How will they rule ??!

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Anyone know how much has historically been allotted for border security? Would be interesting to see where 3 billion ranks in comparison to what has been spent in the past. There are already several hundred miles of barriers - I'd guess that many billions have already been spent under previous administrations with much less fanfare.
That wall will get built the second the GOP starts to win significant Latino votes and never Trump globalist RHINOs in corporate America have to pay immigrants on par with citizens.

Nancy, Chucky, the Koch brothers, and the likes will be down there fighting one another for bricks to lay...

It's really simple, schmooze the Latino community, put forward some latino names on ballots, pass legislation to pay immigrants more...

P.S. Tell those hysterical pro palestine and muslim banshees that jews are sneaking in via mexico and they'll join the fun...
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That wall will get built the second the GOP starts to win significant Latino votes and never Trump globalist RHINOs in corporate America have to pay immigrants on par with citizens.

Nancy, Chucky, the Koch brothers, and the likes will be down there fighting one another for bricks to lay...

It's really simple, schmooze the Latino community, put forward some latino names on ballots, pass legislation to pay immigrants more...

P.S. Tell those hysterical pro palestine and muslim banshees that jews are sneaking in via mexico and they'll join the fun...

I'm an immigrant and I get paid just fine - or are you promoting passing legislation to pay illegal immigrants more? I don't think that's feasible.
Do we even have a bill yet? Everybody arguing about a few billion for a wall while Congress spends a thousand billion on who the hell knows what.

Did we get tax extenders? Fix the drafting errors in the bill?

Who the hell knows.

Washington is a bunch of criminals, and the fact that people are talking about a few billion for a wall, and not the other thousand billion were robbing from our kids and grandkids is a shame.
Do we even have a bill yet? Everybody arguing about a few billion for a wall while Congress spends a thousand billion on who the hell knows what.

Did we get tax extenders? Fix the drafting errors in the bill?

Who the hell knows.

Washington is a bunch of criminals, and the fact that people are talking about a few billion for a wall, and not the other thousand billion were robbing from our kids and grandkids is a shame.

Thousand billion or a million million. What's the difference at this point?
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I'm an immigrant and I get paid just fine - or are you promoting passing legislation to pay illegal immigrants more? I don't think that's feasible.

I'm saying if big and small businesses have to pay more immigrants legal or otherwise more money, we'll see the wall.

You may get paid well, that's great, but not all immigrants legal or otherwise can say that.

It sounds funny and not remotely possible, but you'd be surprised what makes it to a vote these days.

Why not take a walk on the wild side? If I'm the GOP leadership and looking for ways to get a wall, strengthen border security, and limit immigration, generally speaking, I'd find something that would motivate all those who don't want those things to want those things.
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Thousand billion or a million million. What's the difference at this point?

I'm going to do the math on how much space a thousand billion in cash would take up and report back. Any guesses? I'm going with $100 bills.
Type it in as a trillion and you won't get corrected.

Well, that was easy. 100' wide by 300' long by 5' high, assuming they are packed tightly.

ETA I am bad at math. It's closer to 220' x 420' and about 7 feet high.
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The narrative has been pretty funny though. It went from build the wall, to finish the wall, to repair some wall, to fill in some open spots in the wall, to wherever we are now. Hopefully the ~$3b is put to good use - not that I trust the government with money. I'm sure most of it will be wasted.

You can only do so much when our political parties have grown more hated than Louisville and kentucky.

They would literally rather have people suffer, regardless of the topic, than let trump etch a victory.
Well, that was easy. 100' wide by 300' long by 5' high, assuming they are packed tightly.

You can only do so much when our political parties have grown more hated than Louisville and kentucky.

They would literally rather have people suffer, regardless of the topic, than let trump etch a victory.

Agreed. "Peal" back the onion and ignore the bluster and bravado, and most of Trump's ideas are good and benefit everyone, not just republicans - the border included. I mean, it doesn't benefit losers from shithole countries, but it isn't our job to help them.
Well, that was easy. 100' wide by 300' long by 5' high, assuming they are packed tightly.

Check your math. A 1 trillion dollar sheet of 100's would be about
411,931 miles x 969,065 miles.

A stack of them would be 678.6 miles tall
Check your math. A 1 trillion dollar sheet of 100's would be about
411,931 miles x 969,065 miles.

A stack of them would be 678.6 miles tall

Right, I was off by about 50%. At 7 feet high, a trillion in hundreds would take up about 100k square feet, or about 2 1/4 acres - a couple of football fields.
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Right, I was off by about 50%. At 7 feet high, a trillion in hundreds would take up about 100k square feet, or about 2 1/4 acres - a couple of football fields.

Right or wrong, at least you know how to do Canadian math. I was stuck with using the calculator on my smart phone.
Now 1.3 billion has become 3 billion has become 23 billion! Trumpsters really will believe anything Trump tweets so might as well keep upping the number and saying it is being built.
Now 1.3 billion has become 3 billion has become 23 billion! Trumpsters really will believe anything Trump tweets so might as well keep upping the number and saying it is being built.

lol, stick with fondling a 4th trimester fetus. That Wall is getting built, whether it's $1.3 billion at a time. But it's getting built. It's already being fully built in Texas. Gov Abbot and Trump are finishing the Texan Wall. Suck it loser
Oh noesss. I hope Plat doesn't make fun of John McCain, Mitt Romeny or George W Bush. I'll be really upset.