of an international sex ring, talk about the height hypocrisy
New York is already yuppie enough, Amazon would have made it 100x worse. Do you really want to trade some money for yuppies?


Guess I can't argue with that logic...Maybe that's what he should have come out and said "Good people of NY, Amazon, and America...we have too many yuppies and don't want anymore..."

Although I would say an employed yuppie is better than an unemployed yuppie...
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Repub party sure is going to save a lot of money developing a marketing message.

All they need to do is show the Dems comments. If I didn't know better, I'd think the Dems are throwing 2020 away on purpose.

No decent, intelligent, moral, working citizen could possibly vote Dem.
is it though? have you spent much time in a yuppie hood?

meh, I suppose if I had to categorize Lexington I would say it's on the left and yuppie end of the spectrum...but overall I can't complain... the biggest issue here isn't specifically political or generational but civil engineering and urban planning...traffic flow and parking or lack thereof...but that's a rant for another time...
meh, I suppose if I had to categorize Lexington I would say it's on the left and yuppie end of the spectrum...but overall I can't complain... the biggest issue here isn't specifically political or generational but civil engineering and urban planning...traffic flow and parking or lack thereof...but that's a rant for another time...
Lexington is wannabe yuppie, not enough money in KY for any real yuppies. closest yuppie city is Bloomington.
Repub party sure is going to save a lot of money developing a marketing message.

All they need to do is show the Dems comments. If I didn't know better, I'd think the Dems are throwing 2020 away on purpose.

No decent, intelligent, moral, working citizen could possibly vote Dem.

None did in the last election.
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