How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Can we also retire "dunk on"?

Jesus, anyone who uses that and isn't watching a basketball game sounds like a goddam idiot.
Yea, but Dims/Libs don't see it. So how you can ever align with them is a mystery.

I align with both parties on some things.

One of the dumbest things to me is how people neatly slot into a party box.

Anyone who aligns 100% with every thing one party supports is a sheep who can’t think for themselves, so they let an R or a D steer them.

Trump is probably a good example of this. A non religious, low taxing, big spending, pro choice, pro gay rights, pro border control rich white dude from a big city. What would we call him if he didn’t have an R beside his name?
Trump. Blah blah blah. What a master negotiator! !


I don’t feel an ounce of empathy for all of the imbeciles who bought into the Russian collusion hoax now that it’s been entirely debunked. You were warned for over a year about this scam & you fell for it anyway. You did this to yourself

The onion is being pealed one level at a time.

It always takes a while to get the kingpin because they insulate themselves with layers of pawns and minions who do the dirty work and take the blame. The onion is being pealed one layer at a time... all in good time.

Pealing the onion.

I've told you fools that the onion is being unpeeled one layer at a time. Drain the swamp my ass...the man has been pumping in toxic sludge from day one.

The onion is being peeled.

Taking Trump down the same way they took down John Gotti and other mafia bosses. Did you have a problem with prosecutors making deals with mafia underlings to get to the boss?
The people surrounding Trump are all guilty of various crimes, much of that uncovered by the Muller investigation but they are the only ones who have the hard evidence needed for court convictions. Trump demands loyalty but his loyalty only goes one way and that's what will eventually bite him in the ass.

Again...peeling the onion one layer at a time.

I didn't know that the investigation was complete.
How long did it take them to finally get John Gotti? It took decades.

As I keep saying...the onion is being peeled one layer at a time.

You're a lying SOS. You know what is reported. They aren't reporting the fine print. They aren't reporting the terms. If you think you know you're only kidding yourself.

You convinced me now Fuzz. I'm with you. Peel that onion and let's get 'em.

Obvious this deal is a win for Trump as the libtard media keeps touting 1.375. The real number is over 3 billion when you add everything allocated to border security.

The negotiator in chief won this round... cosby, you were gloom and doom the day of the shurdown ending.. basicslly calling him a lame duck.
He was offered 25 billion last year. offered 1.6 billion last month. now he will take 1.3 billion with a lot of strings attached. WINNING! that is some high level negotiating. Maybe if he holds out another month he can talk the Dems down to under a billion and really win.

And now his plan is to take money from military housing and disaster relief to try and build his wall. Will sit in the courts for months or years. That's some next level winning.
He was offered 25 billion last year. offered 1.6 billion last month. now he will take 1.3 billion with a lot of strings attached. WINNING! that is some high level negotiating. Maybe if he holds out another month he can talk the Dems down to under a billion and really win.

And now his plan is to take money from military housing and disaster relief to try and build his wall. Will sit in the courts for months or years. That's some next level winning.

Nancy agreed to $1 a few weeks ago.

If you're going by percentages of increase or decrease...
He was offered 25 billion last year. offered 1.6 billion last month. now he will take 1.3 billion with a lot of strings attached. WINNING! that is some high level negotiating. Maybe if he holds out another month he can talk the Dems down to under a billion and really win.

And now his plan is to take money from military housing and disaster relief to try and build his wall. Will sit in the courts for months or years. That's some next level winning.

He wasn’t offered 25 billion, it was 2.5 a year for 10 years for DACA.
That was a counter offer the Reps made of 25 billion straight up for DACA.

This deal is better than what the Dems offered. The President didn’t give up DACA, he got closer to 3 billion. It was a compromise on everyone’s part.
I still want to hear a throng of Trump fans chant "fill in some of the gaps in the current barrier and augment it with additional electronic security and surveillance" at a rally - or even better, trying to fit that on a sign.
He wasn’t offered 25 billion, it was 2.5 a year for 10 years for DACA.
That was a counter offer the Reps made of 25 billion straight up for DACA.

This deal is better than what the Dems offered. The President didn’t give up DACA, he got closer to 3 billion. It was a compromise on everyone’s part.
Sure it is buddy. less money and less beds. Everything Trump wanted!
Spin it as a win if it makes you feel warm & fuzzy inside but Trump got his ass handed to him.