How will they rule ??!

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I'm just getting home and this is one of the first things I've read.

Once again you prove you cannot read. It says right in the story you linked that what she did was a MISDEMEANOR. Jussie Smollet, who must be as stupid as you, committed his CRIME where it is a FELONY. Ask someone else to explain the difference to you, I don't have time.

Also dumb**** Jussie sent a letter to Fox that contained an unknown powder. Now that is a FEDERAL FELONY and could get him 5 years.

I hope to see more of your dumbass takes as I try to catch up with the days posts.

Damn the butt hurt is strong with you. Hope your friends here are impressed with your try hard. I see reading comprehension isn't your strong suit. I said he SHOULD receive probation. If he is a first time offender with no criminal record he probably will get probation.
Damn the butt hurt is strong with you. Hope your friends here are impressed with your try hard. I see reading comprehension isn't your strong suit. I said he SHOULD receive probation. If he is a first time offender with no criminal record he probably will get probation.

I know exactly what you said because unlike you, I can read. You said something stupid and then posted a stupid link to underscore your stupidity. Keep being you. It's fun.
I see you did not answer the question of who you served with. Doubt you have the courage so you hurl all the insults normally befitting a liberal life style. You are once again dismissed loser.

You're dim witted. I fully expect you the challenge me to fight shortly, as I've seen you do on here before. I'm not a liberal but even that would beat the shit of being a closeted homosexual like you. You wouldn't be a priest by the way? He did you feel about don't ask, don't tell?
You're dim witted. I fully expect you the challenge me to fight shortly, as I've seen you do on here before. I'm not a liberal but even that would beat the shit of being a closeted homosexual like you. You wouldn't be a priest by the way? He did you feel about don't ask, don't tell?
Never challenged anyone to a fight on here but, could probably kick your sorry ass easy.

Now back to the point at hand. When and where did you serve?
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You're dim witted. I fully expect you the challenge me to fight shortly, as I've seen you do on here before. I'm not a liberal but even that would beat the shit of being a closeted homosexual like you. You wouldn't be a priest by the way? He did you feel about don't ask, don't tell?
All that time spent in military bathrooms taught him it's not gay if you don't ask or tell.

His time spent in military bathrooms taught him it's not gay if you don't ask or tell.[/QUOTE]

Posting from experience? I see we have another Jussie type here. Try to blame someone else for his own beliefs and actions. Typical lib, no different than Than your butt buddy you tried to defend.
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Reparations and policies based on historical tragedy/wrongdoing are a very dangerous and slippery slope. A real pandora's box. All people can claim some wrongdoing somewhere in their history or history of their ancestors.

Also, like with all the other liberal hand out ideas, which already existing social entitlement/handout basket can we take from to pay for this new entitlement?

At least when Trump rolls out a wall funding idea and declares a National Emergency, he shows where he's going to take money from other places and pots that conservatives typically protect...military projects and what not...

Never have I heard a liberal say "hey we want healthcare, reparations, this and that for illegal aliens and we're going to dip into tenured professor salaries, subsidies for minority scholarships, funds for diversity and inclusion departments in government and public education, foreign aid to African countries, Title IX, California's bloated administrative/bureaucratic class, section 8 housing, first of the month checks, etc..."

I think that should be the rule that applies to both sides. Whenever you propose something, you have to show where you're going to pay for it from something on your side of the aisle.
Damn the butt hurt is strong with you. Hope your friends here are impressed with your try hard. I see reading comprehension isn't your strong suit. I said he SHOULD receive probation. If he is a first time offender with no criminal record he probably will get probation.

A) You followed that up by asking, "surely you aren't suggesting that a black man receive a harsher punishment for the same crime". One is a misdemeanor...the other is a felony. So...not the same crime.

B) Jussie does indeed have a criminal record. He pled no contest to a charge of providing false information to the police when he was arrested for a DUI in LA a few years back
Fake news, guaranteed.
In June 2008, after Epstein pleaded guilty to a single state charge of soliciting prostitution from girls as young as 14, he was sentenced to 18 months in prison. Instead of being sent to state prison like the majority of sex offenders convicted in Florida, Epstein was housed in a private wing of the Palm Beach County stockade. He was able to hire his own security detail and was allowed "work release" to his downtown office for up to 12 hours a day six days a week. He served 13 months before being released for a year of probation. While on probation he was allowed numerous trips on his corporate jet to his homes in Manhattan and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

You can read the judges entire ruling here your fake news parrot. Epstein was a pedo sex ring POS and his republican buddy used his power to hide almost all of the case, give him immunity & a cushy short sentence. Not a single victim was consulted or allowed to bring a case against Epstein. That Republican buddy is Trumps buddy and now Labor secretary.

“Petitioners and the other victims should have been notified of the Government’s intention to take that course of action before it bound itself under” a plea agreement, Marra wrote in the 33-page opinion, which mentioned Acosta multiple times.

The evidence, the judge concluded, shows that Epstein, 66, violated federal law in 2008 by running an international sex trafficking operation that recruited underage girls, often times bringing them to the U.S. from overseas.
In June 2008, after Epstein pleaded guilty to a single state charge of soliciting prostitution from girls as young as 14, he was sentenced to 18 months in prison. Instead of being sent to state prison like the majority of sex offenders convicted in Florida, Epstein was housed in a private wing of the Palm Beach County stockade. He was able to hire his own security detail and was allowed "work release" to his downtown office for up to 12 hours a day six days a week. He served 13 months before being released for a year of probation. While on probation he was allowed numerous trips on his corporate jet to his homes in Manhattan and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

You can read the judges entire ruling here your fake news parrot. Epstein was a pedo sex ring POS and his republican buddy used his power to hide almost all of the case, give him immunity & a cushy short sentence. Not a single victim was consulted or allowed to bring a case against Epstein. That Republican buddy is Trumps buddy and now Labor secretary.

“Petitioners and the other victims should have been notified of the Government’s intention to take that course of action before it bound itself under” a plea agreement, Marra wrote in the 33-page opinion, which mentioned Acosta multiple times.

The evidence, the judge concluded, shows that Epstein, 66, violated federal law in 2008 by running an international sex trafficking operation that recruited underage girls, often times bringing them to the U.S. from overseas.

Isn’t he the guy that took Clinton to his private island on his “party jet”?
Isn’t he the guy that took Clinton to his private island on his “party jet”?

Acosta gave Epstein a deal because he didn't want to get murdered by the Clintons.

Thought it was pretty apparent at this point there's one set of laws for high powered Democrats, one set of laws for everything else. With the amount of blackmail material he had on Democrats, they were going to let him be subject to regular people laws.

If any of the resident hypocrite lefties gave a shit about the rule of law, they could have shown that at some point over the last decade.
A) You followed that up by asking, "surely you aren't suggesting that a black man receive a harsher punishment for the same crime". One is a misdemeanor...the other is a felony. So...not the same crime.

B) Jussie does indeed have a criminal record. He pled no contest to a charge of providing false information to the police when he was arrested for a DUI in LA a few years back

Same crime, filing a false police report. Dumbass just did it in a state in which it's a felony. Still will probably get probation, may tack on an extra year for the prior.
In June 2008, after Epstein pleaded guilty to a single state charge of soliciting prostitution from girls as young as 14, he was sentenced to 18 months in prison. Instead of being sent to state prison like the majority of sex offenders convicted in Florida, Epstein was housed in a private wing of the Palm Beach County stockade. He was able to hire his own security detail and was allowed "work release" to his downtown office for up to 12 hours a day six days a week. He served 13 months before being released for a year of probation. While on probation he was allowed numerous trips on his corporate jet to his homes in Manhattan and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

You can read the judges entire ruling here your fake news parrot. Epstein was a pedo sex ring POS and his republican buddy used his power to hide almost all of the case, give him immunity & a cushy short sentence. Not a single victim was consulted or allowed to bring a case against Epstein. That Republican buddy is Trumps buddy and now Labor secretary.

“Petitioners and the other victims should have been notified of the Government’s intention to take that course of action before it bound itself under” a plea agreement, Marra wrote in the 33-page opinion, which mentioned Acosta multiple times.

The evidence, the judge concluded, shows that Epstein, 66, violated federal law in 2008 by running an international sex trafficking operation that recruited underage girls, often times bringing them to the U.S. from overseas.
Don't believe anything posted by you left nut liberals because you can doctor any article and given the fake news and fake dossier's, and fake/false accusations including the Russian collusion BS you guys have lost all credibility. You guys have people raping and killing children running a front from a pizza business, champion babies killed at birth, praise illegals killing Americans, give money to terrorist states, sell uranium to the Russians for self profit, steal charity money from needy children, suicide truth tellers and whistle blowers, sell guns to drug cartels, commit voter fraud in many close elections, keep minorities poor and angry using fake calls of racism all the while using closet racist in you party to keep them in line.

Yes, you are fake news.
Don't believe anything posted by you left nut liberals because you can doctor any article and given the fake news and fake dossier's, and fake/false accusations including the Russian collusion BS you guys have lost all credibility. You guys have people raping and killing children running a front from a pizza business, champion babies killed at birth, praise illegals killing Americans, give money to terrorist states, sell uranium to the Russians for self profit, steal charity money from needy children, suicide truth tellers and whistle blowers, sell guns to drug cartels, commit voter fraud in many close elections, keep minorities poor and angry using fake calls of racism all the while using closet racist in you party to keep them in line.

Yes, you are fake news.

bubble boy