How will they rule ??!

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it's only a thin line of emotional stability separating these people from doing such, a temporary moment of insanity when they break like the antifa guy shot by police at his daughter's school.

i fear that story is a microcosm of things to come.
There are a few more on here that fit that category as well. You can see it in their constant barrage of nonsense postings in an attempt to deflect, mislead, and just flat out lie with the intent to agitate and disrupt civil discourse and discussion. You can just imagine them sitting in their parents basement banging their heads on a desk hoping that somehow the Democratic party will give them something that is actually true.

Five black kids murder a white country singer and it gets practically no media coverage.

Leftist gay black actor commits a hoax that was an easy lie to expose from the start and it got massive coverage.

What's the latest on that story? I assume the police still have absolutely nothing and the actor isn't cooperating, which would mean the media will simply let it slide into the abyss. I'd bet the police know it's a hoax but won't be allowed to say, so it will forever remain an open, unsolved case.
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The latest I saw was the actor/singer is making club appearances, telling his story, and then singing his new music. Tmfs.

They showed it on the news. He said “we must keep fighting!!!!” a lot. Said he isn’t fully healed, will never heal fully from this, but he will keep fighting!!!!! It was weird.

The latest I saw was the actor/singer is making club appearances, telling his story, and then singing his new music. Tmfs.

They showed it on the news. He said “we must keep fighting!!!!” a lot. Said he isn’t fully healed, will never heal fully from this, but he will keep fighting!!!!! It was weird.


So basically he created a hoax as a publicity stunt?
that picture is worth a thousand words.

you can feel their hatred... angry, hate filled people in power what could possibly go wrong?

Its mesmerizing how much power AOC has already in the dimowit party. You liberals will lose independent votes because of people like her and that antisemite in Minnesota.

They need a "fresh face" to package the ideology, a good looking trojan horse so the horrific nature of their awful ideas go unnoticed.

They already lost independents like me... no return full stop don not pass go.... go directly to jail

So basically he created a hoax as a publicity stunt?

it's good to be a victim, nice to get the sympathy...feels good man...even better to get financial gain from it
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AOC is a goddamn bartender with a 430 credit score and has already been evicted twice and there are people taking this stupid broad serious?

She just scored a $10 million dollar deal from Netflix.Waiting for her to write that check to the IRS for 70% of that payment.
You didn't notice how she endorsed only the income OVER $10mm being taxed at 70%...Coincidence maybe?
AOC is a goddamn bartender with a 430 credit score and has already been evicted twice and there are people taking this stupid broad serious?

She just scored a $10 million dollar deal from Netflix.Waiting for her to write that check to the IRS for 70% of that payment.
Love how uninformed this post is. Just about every letter in this post is a part of a lie. The $10 m deal isn't even with her DA, the evictions are fiction, and a lot of young people were bartenders. Stupid people who act on impulse are --- well they're stupid.
Love how uninformed this post is. Just about every letter in this post is a part of a lie. The $10 m deal isn't even with her DA, the evictions are fiction, and a lot of young people were bartenders. Stupid people who act on impulse are --- well they're stupid.
No one has stepped down in VA, want to give us an update on Dem integrity?
The latest I saw was the actor/singer is making club appearances, telling his story, and then singing his new music. Tmfs.

They showed it on the news. He said “we must keep fighting!!!!” a lot. Said he isn’t fully healed, will never heal fully from this, but he will keep fighting!!!!! It was weird.


Jussie Smollett’s neighbors cast doubt on his attack story

By Gabrielle Fonrouge
February 11, 2019 | 5:02am

“I don’t believe it happened the way he said it did,” said Agin Muhammad, who lives in the same swank high-rise near the Navy Pier as Smollett.

“I’ve been in this neighborhood five years. I don’t believe it, not around here … Half the people are gay and the other half are black.”

A patron at Lizzie McNeill’s Irish Pub, about a block from the scene of the alleged Jan. 29 incident, said Smollett’s story “doesn’t really make sense.”

“It’s a lie, because Chicago is the most liberal city around,” said the man, who wouldn’t give his name. “They have cameras everywhere … Why can’t they find the attack?”
Manchin needs to come out of the closet as a Republican very soon.

Its mesmerizing how much power AOC has already in the dimowit party. You liberals will lose independent votes because of people like her and that antisemite in Minnesota.
Was wondering about this: there were several shots of him at the SOTU standing and clapping at Trump's comments while surrounded by Dems who weren't.

He looked like the proverbial fish out of water.
Georgetown students vote to tax themselves reparations for slavery

As we get closer and closer to the tipping point, these assholes will vote to dissolve the Constitution/country/democracy as it will be seen as the invention of the white man.

They are rebranding communism into the more fair democracy.

Students at Georgetown University are considering paying reparations for slaves that Georgetown University sold more than 180 years ago.

Earlier this month, the Georgetown student government authorized a campus-wide student referendum that will ask students to establish a fund for the descendants of these 272 slaves. If the referendum passes, a fee would be collected each semester, starting in the fall of 2020.

The semesterly fee proposed is $27.20 per student “in honor of the 272 people sold by Georgetown,” according to the student government resolution approving the referendum, obtained by the College Fix.

The student government resolution approving the campus-wide referendum passed by a vote of 20 in favor and four against.
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Georgetown students vote to tax themselves reparations for slavery

As we get closer and closer to the tipping point, these assholes will vote to dissolve the Constitution/country/democracy as it will be seen as the invention of the white man.

They are rebranding communism into the more fair democracy.

Students at Georgetown University are considering paying reparations for slaves that Georgetown University sold more than 180 years ago.

Earlier this month, the Georgetown student government authorized a campus-wide student referendum that will ask students to establish a fund for the descendants of these 272 slaves. If the referendum passes, a fee would be collected each semester, starting in the fall of 2020.

The semesterly fee proposed is $27.20 per student “in honor of the 272 people sold by Georgetown,” according to the student government resolution approving the referendum, obtained by the College Fix.

The student government resolution approving the campus-wide referendum passed by a vote of 20 in favor and four against.

That’s insane. But to expand on that, colleges are a huge part of the problem in today's society . You used to go there to further your education to help with your career. It used to have a good purpose. Now it’s nothing more than diversity training, safe spaces and “enlighteners” rather than teachers.

My wife has been in a math class for a month now. The professor has yet to put one damn example on the board. He spends his time talking about his life experiences. How is that higher education? And don’t get me started on these required diversity courses.