How will they rule ??!

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Just watch a montage of today's numerous lying scumbags from various fake news networks lying, exaggerating, and spinning the Cohen Buzzfeed bullshit into the "worst example of a felony impeachable offense since Nixon", etc, etc, etc...

It's no wonder morons like EKYWildcat and his cohorts are so brainwashed and the country is so divided. This kind of shit has been constant non-stop for the last 2 years. I know, duh. Nothing new.

Still, I never thought I'd see the day when half the American people fervently want to destroy the country out of spite just because they've been whipped into a hate frenzy of the first elected leader who actually cares about the country and is not part of the swamp machine that is controlling this madness in order to protect their corrupt racket. SNAP OUT OF IT YOU STUPID F**KS!
They're mad that Mueller corrected the record instead of letting the fake news live on and are playing the victim. Maybe if they did their job instead of being political activists and were more worried about getting the story right instead of inflicting the most damage to the president then they wouldn't be called out for fake news and their credibility couldn't be attacked.

Enemy of the people
I said if true because no other media outlets at all were corroborating it. No one but Buzzfeed news had weighed in.

Strangely enough Buzzfeed is now doubling down on the accuracy of their report. If it turns out to be false, major consequences should happen for those involved (think Dan Rather).

Oh yes, nobody is harsher on corrupt media than...the corrupt media. They’ll be cleaning this shit up any day now.
The journalists who published the report have a lot of explaining to do.
I'm sure the dozens, if not hundreds of Trump hating pundits who took this "if true total bullshit" and excitedly spewed their lies today to the American people, whipping them into a fervor, are now lying in bed sleepless with remorse. Just like they were the countless previous times they did the same damn thing.

Your party and it's fake news mouth piece is a disease, a plague on the Earth, and you don't GAF. Don't pretend you do.
Why isn't it libel when these fake news outlets print these stories that they know are false? That was not an opinion piece. They made specific accusations about Trump that had absolutely no basis in fact and they made them to disparage and harm the President. Actually, libel is too weak, this is sedition territory and we've seen it far too often for it to go unchecked.

The worst thing that has happened to our country wasn't Pearl Harbor, or 911, it was a certain faction of this country "stupidly" electing the muslim, illegal immigrant, enemy of America, Barrack Hussein O'bama. Those 8 years cut this country deeply.
no other media outlets at all were corroborating it.

They hardly ever do when it comes to Trump "bombshells". Pay closer attention. Each individual news outlet doesn't independently verify each story through their own sources. It's like one big game of telephone. One outlet reports through anon sources and then all the other piggyback off it it and instead of reporting it themselves to cover their ass they report that such and such is reporting it. Then fakes news is on every front page and TV screen. It's spread far and wide and the damage is done.

My exact point but more eloquent.

Glad to hear the Paddock trusts Mueller again. He must be a republican now.
Confused...just the same as Mueller bad, buzzfeed good. Just look at twitter...the left is eating any liberal journo calling this trash and who wont participate in the groupthink.

I find it hilarious their talking point is "this is unusual for someone like Mueller to make a statement" yes...but typically we dont have a media desperate to find something and hope it sticks
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Why isn't it libel when these fake news outlets print these stories that they know are false? That was not an opinion piece. They made specific accusations about Trump that had absolutely no basis in fact and they made them to disparage and harm the President. Actually, libel is too weak, this is sedition territory and we've seen it far too often for it to go unchecked.

The worst thing that has happened to our country wasn't Pearl Harbor, or 911, it was a certain faction of this country "stupidly" electing the muslim, illegal immigrant, enemy of America, Barrack Hussein O'bama. Those 8 years cut this country deeply.
I'm almost convinced that the media is gonna eventually get people killed because of their BS stories.
Glad to hear the Paddock trusts Mueller again. He must be a republican now.

Jane, you ignorant slut!

How can the Paddock trust Mueller again when we've yet to trust him for the first time?

Also, does it not occur to you that you guys have been saying all along that the Mueller investigation is on the up and up and that we needed to trust in his investigation? What has happened to your trust?

Are you so goddamned stupid that you can't see that it's you doing what you're accusing us of? ****ing idiot.
I'm sure the dozens, if not hundreds of Trump hating pundits who took this "if true total bullshit" and excitedly spewed their lies today to the American people, whipping them into a fervor, are now lying in bed sleepless with remorse. Just like they were the countless previous times they did the same damn thing.

Your party and it's fake news mouth piece is a disease, a plague on the Earth, and you don't GAF. Don't pretend you do.
This. How many "if false" stories are there? None. Media is so concerned about narrative, they dont care about accountability or truth.
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My sources have informed me that Trump is going to declare a national emergency and start full scale construction on the wall without the unnecessary approval of Congress. They also said he is going to end the shutdown because he can no longer allow the dems to hold our country hostage.
Strangely enough Buzzfeed is now doubling down on the accuracy of their report.

And even more strangely BuzzFeed is demanding that Mueller be more specific in his denial and make clear what he's disputing. But isn't it BuzzFeed that should have been more specific and clear in their reporting? Then maybe they wouldn't be in this position.

Seriously the reporting was flimsy. It was based on anon sources and zero firsthand evidence with no specifics of its own. No dates, descriptions, quotes or copies of documents. So how can they demand Mueller go into specifics when their story was lackluster and filled with all kinds of holes and red flags?

Also the writers aren't even on the same page so one of them is lying. One claims they saw the actual documents and the other claims they never did. On top of that the one (Leopold) who claims they saw the documents has a history of bad anon sources and fake news.

See his 06 story about Karl Rove being indicted by a grand jury. He even doubled down on that one too.

How Accurate Was the 'Rove Indicted' Story?

On Saturday afternoon, we ran a breaking story titled, "Karl Rove Indicted on Charges of Perjury, Lying to Investigators." We assumed that we were well ahead of the mainstream media and that we would be subsequently questioned. Right on both counts.

What everyone is asking right now is how accurate is the story? Has Rove in fact been indicted? The story is accurate, and Karl Rove's attorneys have been served with an indictment.

In short, we had two sources close to the Fitzgerald investigation who were explicit about the information that we published, and a former high-ranking state department official who reported communication with a source who had "direct knowledge" of the meeting at Patton Boggs. In both instances, substantial detail was provided and matched.

We had confirmation. We ran the story.

By Jason Leopold
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My sources have informed me that Trump is going to declare a national emergency and start full scale construction on the wall without the unnecessary approval of Congress. They also said he is going to end the shutdown because he can no longer allow the dems to hold our country hostage.

Intergovernmental war
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If this admin doubles down on something like that it won’t be just to build a wall
It may also coincide with arrests against certain bad actors

That’s speculation on my part only

Hopefully true. Dems probably don't realize it, but Hillary was not indicted and the double jeopardy rule does not protect her. Lot's of info has dropped lately that supports the facts we already know.

Regardless of one's feelings about Trump as an individual, it must be agreed upon that this witch hunt and all the obvious fake news is harming our country.
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House Democrats Add $1 Billion in Border-Related Spending to Measures to Reopen Government

Terrific! Now my sources are telling me that Trump is going to sign this latest bill giving an extra billion or so for border security to open the government. He's still going to declare an emergency and build the wall though. Nancy Pelosi is not equipped to negotiate with the master.

If Z had the balls to be here he would be calling Trump "Big Dog" about now.
So...regardless of whether you consider yourself “liberal” or “conservative” ....IMHO if you want to get serious about evaluating and speaking to contemporary US/world political issues....

You HAVE to start by turning your damned television off

Stop absorbing the pre-planned - never gonna get to real substance - tripe’s almost all “controlled conversation”

IMO you have to read and get serious about history - and examining where the money goes etc

Also - basic civics and anatomy for various types of governmental methods / forms

That’s a real oversimplification for the class I want to teach ....but it’s a start in terms of a dialogue with folks who really want to change things
I don't want to hear one Republican on here talking about facts,....

One of the guys, Jason Leoplod, isnt even a journalist, hes an activist who's been proven to fabricate and plagiarize several times before.

And that's all it takes for @Platinumdrgn to jizz in his own mouth bc orange man bad

It should have been an obvious clue when the only place to pick this story up is buzzfeed, that would be common sense right @EastKYWildcat
Neither one will show up until another fake story hits. Won't be long because the liberal media needs a win. They have been wrong for so long now they don't know how to be right. They will find something that a low level supporter of the president did which is actually true and run it saying this is what Trump supporters do and it is all because of the President.
Jane, you ignorant slut!

How can the Paddock trust Mueller again when we've yet to trust him for the first time?

Also, does it not occur to you that you guys have been saying all along that the Mueller investigation is on the up and up and that we needed to trust in his investigation? What has happened to your trust?

Are you so goddamned stupid that you can't see that it's you doing what you're accusing us of? ****ing idiot.
Yes, yes he is. Just look at his few post afterwards. Went to local stories about a cop killing someone in an attempt to deflect from the real issue going on. JamesLie with a few others on here have no honor. It is nothing for them to lie to achieve the goals set up by their hero's from the left. It is now their culture. The culture of liars and whiners with a battle cry of "Snow Flakes Unite!" spouted by their army Antifa.
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lol at jameslee.

"Oh BuT yOU TruSt MuEllEr nOW"

No you goddam loon. No reasonable person ever believed the story to begin with.

If you loons want to impeach Drumpf because the sky is purple, I don't need Mueller to tell me the sky isn't purple. But if the head of the resistance makes the unprecedented move of telling you goddam loony toons the sky isn't purple, a truth all sane people know anyway, I'll laugh at you.

On a serious note, if you truly are a mid 50 year old male, you should probably hand control of your finances over to a child if you have any. You are a Nigerian prince's dream.