How will they rule ??!

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Crazy times. Has a certain 1930's western European feel to it. The authoritarianism coming from the left...

A British mother was arrested and incarcerated for referring to a transgendered woman as a man in online communication.

Kate Scottow revealed Saturday that police came to her home, brought her to the local police station for questioning and left her in a cell for seven hours while her children watched, The Daily Mail reports. Scottow had been engaged in a Twitter dispute with a transgender activist over “deadnaming,” or denying the gender that someone believes he or she actually is.
Crazy times. Has a certain 1930's western European feel to it. The authoritarianism coming from the left...

A British mother was arrested and incarcerated for referring to a transgendered woman as a man in online communication.

Kate Scottow revealed Saturday that police came to her home, brought her to the local police station for questioning and left her in a cell for seven hours while her children watched, The Daily Mail reports. Scottow had been engaged in a Twitter dispute with a transgender activist over “deadnaming,” or denying the gender that someone believes he or she actually is.
Fascism from the left in every direction you look. Do you think Roger Stone could have been taken into custody by simply calling him to come in versus storming his house with weapons drawn?
Crazy times. Has a certain 1930's western European feel to it. The authoritarianism coming from the left...

A British mother was arrested and incarcerated for referring to a transgendered woman as a man in online communication.

Kate Scottow revealed Saturday that police came to her home, brought her to the local police station for questioning and left her in a cell for seven hours while her children watched, The Daily Mail reports. Scottow had been engaged in a Twitter dispute with a transgender activist over “deadnaming,” or denying the gender that someone believes he or she actually is.

At this point, I'm about ready to delete any social media. I even see people getting into scraps on ****ing LinkedIn.
When you kill people in the name of God... well... a few political "contradictions" are easy to overlook.

Actually they're following their religion to a T. People think ISIS was radical in their thought and practices but in fact they were just practicing what their religion instructs them to do. I wonder if Omar was confronted about throwing gays off roof tops if she would answer or avoid the question considering it's in the Koran to do so.
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Racist, check!
Misogynistic, check!
Xenophobic, check!

Congrats Trump Mini Me, you’ve hit the trifecta!

51900641_419166515574573_7755762242724823040_n.jpg the wake of what happened in the anything being done about potential voter fraud for 2020? Or are we just gonna wait to bitch and moan about it after the fact as per usual?

You know the answer. Gonna be awesome when all of those "mail ballots" starting coming in HUGE for the Dems 1, 2, and 3 days after the not-yet called election (see Arizona). Going to be even more awesome when felons are allowed to vote in multiple states and California starts registering illegals en masse at the DMV days prior to the election.
LOL trying to lump Trump with your crazies. Ain't working.

LOL on one thing . . . talking crazy shit on Twitter. He's eviscerating a sitting senator for lying for about her heritage her entire life and reposting memes from 4chan, and it's objectively hilarious. Whether you agree with it or not, the actual POTUS with a microphone talking directly to the nation without tediously prepared remarks is uncharted territory. Most CEOs don't comment outside of carefully reviewed remarks. Trump does and it is a huge advantage for him. His opponents looked lifeless during his campaign. Now other people are doing the same with mixed results, and mixed levels of crazy.
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You know the answer. Gonna be awesome when all of those "mail ballots" starting coming in HUGE for the Dems 1, 2, and 3 days after the not-yet called election (see Arizona). Going to be even more awesome when felons are allowed to vote in multiple states and California starts registering illegals en masse at the DMV days prior to the election.

They set it up in California and Arizona last election.
They won’t lose a rust belt state by 100000 or less on Election Day again.
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Love how uninformed this post is. Just about every letter in this post is a part of a lie. The $10 m deal isn't even with her DA, the evictions are fiction, and a lot of young people were bartenders. Stupid people who act on impulse are --- well they're stupid.

I love how uninformed you are. She has poor credit. That dingy broad couldn't get a loan for free parking. Homeless people can handle better finances. Hell, even crack heads pay their rent.

That stupid broad won't pay her taxes. Maybe Wesly Snipes can offer her some tax help. Make that Netflix money, you gotta pay that fair share.

And yes, she's a stupid bartender and her cooch smells like a Venezuelan street cleaner.
Hungary to give women with 4 or more kids life tax exemption

Not lifetime welfare, lifetime tax exemption.

BUDAPEST, Hungary (AP) — Hungary’s government is greatly increasing financial aid and subsidies for families with several children, the country’s prime minister said Sunday.

The measures announced by Viktor Orban during his “state of the nation” speech are meant to encourage women to have more children and reverse Hungary’s population decline.

The benefits include a lifetime personal income-tax exemption for women who give birth and raise at least four children; a subsidy of 2.5 million forints ($8,825) toward the purchase a seven-seat vehicle for families with three or more children; and a low-interest loan of 10 million forints ($35,300) for women under age 40 who are marrying for the first time.

Orban, who has made “zero tolerance” for immigration his main theme in the past four years and was elected to a third consecutive term in April, said the initiative is meant to “ensure the survival of the Hungarian nation.”

“This is the Hungarians’ answer, not immigration,” Orban said.

“We have to understand that the European peoples have come to a historical crossroads,” Orban said. “Those who decide in favor of immigration and migrants, no matter why they do so, are in fact creating a country with a mixed population.”

Europe’s left-wing has become “the gravedigger of nations, the family and the Christian way of life,” Orban said.