How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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Anyone listening to the Jones show this morning? They're talking about Smollet right now and once again Matt Jones proves how ignorant he truly is. I hope that bastard runs for office. Please do.
Rogan used to be my one of my favorite podcasts, but he's been a tough listen lately. I think at some point in the past 2 years he started taking himself too seriously as an "important alternative voice" in the world where he used to just talk shit.

Tom Delonge telling everybody he went to the pentagon to discuss aliens and stuff is one of my favorites. Idk if it was a joke or what, but he was very convincing.
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I hate this media Embed Shit...Responding to the Kamala Harris paper ballot tweet.

Paper ballots allow for elections to be rigged. Any ballot requiring a pencil to be put to paper can be rigged. Kentucky's system is somewhat OK, but i still can see where there could be means to rig some ballots. I don't know the most fool proof fix, but having to show an ID, and not letting random people go out, collect, and coherce people into voting (ballot harvesting) is a good start.
All elections can be tampered with. So we should just get rid of elections and let George Soros pick the leader.

Or take enough power away from the federal government that we truly don't give a shit if the elections are rigged or not.
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Tom Delonge telling everybody he went to the pentagon to discuss aliens and stuff is one of my favorites. Idk if it was a joke or what, but he was very convincing.

Yes! So good, so bizarre. I was trying to remember when it started taking itself seriously and I was thinking when drunk Hannibal Burress got in an akward argument with Sam Harris proving conversations are worthless. More of that please! Nobody wants to hear Neil DeGrass Tyson debunk the moon landing conspiracy or Jack Dorsey not know the details of his most high profile bannings.
Ole Bern off to a hot start since declaring...

The only thing that would be better than Bernie Sanders running for President would be him running as an independent...
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Interesting start to a campaign when your own father dissociates himself from your comments.


GE Aviation moving several hundred jobs from the Village of Evendale taxing district to the Cincinnati taxing district because the city of Cincinnati had given them tax incentives to establish their headquarters at the Banks, and GE needs to increase employment and maintain operations for 18 years or pay back incentives.

Now, the city will collect additional parking revenue, the restaurants and shops in and around the Banks (including Newport and Covington, KY) will have hundreds of additional customers and the city of Cincinnati will collect 2.1% income taxes on hundreds of new highly paid employees.

Too bad AOC wasn't here to stop that.
Meanwhile, there are efforts ongoing to increase the CIncy payroll tax for whatever reason of the day.
Well no doubt he will be, but I'm sure Muellers team will make the report sound bad for Trump regardless.

Mueller doesn't seem to have much. Some people lied to the FBI and are being punished/pressured to try and come up with non-existant dirt. Some Russians were indicted who will never be tried. The rest are in trouble for things that happened before Trump ran or have nothing to do with Russia.