How will they rule ??!

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That’s insane. But to expand on that, colleges are a huge part of the problem in today's society . You used to go there to further your education to help with your career. It used to have a good purpose. Now it’s nothing more than diversity training, safe spaces and “enlighteners” rather than teachers.

My wife has been in a math class for a month now. The professor has yet to put one damn example on the board. He spends his time talking about his life experiences. How is that higher education? And don’t get me started on these required diversity courses.

That is where the inch given will yield a mile taken.

What's $27.20/semester when ridding the white guilt of a 19 year old?

Their iphone lease is more per month.
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Georgetown students vote to tax themselves reparations for slavery

As we get closer and closer to the tipping point, these assholes will vote to dissolve the Constitution/country/democracy as it will be seen as the invention of the white man.

They are rebranding communism into the more fair democracy.

Students at Georgetown University are considering paying reparations for slaves that Georgetown University sold more than 180 years ago.

Earlier this month, the Georgetown student government authorized a campus-wide student referendum that will ask students to establish a fund for the descendants of these 272 slaves. If the referendum passes, a fee would be collected each semester, starting in the fall of 2020.

The semesterly fee proposed is $27.20 per student “in honor of the 272 people sold by Georgetown,” according to the student government resolution approving the referendum, obtained by the College Fix.

The student government resolution approving the campus-wide referendum passed by a vote of 20 in favor and four against.


Chelsea Clinton and Ilhan Omar.

That's a match made in heaven for Republicans. I hope they dominate the headlines for months... along with AOC.

Whoever the Repubs hire for election marketing/messaging in 2020 is going to have a field day. They will literally have to do no work other than to post the Dems own comments from 2018-2020.

"Here's the stupid stuff the Dems support... ". (It will be a loooooong list).

"We're against it all... vote Republican".

Done- Trump gets 60% of the popular vote and every state except Cali, Illinois, the northeast.
Georgetown students vote to tax themselves reparations for slavery

As we get closer and closer to the tipping point, these assholes will vote to dissolve the Constitution/country/democracy as it will be seen as the invention of the white man.

They are rebranding communism into the more fair democracy.

Students at Georgetown University are considering paying reparations for slaves that Georgetown University sold more than 180 years ago.

Earlier this month, the Georgetown student government authorized a campus-wide student referendum that will ask students to establish a fund for the descendants of these 272 slaves. If the referendum passes, a fee would be collected each semester, starting in the fall of 2020.

The semesterly fee proposed is $27.20 per student “in honor of the 272 people sold by Georgetown,” according to the student government resolution approving the referendum, obtained by the College Fix.

The student government resolution approving the campus-wide referendum passed by a vote of 20 in favor and four against.
Sounds like a flat tax regardless of income. Thought Libs opposed such.
Chelsea Clinton and Ilhan Omar.

That's a match made in heaven for Republicans. I hope they dominate the headlines for months... along with AOC.
You'll see a lot of so-called mod Dem candidates calling out the avowed extremists so that they look moderate to the uninformed so that they'll vote for them. It's a collective Dem/Lib ruse on the stupid.
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I don't really blame Omar/AOC/Trump for making nonsense noise on Twitter when that's literally how they got elected. Seems like proof of a crazy system more than anything. How do we make a representative system when the representatives obviously don't know what they are talking about? How do you ensure a representative has an expert staffer on every topic, then listens to that expert? How do you define expert? It just doesn't make sense on any level.
Sounds separate but equal. Thought they made that unconstitutional.

Jussie doesn't live in a very diverse neighborhood. No black gays or gay blacks.

Sounds like a flat tax regardless of income. Thought Libs opposed such.

But they are proposing to tax themselves(or parents) for the sins of the college that has a $1.6B endowment.

It will happen.

$54.40/year on top of $52,300/year tuition(+room/bd).
Love how the party of women's and gay rights are also the party of Muslim love.

And noone says a word

That's true. The Dems intention is to create a super majority from a collective minority pool . Hard to imagine Muslins siding with the Dems given their political stances on gay rights, abortion, etc. It contradicts their religion in ever way.
That's true. The Dems intention is to create a super majority from a collective minority pool . Hard to imagine Muslins siding with the Dems given their political stances on gay rights, abortion, etc. It contradicts their religion in ever way.
When you kill people in the name of God... well... a few political "contradictions" are easy to overlook.
You know its bad when even a Clinton is calling you out

The left/Muslims in this country are trying to frame it as "them vs evil Israel, the country that is also populated by Jews."

Ethnic Jews in the US seem to think if Israel only had better policies...

Anecdotal, I've mentioned this before, but I do business two brothers that emigrated from Syria. I've known them and their families for the last 25 years.

Whenever there is a downturn in our work, Jews are always to blame. Every ill that they are faced.

They give no shits if they are practicing/ethnic Jew or what address they occupy in the world. They all need to go.

The brothers are moderates though. They probably wouldn't do anything themselves, but wouldn't mind if someone else handled the problem.

Additionally, they think Hitler was on the money.

All cultures are equal.
Racist, check!
Misogynistic, check!
Xenophobic, check!

Congrats Trump Mini Me, you’ve hit the trifecta!
Good work there!
You got me.

You are more worried about a random guy in Kentucky making a comment on a message board than you are about a sitting Congresswoman making anti-Semitic remarks and many of your fellow liberals cheering her on. Well done.
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Racist, check!
Misogynistic, check!
Xenophobic, check!

Congrats Trump Mini Me, you’ve hit the trifecta!
Curious what your thoughts are on the racist gov of Virginia? Isn't he in public service? And hes not servicing the entire population now so why isnt he stepping down? Also are you outraged about his usage of a PR firm (just asking bc ppl were hysterical about a smirking kid using one)
Racist, check!
Misogynistic, check!
Xenophobic, check!

Congrats Trump Mini Me, you’ve hit the trifecta!

Your brain is broken. Get help.

And get some self awareness about the Democrats infatuation with Islam and being apologists for it. Oh, and you all like to call everyone Nazis while being oblivious to your party’s anti-Israel/pro Islam stance.
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