How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Are you saying they didn't pay their legal tax amounts?
News flash - if you get a tax refund, it means you have allowed the federal government to use your money for free over the course of the year. Ideally, you should neither pay nor receive anything when you file your taxes.
It’s crazy that people don’t understand that the refund they receive is the amount that they overpaid as a taxpayer. It’s not money that the government gives you. It’s elementary.
You guys keep saying there is not a demand for this educational background.

This background is setting up the next Clinton Foundation for AOC:

Rhiana Gunn-Wright,29
  • University of Oxford
    Master of Philosophy (MPhil), Comparative Social Policy
    2013 – 2015

  • Yale University
    Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), African American Studies and Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies
    2007 – 2011
It's called the New Consensus.

The 501c(3) nonprofit is in the process of being formed to provide a policy platform that will underpin the ambitious — and increasingly politically popular — Green New Deal aimed at weaning the United States off fossil fuels, boosting renewables and clean energy jobs, and building a "smart" grid.

Front and center will be Rhiana Gunn-Wright, a 29-year-old Yale graduate and Rhodes scholar who will serve as the group's policy director working to flesh out details of the plan.

The first tranche of New Consensus' policies aims to mobilize the United States to tackle climate change.

That includes the creation of a "climate mobilization office"; ramping up funding for the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy, or ARPA-E, the Energy Department's research arm; and the creation of a green bank to fund clean energy innovations.

Also on the table is the creation of a "green bank," a public bank that would be used to invest in zero-carbon technologies under development in the public and private sector that need to be commercialized. The bank would be designed to offer financial enhancements and support to communities that haven't had access to clean energy and transportation, she added.

If only the Clinton's had their own bank.
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Youre right.

Our politicians should stop trying to make trump "lose" at the detriment of our citizens and see that the people elected Trump based on his promises, a big one being the wall.. and now theyre even raising money for it.. and build the wall, protect our citizens, and use some of the money saved to get vets off the streets.

They could house every homeless vet for a fraction of the cost of illegal immigration.
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Homework for lefties:

-FDR was the original "russian puppet"...soviet actually. Sided with stalin over churchill against a balkan invasion to quell soviet influence in eastern europe. Essentially allowing the enslavement of millions of eastern Europeans under the soviet empire. In general fdr was a little too cozy with/trusting of the soviets. Learn about Harry Hopkins...its a good start.
Homework for lefties:

-FDR was the original "russian puppet"...soviet actually. Sided with stalin over churchill against a balkan invasion to quell soviet influence in eastern europe. Essentially allowing the enslavement of millions of eastern Europeans under the soviet empire. In general fdr was a little too cozy with/trusting of the soviets. Learn about Harry Hopkins...its a good start.

FDR and Mussolini were incredibly fond of each other. He even sent his aides to study under Mussolini.

FDR also put a KKK member on the SCOTUS and got the New Deal passed by promising to not let anti lynching laws pass.

And that’s one of the Democrats biggest heroes.
Homework for lefties:

-FDR was the original "russian puppet"...soviet actually. Sided with stalin over churchill against a balkan invasion to quell soviet influence in eastern europe. Essentially allowing the enslavement of millions of eastern Europeans under the soviet empire. In general fdr was a little too cozy with/trusting of the soviets. Learn about Harry Hopkins...its a good start.
Then you have no excuse for the present buffoon in the White House. The lessons didn't take!
Live by dark makeup, Die by dark makeup


'BLACKFACE' SHOE HAS BEEN PULLED FROM SHELVES!2019/02/11/katy-perry-blackface-shoes-for-sale-backlash-pulling-from-shelves/

Katy Perry's shoe that is under scrutiny for resembling blackface is about to be yanked ... TMZ has learned.

Katy's got a whole shoe line for sale at retailers like Dillard's and Walmart -- and a couple of her designs feature what looks similar to blackface ... the "Rue Face Slip On Loafers" and its high-heeled counterpart, "Ora Face Block Heel Sandal."

The "face" shoes have two eyes, a nose and red lips on them, and they come in two different colors ... black and beige. The black one is problematic, because it looks a lot like classic blackface makeup, which the fashion worlddoes not seem to recognize time and again.

The "face" heeled sandals are also problematic ... and Katy's catching major heat for having the shoes on store shelves. Even singer Masika Kalysha is calling for Katy to answer for this, saying on social media ... "So we just gonna let Katy Perry slide?"


This retarded AOC gets unleashed on to the world because 13 percent of registered voters decided to vote for a Hispanic name.

You don’t think demographics matter and an endless flood of immigration doesn’t have massive consequences? Look at the Jew-hating Muslim from Minnesota who married her brother and defended ISIS. Look at AOC. Look what has happened to California. A few of many examples of what happens when you infiltrate a land and get the numbers in your favor.
Live by dark makeup, Die by dark makeup


'BLACKFACE' SHOE HAS BEEN PULLED FROM SHELVES!2019/02/11/katy-perry-blackface-shoes-for-sale-backlash-pulling-from-shelves/

Katy Perry's shoe that is under scrutiny for resembling blackface is about to be yanked ... TMZ has learned.

Katy's got a whole shoe line for sale at retailers like Dillard's and Walmart -- and a couple of her designs feature what looks similar to blackface ... the "Rue Face Slip On Loafers" and its high-heeled counterpart, "Ora Face Block Heel Sandal."

The "face" shoes have two eyes, a nose and red lips on them, and they come in two different colors ... black and beige. The black one is problematic, because it looks a lot like classic blackface makeup, which the fashion worlddoes not seem to recognize time and again.

The "face" heeled sandals are also problematic ... and Katy's catching major heat for having the shoes on store shelves. Even singer Masika Kalysha is calling for Katy to answer for this, saying on social media ... "So we just gonna let Katy Perry slide?"



I saw that yesterday. These people are so stupid. The shoe is ugly but the fact that someone could be offended about this shows how this nation needs a purge.
You could if you want to loan money to Uncle Sam at 0% interest

Yeah it's always driven me crazy when people say that. Personally I'd rather have my money now instead of waiting a year for it.

I used to work at a call center. They offered us an extra $1 an hour if we could get our call times down. Pretty much everyone there was like "not worth it, the government will just tax it"

Winston Churchill said reception FDR would receive from the British people on his pending visit would be, "the greatest reception ever recorded to any human being since Lord Nelson made his triumphant return to London." Meanwhile today short men with even shorter brains throw pebbles.
Truth is, in this market, no one is making much more than 0% in any account that's anywhere near as safe as the Federal Government currently is. So for a lot of people, forcing themselves onto a savings plan isn't a bad thing, and certainly isn't costing them any money.

People who count on the tax refund really aren't too concerned with the time value of money.

Politically, it would have been a much better idea to not adjust the withholding tables, and let the ignorant masses get their tax refunds. The people who the tax cuts truly impact, the small pass through businesses that drive the economy, aren't worried about W2 withholdings. They were reducing their estimates regardless.
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That just solidifies the argument u twit. It came through the legal border crossing, it didn't try to sneak through some remote area. Like every smart person has said, a wall would do nothing to slow down drugs because that isn't where the majority of drugs cross into the US. They cram tractor trailers full and a very small amount of it gets caught. Only the small time 2 bit players are still trying to mule product over. The law of supply & demand is more powerful than some dumbass wall.
KA-BOOM! Another argument blown to smithereens.

Two years, How many Millions of dollars spent? How many lives and careers ruined by perjury traps? and no still no evidence. They're searching for a kernel, they don't care how small or insignificant, to try and bring Trump down, when all the while the TRUE and MOUNTING piles of evidence of collusion and wrongdoing on the part of the Clinton campaign goes untouched.


Muslims Form Community Patrol. Some Neighbors Say No, Thanks.
The self-funded group sees itself as a neighborhood watch. But there was alarm after its cars were spotted in Brooklyn without warning, or explanation.

They're on Europe's path.

New York City is home to an estimated 769,000 Muslims. They make up about 9 percent of the city’s population, but represent 22 percent of all Muslims living in the United States, according to Muslims for American Progress

But more importantly, how diverse is the patrol?

Is there sufficient opportunity on the patrol for gays, lesbians, transmen, transwomen, transqueer, and trans+++ ?

What about the infidel? Is there a place for the infidel of any creed?
Another NeverTrumper bites the dust.

It took four years for these people to realize what the left is and how unsuccessful the GOP has been in fighting the left to prevent them from killing our nation?

Not the brightest people. Either that or they’re just not actual conservatives and are totally on board with globalism/appeasing the elites.

Any conservative who was okay with sacrificing the SCOTUS and running a Bush in a moron.