How will they rule ??!

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I believe that is more on Family Guy and MacFarlane. Woods doesn't think exactly as they do so they ran him off, no?

Could be wrong, but that's how it usually works in any industry controlled by the unhinged left....... not allowed to have diversity of thought.

No, Woods made that call. He won't appear anymore.

He's always been a right winger and FG had no problem employing him in the past.
No, Woods made that call. He won't appear anymore.
Not that I don't believe you, but you have a link to that? I did a quick search and couldn't find much of anything other than they (FG) wanted to "stick it" to Woods by renaming the high school.
Not that I don't believe you, but you have a link to that? I did a quick search and couldn't find much of anything other than they (FG) wanted to "stick it" to Woods by renaming the high school.

That was in like season 3 or 4. He appeared many times after that episode.

Ironically, he left because he doesn't agree with them politically.
This subject has been broached many times on this board, but FG makes fun of everything. Gays, Jews, Blacks, Muslims, Abortions, Religion....they take no prisoners.

It's fine, Woods has a right to take a stand - I just think it's terribly hypocritical of him. He's of the same ilk of folk that think anyone who thinks differently than he does should shut up and dribble.
The 2018 new $10K limit on SALT is making clearer how much CA is taking from them.
Once they escape California, those idiot liberals start voting in democrats and screw up that state too. Maybe it’s the strategy to turn TX blue. If that happens, our country is screwed.
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Once they escape California, those idiot liberals start voting in democrats and screw up that state too. Maybe it’s the strategy to turn TX blue. If that happens, our country is screwed.

Do they adjust EV counts as population changes?
Muslims shouldn't be allowed to serve in elected positions IMO. Their core beliefs are completely incompatible with western civilization.

I'm not a fan of religion in general, but Islam is truly dangerous.
Yea, but Dims/Libs don't see it. So how you can ever align with them is a mystery.
Just listened to latest Rogan podcast with the universal basic income guy. It's amazing how short sighted that guy is. The argument is basically robots are going to create such abundance that nobody will be employed, so give everyone 1k a month!

His whole platform completely ignores the abundance part. How cheap will everything be in this world, including equipment for small scale manufacturing and farming? How much do I care about a job or 1k a month, if small scale robot assisted farms and manufacturing centers will pop up all over because robots make manufacturing so cheap and the robot truck will deliver anything not produced locally for free?

Oh by the way, at the end he threatened Russia with war if he was 80 percent sure they interfered with an election, so we have that to look forward to as well. Intellectual yet idiot.

I've asked the question several times and have never gotten a straight answer, but Who's going to build the robots? who's going to build the robots that build the robots? Whose going to build and program the robots that build the robots that build the robots?
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I agree, but that should cut both ways. Personally, I wish James Woods would go back to entertaining me on Family Guy, but he's too busy tweeting.
Actually, James Woods has probably pretty much been blackballed, and he studied Political Science at MIT, so he's no dimwit. I like his political takes, and if he wasn't going to be 77 when Trump is finished, I think he should consider a run for office.
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I've asked the question several times and have never gotten a straight answer, but Who's going to build the robots? who's going to build the robots that build the robots? Whose going to build and program the robots that build the robots that build the robots?

At some point down your chain that robot has already been built. The difference between a car with lane keeping assist and collision avoidance and a self driving car is better software (and who assumes responsibility for accidents). The difference between a robotic arm that is good at one task and one that can do all the robotic arm tasks is better software.

If software can beat Korean kids at StarCraft, those other tasks can definitely be learned well.

Where it gets crazy is if they can apply those techniques to train robot arms in simulation and get results in the real world. Which has kind of happened

I don't think the UBI guys vision of robots is that far off, it's just selectively applied to emphasize the bad
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Why cant people just be entertained by entertainment. Or conversely, entertain when they're paid to entertain.
I agree with this so much. I also don't understand why anyone would let an actor/actress tell them what they should think, politically or not.

These people are good at being fake. Doesn't mean they are intelligent or know more than you do. In fact many are completely out of touch with the problems of the average person.
Obvious this deal is a win for Trump as the libtard media keeps touting 1.375. The real number is over 3 billion when you add everything allocated to border security.

The negotiator in chief won this round... cosby, you were gloom and doom the day of the shurdown ending.. basicslly calling him a lame duck.
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