How will they rule ??!

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Media and the Paddock.
The Paddock has been very clear on this topic because it's an open and shut case. The dude is a nut and deserves to rot in jail. And we are all happy that he was caught before he followed through on his plan.

What's left to discuss?

Meanwhile the media and the left...who all initially rushed to champion Jussie...are now pivoting and hedging instead of admitting they rushed to judgement. Even going so far as to completely omit the MAGA aspect.
The Paddock has been very clear on this topic because it's an open and shut case. The dude is a nut and deserves to rot in jail. And we are all happy that he was caught before he followed through on his plan.

What's left to discuss?

Meanwhile the media and the left...who all initially rushed to champion Jussie...are now pivoting and hedging instead of admitting they rushed to judgement. Even going so far as to completely omit the MAGA aspect.
This is the norm for every fake or "Trumped up" lie that has happened in recent years. It is disconcerting and scary that it continues to happen. It suggest that either those who support the left are either too dumb to fully understand or, they agree with the tactic because for them the ends justifies the means.
If you could read then you would see the many glaring differences, including her early admission of guilt.

Jackass. On October 24, Todd confessed to inventing the story after police reviewed surveillance camera photos and administered a polygraph test. She now said that she had seen the backwards "B" on her face while driving, and though she did not remember how she got it, assumed that she herself had done it because she had had previous episodes of memory loss. No early admission of guilt

Now you're a liar who cannot read. Lie extra to make up for your shortcomings.

Exposed again Jackass

Idiot. He should suffer the consequences that he hoped to unload on some innocent white guys. She wasn't dealing with a hate crime since black people cannot commit those.

That's not how the criminal justice system works. You can't possibly be this dumb. Did your special needs wife type this for you? They couldn't add on the hate crime charge because because she was charged with a misdemeanor.

Again, idiot, his case is a felony and hers was a misdemeanor. Why do you think black people need you to take up for them? Do you not think they're capable? Do you think black people are incapable of obtaining ID to vote? You racist idiot.

Still the same crime, dolt. Commit murder in Maine go to prison. Commit murder in Texas you may get the death penalty. Straw man, nice try.

The prior will not be part of this case. Idiot. Maybe it will come up in the federal trial that will happen after he gets done in Chicago. Do you think?

I still think he pleads to lesser charges and gets probation, no time served.

No he doesn't understand. That would require reading comprehension and since he cannot read, he has no comprehension. We probably owe him reparations since our tax money failed him in his education.

Doesn't even deserve a reply. Ignorance at it's finest.
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Media and the Paddock.
Why did we learn of jussie again? Should it have been a story like a kid smiling = hitler youth...or did they need those first narrative and they back fired?

Weird ppl arent concerned a racist dem governor of va wont resign or that his LT straight up rapes ppl. We can play this game all day. Theres like 300 million ppl in the country, let's dig up a hate filled individual to male blanket statements
Same crime? Yes. But because one is a misdemeanor and one is a felony...for whatever reason...and because of his prior conviction on the same kind of crime...then the penalties very well could be very different for legal reasons. Not because Jussie is black like you were insinuating in not one but two separate posts.

Race doesn't have anything to do with the situation other than the fact that Jussie falsely filed a racial hate crime report.

Stop trying so hard to paint conservatives as racist. If someone posts something racist...then call them out on it and I'll back you up regardless of their political affiliation. But stop fabricating nonexistent racist stuff. Doing so does nothing but paint yourself as a race baiting and race dividing contributor. Which isn't good for anyone.

But your last comment is probably true. I'm sure he will wind up getting a slap on the wrist in the form of probation.

Reading comprehension. I said surely the poster wasn't suggesting that. Wrong forum to be fair and balanced. I would love to see your post asking warrior kitty to be fair to "libs" and the left. I could be wrong but don't think that's ever happened.
Blinded by the light. Their debt, "THEIR" debt is the only reason they want Bernie. Yhey have no clue what he would do to the country. Selfishness pure and simple. Remember when those voting for Obama said he would pay for everything such as homes and bills? I sure do. How did that pan out. We went billions to a terrorist country that wants to destroy us instead of feeding our own.

Good luck with that.
Reading comprehension. I said surely the poster wasn't suggesting that. Wrong forum to be fair and balanced. I would love to see your post asking warrior kitty to be fair to "libs" and the left. I could be wrong but don't think that's ever happened.
You would be wrong on many counts but you would never admit it. Problem is, Libs have been wrong on most points in recent years because of the blind hatred of Trump and the recent surge in patriotism. The left hates a strong America and it is not even debatable.
You would be wrong on many counts but you would never admit it. Problem is, Libs have been wrong on most points in recent years because of the blind hatred of Trump and the recent surge in patriotism. The left hates a strong America and it is not even debatable.
Ignorant take or should I say fake news
Why did we learn of jussie again? Should it have been a story like a kid smiling = hitler youth...or did they need those first narrative and they back fired?

Weird ppl arent concerned a racist dem governor of va wont resign or that his LT straight up rapes ppl. We can play this game all day. Theres like 300 million ppl in the country, let's dig up a hate filled individual to male blanket statements
If you were offended, they got you.

Jackass. On October 24, Todd confessed to inventing the story after police reviewed surveillance camera photos and administered a polygraph test. She now said that she had seen the backwards "B" on her face while driving, and though she did not remember how she got it, assumed that she herself had done it because she had had previous episodes of memory loss. No early admission of guilt

Police interviewed Todd after she contacted police Wednesday night and again on Thursday, Bryant said. They asked her to come back Friday, ostensibly to help police put together a sketch of the man. Instead, detectives began interviewing her.

'They just started talking to her and she just opened up and said she wanted to tell the truth,' Bryant said.

Your inability to read makes this too easy. Is this forum your outlet to escape the people who tell you that you're stupid all day? I'm making the assumption that you ever leave the basement.
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I loath people that use sock accounts.

Which regular, who past 2016 largely disappeared, has a rager for Gyero?
One who post almost exclusively in Gyero now, but yet no one in Gyero will let him in.

Just post under Albany and be done with it.

Your skirt is being lifted. Great or extravagant. Do you have great respect, honor and devotion for the flag? None of those apply. You just...

Edom's skirt is being lifted up. See ya in Gyero

Doesn't matter? Are you new to gyero? The cognitive dissonance of some here is truly amazing to witness.

Coast Guard officer plotted to kill top Dems
[MEDIA] Your skirt is being lifted up.
Blinded by the light. Their debt, "THEIR" debt is the only reason they want Bernie. Yhey have no clue what he would do to the country. Selfishness pure and simple. Remember when those voting for Obama said he would pay for everything such as homes and bills? I sure do. How did that pan out. We went billions to a terrorist country that wants to destroy us instead of feeding our own.

Good luck with that.
The Saudis? They're elbow deep in both Trump and Kushner
Isn’t he the guy that took Clinton to his private island on his “party jet”?
Epstein was also Trump's neighbor and flew Trump on many private excursions.
Bill on that plane's log record about 11-13 times. Going to Pedophile Island to rape and kill kidnapped kids from Haiti. Liberals in a nut shell.

I hope "jussie" gets beat to a pulp in prison.
Trump on that planes log many times. Epstein was the sex trafficker for the rich & famous. I'm sure he would let his girls pee on Trump.
This series of articles digs deep into the Epstein sex trafficking and how many current and former high level politicians/celebrities were using his services. It also shows how hard Acosta worked to sweep it all away and bury the crimes.

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Epstein was also Trump's neighbor and flew Trump on many private excursions.

Trump on that planes log many times. Epstein was the sex trafficker for the rich & famous. I'm sure he would let his girls pee on Trump.
This series of articles digs deep into the Epstein sex trafficking and how many current and former high level politicians/celebrities were using his services. It also shows how hard Acosta worked to sweep it all away and bury the crimes.


Nice pics from 2002. Got 'em.

I'll add to it.


Epstein was also Trump's neighbor and flew Trump on many private excursions.

Trump on that planes log many times.

Link please?

I got it. Democracy Dies In Darkness:

In a different civil case against Epstein, records showed that he had attended parties at Mar-a-Lago and that Trump flew on Epstein’s private jet at least once.

So, "at least once" becomes "planes log many times."?

Plat is fake news again.

There were many at least once people, including Stephen Hawking:

Tour: Stephen Hawking enjoys a sea bed tour on a submarine off Jeffrey Epstein's Caribbean island Little St James

Plat, ya got 'em.

Bill on that plane's log record about 11-13 times.

You're close. I'll quote a lefty so Plat won't have to Snopes.

took at least 26 flights, not 11 as first believed” on Epstein’s private jet, which was called the “Lolita Express.”
Would love to know the context/question that led to that Trump quote. I feel like it'd had to be, "It's been said Jeffrey likes to party with younger women, have you ever witnessed it?"

Obviously with Platinum lying, and trying to make it seem like Trump was on his plane more than once, I'd assume that quote is also out of context or twisted.
Epstein was also Trump's neighbor and flew Trump on many private excursions.

Trump on that planes log many times. Epstein was the sex trafficker for the rich & famous. I'm sure he would let his girls pee on Trump.
This series of articles digs deep into the Epstein sex trafficking and how many current and former high level politicians/celebrities were using his services. It also shows how hard Acosta worked to sweep it all away and bury the crimes.


Clinton was logged on his plane 26 times, and I'm sure Trump did know Epstein, he was a NY billionaire that had a lot of sway.
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