How will they rule ??!

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Buzzfeed seems upset that Trump is denying a terrorist entry into America. No really.

Trump has no say in whether she is allowed back in. Scotus settled this issue many decades ago. Neither Congress nor executive branch can unilaterally rescind any birthright citizens status for any reason. A naturalized citizen can be revoked if they commit a federal crime within 5 years. Her issue is that she was born in the US while her father was a diplomat and they are exempted from birthright citizenship unless their consulate asked to be exempted from the exemption which is doubtful. Almost every country has that exemption to avoid lots of citizenship headaches for their diplomats. If the dumbass can somehow prove her legal citizenship then there is nothing Trump can do to stop her but she will hopefully rot in prison after that. It's another non issue that dumbasses are making a big deal out of. The law is very clear.
You sound a little triggered snowflake. Sad night, huh? One of your own was outed tonight
Not at all, he or she is not one of mine. Mine protect this country, who did you serve with?. My only issue is how you are giddy that it is allegedly a specific race or supporter. As many others here have said (which is the norm for conservatives) if you are a terrorist, anti American (like you and yours), criminal (illegals), you should be either deported or in jail.

Bye Bye, you are once again dismissed. Learn to understand reality.
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Curious...what do you think the ratio is of conservatives vs libs in this thread?

For the record, you're not capable of running me off. I come and go as I please
You leave once stories turn sour AKA fake and return in another name.. So far your record is about 0-1000. This one still needs time. Hang in there sourpuss, you may actually get one right eventually and you will ride it until Trump wins in 2020.
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Trump has no say in whether she is allowed back in. Scotus settled this issue many decades ago. Neither Congress nor executive branch can unilaterally rescind any birthright citizens status for any reason. A naturalized citizen can be revoked if they commit a federal crime within 5 years. Her issue is that she was born in the US while her father was a diplomat and they are exempted from birthright citizenship unless their consulate asked to be exempted from the exemption which is doubtful. Almost every country has that exemption to avoid lots of citizenship headaches for their diplomats. If the dumbass can somehow prove her legal citizenship then there is nothing Trump can do to stop her but she will hopefully rot in prison after that. It's another non issue that dumbasses are making a big deal out of. The law is very clear.
She is an enemy combatant, she joined ISIS. He can and should keep her from coming back. I am for shooting on sight.

Also, her father was a diplomat, if her mother was not a citizen and they did not request citizenship for her at birth then, she is a not citizen and therefore not American. I don't know at this point if they did or did not. Need to research more. Even if they did, see my point above about enemy combatant. Shoot on site.
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You're right.
Oh but that's only when it's a Democrat doing it, right?


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Looking forward to the 20 page, weeks long discussion on this. Nevermind, would rather discuss that national emergency Jussie Smollett created.

What else is there to talk about? A lunatic was stopped before he could do anything. Law enforcement/intelligence worked as it was supposed to. Now we have to hope the guy is locked away for as long as legally possible.

Smollett created a hoax, went on a sob-story tour, allowed the Chicago PD to waste hundreds of man-hours and dozens of officers that could have been working actual crimes/preventing actual crimes, then continued to lie once his story crumbled.

One lunatic hopefully goes to prison for life. The other will likely get a slap on the wrist fine, though should be hit with a hate crime and prison time plus being forced to pay back every penny he caused the PD to waste plus a massive fine.

But don't worry. The media will do what they can to blame the guy was only a potential terrorist because of Trump and then lump Trump supporters in with said potential terrorist. We've seen the dog and pony show before. Good news is that the impending "Trump creates terrorists/Trump supporters are all lunatics" mania will have come about without a single person being harmed, so outside of journalists looking like idiots (doesn't even cause reasonable people to bat an eye at this point), no harm was done.

wrt tucker carlson vs dutch leftist

these are the most dangerous people in the world now, full on neoMarxist pseudo-intelluctuals who have all the answers and a seductive argument.

this time would be different, just let me handle it and I'll redistribute the wealth in a fair way for all in all my wisdom and benevolence
Not at all, he or she is not one of mine. Mine protect this country, who did you serve with?. My only issue is how you are giddy that it is allegedly a specific race or supporter. As many others here have said (which is the norm for conservatives) if you are a terrorist, anti American (like you and yours), criminal (illegals), you should be either deported or in jail.

Bye Bye, you are once again dismissed. Learn to understand reality.

All this coming from an Anti-Christ, nazi sympathizing, woman beating, cross dressing pedophile. I see facts are optional here. You can't dismiss me. I don't serve under you.
What else is there to talk about? A lunatic was stopped before he could do anything. Law enforcement/intelligence worked as it was supposed to. Now we have to hope the guy is locked away for as long as legally possible.

Smollett created a hoax, went on a sob-story tour, allowed the Chicago PD to waste hundreds of man-hours and dozens of officers that could have been working actual crimes/preventing actual crimes, then continued to lie once his story crumbled.

One lunatic hopefully goes to prison for life. The other will likely get a slap on the wrist fine, though should be hit with a hate crime and prison time plus being forced to pay back every penny he caused the PD to waste plus a massive fine.

But don't worry. The media will do what they can to blame the guy was only a potential terrorist because of Trump and then lump Trump supporters in with said potential terrorist. We've seen the dog and pony show before. Good news is that the impending "Trump creates terrorists/Trump supporters are all lunatics" mania will have come about without a single person being harmed, so outside of journalists looking like idiots (doesn't even cause reasonable people to bat an eye at this point), no harm was done.

What else is there to talk about? Spoken like a true modern day conservative. Enjoy life in that bubble.

Smollett, if guilty, should probably receive probation the same as Ashley Todd. They are very similar cases.
Did you actually read his posts? If so, wow, Alicia Silverstone needs you to co star in Clueless TOO.

Did you read where ymmot admitted that they were making assumptions not backed by any facts? Both of you are asinine but very entertaining, continue please.
What else is there to talk about? Spoken like a true modern day conservative. Enjoy life in that bubble.

Smollett, if guilty, should probably receive probation the same as Ashley Todd. They are very similar cases.

Like many others on here have noted, I don't give a shit about political party when it comes to wanting to harm others. If the guy was out to kill people for whatever reason, lock him up as long as you can. Hopefully that is what will happen. I don't care what his political party is or what his race is. I want a person with that intent off the streets and behind bars. Authorities acted, he's now behind bars facing charges. Good guys won. Bad guy lost.

That's the difference between someone with common sense and someone who sees EVERYTHING through some sort of political/victim lenses.
Like many others on here have noted, I don't give a shit about political party when it comes to wanting to harm others. If the guy was out to kill people for whatever reason, lock him up as long as you can. Hopefully that is what will happen. I don't care what his political party is or what his race is. I want a person with that intent off the streets and behind bars. Authorities acted, he's now behind bars facing charges. Good guys won. Bad guy lost.

That's the difference between someone with common sense and someone who sees EVERYTHING through some sort of political/victim lenses.

So maybe stop playing the victim. The hypocrisy is very strong with some of you
So maybe stop playing the victim. The hypocrisy is very strong with some of you
How the hell am I playing a victim? What did I say that was the slightest bit hypocritical?

Bad person gets caught by good guys. Assuming punishment is just, bad person loses, good people win. Nothing about politics/race/gender/anything matters there. Discussion over.

The Smollett discussion isn't that. He tried to fake a race crime for whatever reasons. We've been discussing the apparent holes in his story as they came out. The two aren't the same. And I don't give a shit if a die-hard republican faked a race crime. My feelings are exactly the same. Both would need to be punished severely for what they did, which is not only push a fake narrative but also took cops away from actual police work that mattered, not work made up for whatever reason.
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How the hell am I playing a victim? What did I say that was the slightest bit hypocritical?

Bad person gets caught by good guys. Assuming punishment is just, bad person loses, good people win. Nothing about politics/race/gender/anything matters there. Discussion over.

The Smollett discussion isn't that. He tried to fake a race crime for whatever reasons. We've been discussing the apparent holes in his story as they came out. The two aren't the same. And I don't give a shit if a die-hard republican faked a race crime. My feelings are exactly the same. Both would need to be punished severely for what they did, which is not only push a fake narrative but also took cops away from actual police work that mattered, not work made up for whatever reason.

these leftist racists can't think straight, so entrenched in their racialism that they can't consider anything else.

you have to punish the boy who cries wolf severely so we know when there are wolves and when is the boy in danger.


Great, just what we need another nut job with a weapons cache who the media will use to stoke the flames.

Perfect timing for the MSM as they've been on a losing streak here recently and it looks like the Mueller report won't amount to much.

This guy is clearly a lost cause who should be locked up in a padded room.

The investigation into this looney tune will fuel the news cycle for at least a couple weeks. The picture alone seems to indicate there is a lot to unravel.

Sorry gays, we have used your victimhood and it's been a fun ride, but there are new victims to champion.

LGBTQ group severs ties with tennis great Martina Navratilova after remarks on trans athletes

A LGBTQ organization announced Tuesday it was severing ties with tennis legend Martina Navratilova after comments she made regarding trans athletes.

Athlete Ally, a nonprofit whose mission is “to end rampant homophobia, transphobia in sport and to activate the athletic community to exercise their leadership to champion LGBTQ equality,” said they were removing the tennis great as their organization's ambassador and from their advisory board.

The group said Navratilova’s recent assertions in an op-ed she penned for the Sunday Times about trans athletes were “transphobic, based on false understanding of science and data, and [perpetuated] dangerous myths that lead to the ongoing targeting of trans people through discriminatory laws, hateful stereotypes and disproportionate violence.”

The 18-time Grand Slam tennis singles winner came under fire after she argued it would be “cheating” to allow transgender women to compete in women’s sporting events due to “unfair physical advantages,” the BBC reported.

"A man can decide to be female, take hormones if required by whatever sporting organization is concerned, win everything in sight and perhaps earn a small fortune, and then reverse his decision and go back to making babies if he so desires," she wrote.

“It’s insane and it’s cheating,” she continued. “I am happy to address a transgender woman in whatever form she prefers, but I would not be happy to compete against her. It would not be fair.”
Sorry gays, we have used your victimhood and it's been a fun ride, but there are new victims to champion.

LGBTQ group severs ties with tennis great Martina Navratilova after remarks on trans athletes

A LGBTQ organization announced Tuesday it was severing ties with tennis legend Martina Navratilova after comments she made regarding trans athletes.

Athlete Ally, a nonprofit whose mission is “to end rampant homophobia, transphobia in sport and to activate the athletic community to exercise their leadership to champion LGBTQ equality,” said they were removing the tennis great as their organization's ambassador and from their advisory board.

The group said Navratilova’s recent assertions in an op-ed she penned for the Sunday Times about trans athletes were “transphobic, based on false understanding of science and data, and [perpetuated] dangerous myths that lead to the ongoing targeting of trans people through discriminatory laws, hateful stereotypes and disproportionate violence.”

The 18-time Grand Slam tennis singles winner came under fire after she argued it would be “cheating” to allow transgender women to compete in women’s sporting events due to “unfair physical advantages,” the BBC reported.

"A man can decide to be female, take hormones if required by whatever sporting organization is concerned, win everything in sight and perhaps earn a small fortune, and then reverse his decision and go back to making babies if he so desires," she wrote.

“It’s insane and it’s cheating,” she continued. “I am happy to address a transgender woman in whatever form she prefers, but I would not be happy to compete against her. It would not be fair.”

They're starting to eat their own.

That form of radical liberalism is designed to self destruct because it eventually ostracizes people that don't check enough boxes or embrace every new fad.

Thus you get things like "blexit" and legal immigrants inching over to the middle and even right because the left has a new cause that doesn't do anything to better their communities.

Lara Logan is another incredible example. It's like the left is literally saying "if you're so much as looked at by some rich white guys in corporate America, Washington or Hollywood then you're in with #metoo...if you're raped by a mob of black Egyptians in broad daylight, then you're not quite what we're looking for..."

Nancy Pelosi isn't enough. Woman who is one of the more powerful people in Washington...nah, the radical left wants AOC or Ohmar...
Like many others on here have noted, I don't give a shit about political party when it comes to wanting to harm others. If the guy was out to kill people for whatever reason, lock him up as long as you can. Hopefully that is what will happen. I don't care what his political party is or what his race is. I want a person with that intent off the streets and behind bars. Authorities acted, he's now behind bars facing charges. Good guys won. Bad guy lost.

That's the difference between someone with common sense and someone who sees EVERYTHING through some sort of political/victim lenses.
Its weird though how you never see the left denounce Hodgkinson (baseball field shooter) or any other probably hundreds of violent acts from ANTIFA.