How will they rule ??!

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I think we should all go to an Ocrazio rally but before going eat a boat load of beans then light her up.

Republicans pounce
Republicans attack
Republicans exploit

Pointing out their bigotry, hypocrisy, and double standard/contradictions of their bases is somehow “Republicans pounce.”

Hey, they’re just honest and impartial news sources. Not at all a total DNC rag devoted to the cult of leftism.

Just remember that these bastards don’t really care about antisemitism or “racism.” They care about power.
Yeah, Kav was10 beers in and already participated in two gang rapes...just a normal Tuesday for him

Whoa now! One of those "gang rapes" was just Kav and one other dude. It was more like a "disputed threesome".

You'll see a lot of so-called mod Dem candidates calling out the avowed extremists so that they look moderate to the uninformed so that they'll vote for them. It's a collective Dem/Lib ruse on the stupid.

I think so too. That is the reason they are being allowed to spew their shit. Kamala Harris is the next dem candidate for prez. Book it. Black man won, woman couldn't win = black woman will win. That's the end game.
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Hungary to give women with 4 or more kids life tax exemption

Not lifetime welfare, lifetime tax exemption.

BUDAPEST, Hungary (AP) — Hungary’s government is greatly increasing financial aid and subsidies for families with several children, the country’s prime minister said Sunday.

The measures announced by Viktor Orban during his “state of the nation” speech are meant to encourage women to have more children and reverse Hungary’s population decline.

The benefits include a lifetime personal income-tax exemption for women who give birth and raise at least four children; a subsidy of 2.5 million forints ($8,825) toward the purchase a seven-seat vehicle for families with three or more children; and a low-interest loan of 10 million forints ($35,300) for women under age 40 who are marrying for the first time.

Orban, who has made “zero tolerance” for immigration his main theme in the past four years and was elected to a third consecutive term in April, said the initiative is meant to “ensure the survival of the Hungarian nation.”

“This is the Hungarians’ answer, not immigration,” Orban said.

“We have to understand that the European peoples have come to a historical crossroads,” Orban said. “Those who decide in favor of immigration and migrants, no matter why they do so, are in fact creating a country with a mixed population.”

Europe’s left-wing has become “the gravedigger of nations, the family and the Christian way of life,” Orban said.
Im moving to hungary
He will have to declare national emergency to get the wall. That much is obvious at this point.

Really hope after this rally he tweets out laughing at this offer and doesn't sign it. A small fence and less detention beds for ICE is not what Trump's base should be looking for. If he signs this, Ann Coulter may have a heart attack.
How in the F can the libs run on reducing the amount of ICE beds so that we have to let illegals into the country?

It gets more stupid. That stupid muslim terrorist in Minnesota cried for TSA to get paid during the gov't shutdown. And then she said get rid of Dept of Homeland Security. That stupid, lowly uneducated liberal muslim terrorist didn't even know that the Dept of Homeland Security funds TSA.

hahaha that stupid woman didn't even know that
I would appreciate it if someone can help me with something. I can view and post on The Paddock and Wildcat Lair, but when I go to Rafters I'm seeing threads that are a year old and nothing recent. Any ideas what has happened? It's this way in two different browsers. T.I.A

On the Paddock forum page, make sure you click on the last message choice.
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