How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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Whats funny, is a settlement is 100% confidential.. so this 80 mil number was completely made up. Could be a dollar, could be zero, could be a billion fricken dollars.. we will never know.
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What about Fentanyl which is a synthetic opioid prescribed by a physician? It was approved by the FDA in 1968, is 50-100 times stronger than morphine and is listed as a Schedule II controlled substance. It's not going anywhere as the most widely prescribed opioid in medicine and was used to execute a prisoner in 2018. It's also what killed musicians Prince and Tom Petty.
What does that have to do with more coming over the border? Deal with this one then, if Fentanyl is being illegally prescribe and abused you deal with that one. One is not an excuse for allowing the other. Just a moronic take.
What about Fentanyl which is a synthetic opioid prescribed by a physician? It was approved by the FDA in 1968, is 50-100 times stronger than morphine and is listed as a Schedule II controlled substance. It's not going anywhere as the most widely prescribed opioid in medicine and was used to execute a prisoner in 2018. It's also what killed musicians Prince and Tom Petty.

Gonna need a citation for fentanyl being the most widely prescribed opioid.
Fake news


He’s a QB. They are completely judged on their W/L record, unfair or not. His record his last 2 seasons was 3-16.

Kap was also offered a contract he turned down. Isn’t that on him?

I do agree Tebow should have changed positions if he wanted to play in the NFL. But you can’t deny the complete opposite reactions to Tebow’s kneeling vs Kap’s kneeling.
Tebow was a bad QB that refused to change position even when teams were willing to sign him to play something other than QB.


Also, sub 50% completion percentage in the playoffs. Led the league in fumbles in 2011.
Tebow's mistake or problem in the eyes of the world was he proclaimed Jesus christ as his Lord and Saviour. That is not a cool thing to do. But he wins in the end.
It's hard to fathom the mind numbing stupidity it takes to run off 25,000 high paying jobs from a city because the city promised some incentives in exchange for bringing 25,000 HIGH PAYING JOBS TO THE CITY.

And then for someone like 1984 to defend it. Goodness.

At the very low end, lets say each of those workers is taking home $30,000 after all taxes, witholdings, retirement contributions, etc.

That'd be $750,000,000 of new spending money flowing into the local economy. New restaurants would pop up. New entertainment venues. New retail outlets. Sales tax collected out the wazoo.

That ignores all the state and local income taxes the new wage earners would be paying.

Hard to even wrap my head around that stupidity.
Just think about how many small business and employees $750,000,000 of new spending cash in a city could support.

The more I think about the historic idiocy of running off 25,000 jobs, the more I laugh.

I honestly would love to hear more of wildcatboston1984 arguments against 25,000 new jobs if he still is against it.
Maybe shes worried about the hundreds, if not thousands of new restaurant workers and bartenders that would pop up due to the newfound influx of economic stimulation. Surely one of them would be attractive enough, and social media savvy enough, to unseat her as queen of the Democrats.
The amazon deal is huge. Think about all the services you could offer workers there, it could sustain a lot of businesses but now it will just be empty lots of land
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Maybe shes worried about the hundreds, if not thousands of new restaurant workers and bartenders that would pop up due to the newfound influx of economic stimulation. Surely one of them would be attractive enough, and social media savvy enough, to unseat her as queen of the Democrats.

Even worse. They would have financial backing and their own money being taxed by a crazy GND to not only unseat her but the entire Deomocrat strangle on government dependent voters. How you going to convince thousands of Amazon workers to pay for policies that specifically said for those "unwilling to work". There goes the voting base.

Recap of the last couple of pages of lunacy.

More statistical evidence to prove that Jesus Christ does not support Tebowing in the endzone than of man made global warming.

Zero lunatics confirming disputing the argument that CK is a bought a paid for political operative that took the money to be quiet. Years down the road they will build statues for him and hand out ESPYs in his name.

More lunatic outrage of National Emergency when nobody in this thread can name the 11 that we are currently under declared by Obama.

Zero lunatics discussing the phony Russia collusion or the Clinton operative FBI agents 25th amendment plot to unseat the elected president.

And yet all those distractions are to keep the heat off the financial system that is in at best a transition of power and at worst a total collapse from the central bankers propping up the dollar as the global currency.
It's hard to fathom the mind numbing stupidity it takes to run off 25,000 high paying jobs from a city because the city promised some incentives in exchange for bringing 25,000 HIGH PAYING JOBS TO THE CITY.

And then for someone like 1984 to defend it. Goodness.

At the very low end, lets say each of those workers is taking home $30,000 after all taxes, witholdings, retirement contributions, etc.

That'd be $750,000,000 of new spending money flowing into the local economy. New restaurants would pop up. New entertainment venues. New retail outlets. Sales tax collected out the wazoo.

That ignores all the state and local income taxes the new wage earners would be paying.

Hard to even wrap my head around that stupidity.
Socialism destroys business, we have seen it as recent as Venezuela and still some embrace it. It is beyond crazy insane. Ocrazio is a prime example, from nothing to millions in a short time while her followers will wallow in poverty.
No real and reasonable democrat can be happy with the direction that the party is going.

The sane part of the party has got to be concerned about losing centrist dem voters and independents by the truck fulls.

Barring something out of left field, Trumpy should be able to coast from here and win re-election comfortably.

The Democratic primary is going to be an absolute circus. It will be a contest of who can be the most radical, shrill, and who can repeat all the cliche identity politic cards which will just turn off all the centrist Dems and true middle of the road independents.

They have one line to repeat. "Racism, misogynist, xenophobic, collusion..." none of which worked last time, all of which will be worn down and less effective next time.
Even worse. They would have financial backing and their own money being taxed by a crazy GND to not only unseat her but the entire Deomocrat strangle on government dependent voters. How you going to convince thousands of Amazon workers to pay for policies that specifically said for those "unwilling to work". There goes the voting base.

Recap of the last couple of pages of lunacy.

More statistical evidence to prove that Jesus Christ does not support Tebowing in the endzone than of man made global warming.

Zero lunatics confirming disputing the argument that CK is a bought a paid for political operative that took the money to be quiet. Years down the road they will build statues for him and hand out ESPYs in his name.

More lunatic outrage of National Emergency when nobody in this thread can name the 11 that we are currently under declared by Obama.

Zero lunatics discussing the phony Russia collusion or the Clinton operative FBI agents 25th amendment plot to unseat the elected president.

And yet all those distractions are to keep the heat off the financial system that is in at best a transition of power and at worst a total collapse from the central bankers propping up the dollar as the global currency.

One of the best posts that I have seen in awhile.

Every one of the lunatics think they are smarter and better than every person in this thread. That is why there is no one trying to converse with them. Bill Derrington tries, but bless his heart for effort.

They won't address any of that stuff because they think they are too superior to address it.