How will they rule ??!

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Speaking of people handling themselves better what about the gay Tupac? Surely he wouldn't have handled himself like a bitch who is so desperate to be a thug that he'd stage a homophobic and racist hate crime against himself for clout? Not the real gay Tupac. As for the hoax gay Tupac if he gets sentenced to time I bet his gay as cries like a girl.

It's pretty disgusting that racism and homophobia is in such high demand among the most privileged and protected who are yearning to be oppressed victims yet the actual supply of racism and homophobia just doesn't meet their deranged needs so they have to invent fake instances. Dregs of society. Worst of the worse.
Being a liberal and left supporter it is demanded of you or else and being the coward you are, you just fall in line.

So being a conservative and right supporter it is demanded of you to be homophobic while all along being a homo yourself
Speaking of people handling themselves better what about the gay Tupac? Surely he wouldn't have handled himself like a bitch who is so desperate to be a thug that he'd stage a homophobic and racist hate crime against himself for clout? Not the real gay Tupac. As for the hoax gay Tupac if he gets sentenced to time I bet his gay as cries like a girl.

It's pretty disgusting that racism and homophobia is in such high demand among the most privileged and protected who are yearning to be oppressed victims yet the actual supply of racism and homophobia just doesn't meet their deranged needs so they have to invent fake instances. Dregs of society. Worst of the worse.
These idiots today need a crises to champion because they have nothing in their lives to make them feel good or needed. Now they fabricate an enemy not realizing that the real enemy is them. They are slowly destroying the fabric this nation was built on. Freedom to be what you want to be.
Subway to introduce a new Nigerian themed footlong. Comes fully loaded with jollof rice, akara, suya and dodo. They're calling it the Smollett. 500% up charge for gays and minorities so they can pretend to be a victim.

birds of a feather


birds of a feather

So Fogle being desperate and out of desperation calling on Trump for help yet a year later Trump hasn't acknowledged his plea much less acted on it or agreed to help him means they're "birds of a feather"? You sure you know what that phrase even means? Again you're reaching trying way too hard.
I have an absolutely insane idea.

Jussie Smollett couldve asked for a raise.

Totally nuts right?

Doesn't even involve bleach or someone fake yelling maga country.
He wouldn't even have to ask himself. He pays his agent whatever % to negotiate that exact type stuff. He's a dummy.

Also I think it was more about painting Trump and his supporters as homophobic white supremacy racists than it was money. If was solely about gaining sympathy and money he could have easily got victim status just for getting attacked. He didn't have to make it political and include white guys wearing red hats while screaming MAGA country.

SIAP. But wow. “Yeah... what happened was bad... BUT HIS HOAX STILL HAS A POINT!”

Not one of these people have said, “I rushed to judgement.”

I also love how Roseanne Barr makes one tweet that is assumed racist because many love to associate apes with black people and her career is pretty much over, while Smollett is already back on the set of Empire. Talk about a double standard.
Subway to introduce a new Nigerian themed footlong. Comes fully loaded with jollof rice, akara, suya and dodo. They're calling it the Smollett. 500% up charge for gays and minorities so they can pretend to be a victim.

This is trying too hard
This is trying too hard
Corny or not. Bad taste or not. I'm making fun of a situation. Pretty simple.

You're seriously making things up and reaching far and wide while trying to connect dots that aren't even in the same stratosphere.

You're so consumed you'll say anything. You're another Smollett in the making.
What else is there to talk about? Spoken like a true modern day conservative. Enjoy life in that bubble.

Smollett, if guilty, should probably receive probation the same as Ashley Todd. They are very similar cases.

If you could read then you would see the many glaring differences, including her early admission of guilt.

Did you read where ymmot admitted that they were making assumptions not backed by any facts? Both of you are asinine but very entertaining, continue please.

Now you're a liar who cannot read. Lie extra to make up for your shortcomings.

I agree and If convicted he should get probation. Wrong one sparky.

Idiot. He should suffer the consequences that he hoped to unload on some innocent white guys. She wasn't dealing with a hate crime since black people cannot commit those.

Surely you're not suggesting a black man receive a harsher sentencing than a white who does the same crime? Good Ole conservative values

Absolutely, would seem fair if the law allows that

Again, idiot, his case is a felony and hers was a misdemeanor. Why do you think black people need you to take up for them? Do you not think they're capable? Do you think black people are incapable of obtaining ID to vote? You racist idiot.

Same crime, filing a false police report. Dumbass just did it in a state in which it's a felony. Still will probably get probation, may tack on an extra year for the prior.

The prior will not be part of this case. Idiot. Maybe it will come up in the federal trial that will happen after he gets done in Chicago. Do you think?

So Fogle being desperate and out of desperation calling on Trump for help yet a year later Trump hasn't acknowledged his plea much less acted on it or agreed to help him means they're "birds of a feather"? You sure you know what that phrase even means? Again you're reaching trying way too hard.

No he doesn't understand. That would require reading comprehension and since he cannot read, he has no comprehension. We probably owe him reparations since our tax money failed him in his education.
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Corny or not. Bad taste or not. I'm making fun of a situation. Pretty simple.

You're seriously making things up and reaching far and wide while trying to connect dots that aren't even in the same stratosphere.

You're so consumed you'll say anything. You're another Smollett in the making.

I couldn't also be making fun.

Consumed? How many Smollett post have you had over the last week?
Surely you're not suggesting a black man receive a harsher sentencing than a white who does the same crime? Good Ole conservative values

Absolutely, would seem fair if the law allows that

As it stands, Smollett is looking at 3 years. Way less than an innocent may have received had they been caught up in his hoax.

Not black or white, other than the black and white letter of the law.

If found guilty, Smollett deserves every second of time available in prison for the counts he is found guilty of.

Lake erie, dive, dismissed.
Same crime, filing a false police report. Dumbass just did it in a state in which it's a felony. Still will probably get probation, may tack on an extra year for the prior.

Same crime? Yes. But because one is a misdemeanor and one is a felony...for whatever reason...and because of his prior conviction on the same kind of crime...then the penalties very well could be very different for legal reasons. Not because Jussie is black like you were insinuating in not one but two separate posts.

Race doesn't have anything to do with the situation other than the fact that Jussie falsely filed a racial hate crime report.

Stop trying so hard to paint conservatives as racist. If someone posts something racist...then call them out on it and I'll back you up regardless of their political affiliation. But stop fabricating nonexistent racist stuff. Doing so does nothing but paint yourself as a race baiting and race dividing contributor. Which isn't good for anyone.

But your last comment is probably true. I'm sure he will wind up getting a slap on the wrist in the form of probation.
I couldn't also be making fun.


Consumed? How many Smollett post have you had over the last week?

Because it's funny and vindicating. Smollett was victim culture and oppression Olympics rearing its ugly head. He's the poster child. Privileged lunatics so desperate to be oppressed victims that they'll do and say anything to achieve it.

The politically correct virtue signalling nuts on the left have turned victimhood into heroism. Instead of striving to be great they've convinced an entire pampered generation to strive to be weak oppressed victims.

You're right. I find the situation very entertaining and make zero apologies for obsessively saying I told you so while pointing and laughing. Look on the bright side though. At least we're only pointing and laughing. If the roles were reversed and a MAGA hat white man made this all up and had two innocent Nigerians falsely arrested the city of Chicago would be up in flames tonight.
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Media and the Paddock.
He was arrested and caught before he could do anything bad. Good work by law enforcement. Now this idiot needs to stand trial and face maximum justice.

Let me know when he does and interview with Robin Roberts where he tries to frame and falsely accuse half of the country for his own actions while also pretrending to be the victim and making a mockery out of the other half of the country.

Reparations and policies based on historical tragedy/wrongdoing are a very dangerous and slippery slope. A real pandora's box. All people can claim some wrongdoing somewhere in their history or history of their ancestors.

Also, like with all the other liberal hand out ideas, which already existing social entitlement/handout basket can we take from to pay for this new entitlement?

At least when Trump rolls out a wall funding idea and declares a National Emergency, he shows where he's going to take money from other places and pots that conservatives typically protect...military projects and what not...

Never have I heard a liberal say "hey we want healthcare, reparations, this and that for illegal aliens and we're going to dip into tenured professor salaries, subsidies for minority scholarships, funds for diversity and inclusion departments in government and public education, foreign aid to African countries, Title IX, California's bloated administrative/bureaucratic class, section 8 housing, first of the month checks, etc..."

I think that should be the rule that applies to both sides. Whenever you propose something, you have to show where you're going to pay for it from something on your side of the aisle.
There should be reparations for being drafted into the military. It's a crime if you don't serve. Slavery.
Corny or not. Bad taste or not. I'm making fun of a situation. Pretty simple.

You're seriously making things up and reaching far and wide while trying to connect dots that aren't even in the same stratosphere.

You're so consumed you'll say anything. You're another Smollett in the making.
Made that distinction earlier and he did not get it. Not surprised however.
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