How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Honestly, it's like the Democrat front runners are video game create-a-characters for the most loony toon lefty whackjob.

As soon as the unlock more points (meaning get money from Soros), they get to apply those points to whatever lefty feature they feel will help them the most in the mission.
1...2...3...4...5 (GND lipservice)...6...7 (full on vegan)...8...9...10 (kills self to save planet from human)
If this GND idiocy hasn't awakened people to the destructive nature of the left, I don't know what it will take. It's an insult to the intelligence of a moron.

You gullible leftists are worse than any brainwashed religious nut in history.
Honestly, it's like the Democrat front runners are video game create-a-characters for the most loony toon lefty whackjob.

As soon as the unlock more points (meaning get money from Soros), they get to apply those points to whatever lefty feature they feel will help them the most in the mission.
1...2...3...4...5 (GND lipservice)...6...7 (full on vegan)...8...9...10 (kills self to save planet from human)
#10 is a GOOD option.
Cory Booker said the planet cannot sustain eating meat. Then said

Booker told the vegan magazine VegNews earlier this month that he became vegan after coming to the realization that eating eggs “didn’t align with my spirit.”
But killing babies in the womb does. So a chicken egg is more important than a human life. Typical liberal thinking.
It took four years for these people to realize what the left is and how unsuccessful the GOP has been in fighting the left to prevent them from killing our nation?

Not the brightest people. Either that or they’re just not actual conservatives and are totally on board with globalism/appeasing the elites.

Any conservative who was okay with sacrificing the SCOTUS and running a Bush in a moron.

If you claim to be a Republican, which Trump policy to you abhor?

From the economy, to immigration, to Scotus, how would they do it differently? How would theirs be better/more successful?

Who would have thought the Dems would be so fearful that Roe v Wade would be overturned, that they would show their hand and follow their argument to it's logical conclusion of infanticide?

Trump made that happen while eating a Filet-O-Fish EVM and a 2 liter of Diet Coke.
I'm shocked. Shocked, I tell you!

Is 'Empire' Star Jussie Smollett's Story Falling Apart?

Sounds like they are preparing the masses for Mueller's report. "Of course we weren't going to find a smoking gun!" After searching high and low for the smoking gun for almost 2 years, after bringing unrelated and overreaching charges against people in Trump's orbit to try to turn them into an informant, after wiretapping trump's campaign, after tens of millions of dollars...
It’s amazing that that guy has a job
New Jersey dude...this bill passed today I think

ELIZABETH, N.J. (CBSNewYork) — New Jersey is one of the highest taxed statesin the country.

Now, residents and businesses could be taxed extra … when it rains.

Save it for a rainy day. Some of your hard-earned dollars may be taken away as the weather turns ugly and rain drops fall on the Garden State. A new bill calls for the creation of local or regional storm water utilities, giving local counties and municipalities the power to collect a tax from properties with large paved surfaces such as parking lots, CBS2’s Meg Baker reported.
New Jersey dude...this bill passed today I think

ELIZABETH, N.J. (CBSNewYork) — New Jersey is one of the highest taxed statesin the country.

Now, residents and businesses could be taxed extra … when it rains.

Save it for a rainy day. Some of your hard-earned dollars may be taken away as the weather turns ugly and rain drops fall on the Garden State. A new bill calls for the creation of local or regional storm water utilities, giving local counties and municipalities the power to collect a tax from properties with large paved surfaces such as parking lots, CBS2’s Meg Baker reported.

We joke about being taxed for air, but they’re getting closer and closer.
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Mitch gonna rattle the Senate dems

Such a smart political move doing this. 1 of 2 things are going to happen from this. The Dems back down and vote against it because of all the negative publicity behind it. If they happens I assume there will be a massive fraction created in the party.

Or all the idiots sign it and that just gives Trump all the ammo needed. If you have your name on that and you go to debate Trump next year, goodnight.
I'm shocked. Shocked, I tell you!

Is 'Empire' Star Jussie Smollett's Story Falling Apart?

Too early. This is just a conservative news outlet asking a question (not outright calling him a liar). But the MSM is now beginning to show some doubt about his story as well, reporting that police rejected the redacted phone records he turned over as "insufficient." I'm waiting for the MSM to report, because the FBI and police have concluded, that he lied about the incident and is therefore being charged.

This is an attack, by the way. An attack on Trump and his supporters. I believe he made up the story to create the narrative he wanted to convey, that Trump and his supporters are racist and homophobic, aggressively so. I think the left needs to see how they are being manipulated by truly fake news.
Such a smart political move doing this. 1 of 2 things are going to happen from this. The Dems back down and vote against it because of all the negative publicity behind it. If they happens I assume there will be a massive fraction created in the party.

Or all the idiots sign it and that just gives Trump all the ammo needed. If you have your name on that and you go to debate Trump next year, goodnight.
Or they're no shows.