How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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Politicians and their media puppets trying to convince people that protecting their borders is wrong is ridiculous.

“Hey, you don’t need those walls on your house. You don’t need locks on your car or home. You don’t need any protection at all.” - said someone with sinister intentions.

This group is so desperate for the third world.
Bill Maher made the same leftist talking point to raucous applause from his audience, for him it's perfectly moral to be worth a couple hundred million but yeah, no way you get to a billion without stealing it from the daily worker.

The transgendered weightlifter is just pure narcissism... the left celebrates various forms of character flaws and debauchery, then point the finger at you for not being empathetic enough to honor their idiocy alongside them.

How can your argument for surgical killing of fetuses with tiny vaccums be "your bible doesn't understand nature"? Because you are lying and have no interest in an honest conversation. He even slipped up in that saying "nobody likes abortion". This and immigration are the two issues where the left frames the issue in such a dishonest way, that it's impossible to discuss.