How will they rule ??!

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Great, just what we need another nut job with a weapons cache who the media will use to stoke the flames.

Perfect timing for the MSM as they've been on a losing streak here recently and it looks like the Mueller report won't amount to much.

This guy is clearly a lost cause who should be locked up in a padded room.

The investigation into this looney tune will fuel the news cycle for at least a couple weeks. The picture alone seems to indicate there is a lot to unravel.
Absolutely, just move on, nothing to see here. Though it is interesting that these nutjobs (see MAGA van bomber) with the zombie apocalypse arsenal at home always have Democratic legislators, liberal judges, and the “fake media” on their hitlists. But I guess it’s impossible to figure out where the hate-stoked rhetoric that has enraged them come from.
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The NC voter fraud case is hilarious. His son is the assistant AG and is testifying against his dad. Said he warned his dad in 2016 that the guy was committing voter fraud. Produced e-mails where Harris even joked about harvesting more ballots than his competition. His daughter was one of the volunteers that helped collect illegal ballots and she is also testifying against him that they were told to change votes, forge signatures, and fill in empty votes. Who needs enemies with kids like that! He sat there crying at the hearing as his son almost guarantees he gets sent to prison. Harris' defense is that he was to trusting and had no idea what was going on, classic.
Still can't believe someone is a jussie. And yes victim culture is real because of the incentive

While driving around in a van covered every inch in maga stickers, no less.
Stickers that look like they were bought the night before, too. Not a single scratch or scrape on any of the stickers.
Absolutely, just move on, nothing to see here. Though it is interesting that these nutjobs (see MAGA van bomber) with the zombie apocalypse arsenal at home always have Democratic legislators, liberal judges, and the “fake media” on their hitlists. But I guess it’s impossible to figure out where the hate-stoked rhetoric that has enraged them come from.

The media never really seems interested in digging too deep. "Another shooting in the age of Trump" is basically the story every time.

First off, shootings have been going down regularly under many different political administrations.

Secondly, crazy people aren't political. They're crazy. They may be registered to vote one way or the other, but their sickness/urge for destruction has been there for a while most likely and the result of some trauma or just screws being loose. Just like a lot of looney tunes go to church, and once in a while one will say something like "God spoke to me"...we all know most churches and religions aren't preaching harm...

Thirdly, something like the nutjob who mailed all the bombs or this most recent case isn't thought up overnight. Trumpy has only been in office for 2 years, not really enough time to brainwash/influence anyone, especially since most outlets, media, forms of communication are telling you that He's not a good guy worth following or paying any attention to. I suspect the urge for the bomb guy and this new wacko is something that's been stewing in their minds for quite some time.

Very likely all these incidents go down under Jeb Bush or Hillary.

The sensationalized cases that ultimately get solved aren't concerning. Crazy people do crazy things, then the media just kind of dresses it up to fuel a cycle.

Everyone knows for a fact that crime and shootings go down every day. That nutjobs are out there doing nutjob things every day. A select few make the news.
lol forgot about the "MAGA bomber".

We still acting like a Trump supporter was mailing bombs to people?

That MAGA bomber wasn't anymore believable than Jussie.

That happened in Broward County, Florida though. Must be real.

-Dude has a multi-decade rap sheet

-all of the people he follows on his now suspended Twitter are Democrats

-registers republican in March of 2016

Ron Lory, family attorney:

Lowy hasn’t spoken to Sayoc in a decade but he still represents Sayoc’s mother and two sisters. He met the mother, Madeleine Giardiello, at a local hospital Friday, where she was recovering from surgery, he said. She’s a lifelong Democrat but her son never showed much interest in politics and had never voted until two years ago, she told Lowy.

Typical Republican though.

The story was used for a purpose right before the election.

You can't find one mention of him anywhere after his arrest. Poof. Gone.

Not nationally, not locally. Nothing else past that above story in the Miami Herald.
Sorry gays, we have used your victimhood and it's been a fun ride, but there are new victims to champion.

LGBTQ group severs ties with tennis great Martina Navratilova after remarks on trans athletes

A LGBTQ organization announced Tuesday it was severing ties with tennis legend Martina Navratilova after comments she made regarding trans athletes.

Athlete Ally, a nonprofit whose mission is “to end rampant homophobia, transphobia in sport and to activate the athletic community to exercise their leadership to champion LGBTQ equality,” said they were removing the tennis great as their organization's ambassador and from their advisory board.

The group said Navratilova’s recent assertions in an op-ed she penned for the Sunday Times about trans athletes were “transphobic, based on false understanding of science and data, and [perpetuated] dangerous myths that lead to the ongoing targeting of trans people through discriminatory laws, hateful stereotypes and disproportionate violence.”

The 18-time Grand Slam tennis singles winner came under fire after she argued it would be “cheating” to allow transgender women to compete in women’s sporting events due to “unfair physical advantages,” the BBC reported.

"A man can decide to be female, take hormones if required by whatever sporting organization is concerned, win everything in sight and perhaps earn a small fortune, and then reverse his decision and go back to making babies if he so desires," she wrote.

“It’s insane and it’s cheating,” she continued. “I am happy to address a transgender woman in whatever form she prefers, but I would not be happy to compete against her. It would not be fair.”

And this is the definition of the left eating their own. Martina has been one of the biggest champions for the gay community for decades. But now since she isn't willing to just turn a blind eye to science, they are pushing her aside.

How freaking crazy is this. Leftist on here, please tell me you side with Martina on this and aren't afraid to not be considered super progressive in every aspect of life. This is just beyond absurd. There will be no women in sports period if this continues.
And this is the definition of the left eating their own. Martina has been one of the biggest champions for the gay community for decades. But now since she isn't willing to just turn a blind eye to science, they are pushing her aside.

How freaking crazy is this. Leftist on here, please tell me you side with Martina on this and aren't afraid to not be considered super progressive in every aspect of life. This is just beyond absurd. There will be no women in sports period if this continues.
Can you imagine the records Bruce Jenner could have set if he’d come out back then? Would that have been fair to women?
Can you imagine the records Bruce Jenner could have set if he’d come out back then? Would that have been fair to women?

Haha ya seriously. I just find it hilarious that you have this woman that was the LGBTQ champion for decades. But she had the audacity to say, "hold up guys, there is still a difference between females and trans people. There still is a significant physical advantage for trans over girls. That is unfair for sports."

What is the lefts response to this. Martina you are a bigot and we want nothing to do with your bigotry. The Onion can't think of stuff this stupid.
Mark Harris, the republican fraud from NC, has now prayed on it and announced he thinks there should be a new election. I'm sure God was very excited to hear a dumbass cry to him about getting caught. He also says he was confused and couldn't remember what happened during the campaign.
Haha ya seriously. I just find it hilarious that you have this woman that was the LGBTQ champion for decades. But she had the audacity to say, "hold up guys, there is still a difference between females and trans people. There still is a significant physical advantage for trans over girls. That is unfair for sports."

What is the lefts response to this. Martina you are a bigot and we want nothing to do with your bigotry. The Onion can't think of stuff this stupid.

@mustnotsleepnow is one of our resident millennial SJW logicians. I'm sure he can explain it to you.

If convicted, he deserves prison. Every single days worth that they can possibly give him.

He was ready to frame two innocent people for a hate crime. Had 2 white guys been randomly in that area that night wearing Maga hats, they would be looking at upwards of 30 years, (at least, under Ohio laws, of which I am familiar. Not sure of Illinois, but imagine they are similar).

You know the drill by now.

Lake erie, dive in, dismissed.
Mark Harris, the republican fraud from NC, has now prayed on it and announced he thinks there should be a new election. I'm sure God was very excited to hear a dumbass cry to him about getting caught. He also says he was confused and couldn't remember what happened during the campaign.

Do you think we are going to sit here and do what you and all the other liberals do and defend, justify, or make excuses for him? I'm certainly not. If he broke election laws, and if he willingly committed voter fraud, I don't care what party he belongs to, he should be removed from office. But you can't get on here and point to an isolated incident like this when the politicians and municipalities lead by the left has stolen or attempted to steal far more elections than anyone on the right has.

Climate change will double the amount of wars! Murders and Rapes will skyrocket! You will start beating your wife! The mental hospitals will be overflowing!

All cause the beaches got a little bit smaller and some rich folks lost a beach house. I know that makes me angry enough to beat my girlfriend and go on a rape spree.
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