How will they rule ??!

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You have a point

I did focus on Marxist/ Engels version of socialism - because that’s the version normally put into practice throughout history

And I was a touch reactionary to the topic because I went from ignorance to suddenly understanding what happened in Russia’s socialist/ communist revolution...the only thing more horrific than the acts committed...was how it’s all been completely forgotten

The French did postulate on “utopian socialism “ before Marx - and most of their proponents (Leblanc- forgetting the others) ...thy didn’t insist on destroying the institutions of faith or the family as Marx and Engels did

So you ARE right about that (something I have mentioned in here albeit not nearly as frequently as asserting anti-Marxism)

I’m open to talking because I enjoy it and I think it’s more critical than ever before that we disband / disrupt the Marxist movement (neocons too) that’s high jacked the d-party

But I’m also more than willing to leave you thinking that I’m closed minded and unwilling to listen...I’ll speak the truth to you once about who I am

After that you can take it or leave it
But I’d prefer dialogue

And a Kentucky win over auburn please
Again intellectual but political poisoned BS! The Democratic has been in the hands of corporations just like the GOP for decades. I was a teddy Roosevelt and Eisenhower Republican but that nothing like the GOP today. My god man look! Take a dang look right now the GOP is crying about what they didn't do when they controlled all of government! It's a shitshow for the weak minded and saying Marxism has taken over the Democratic party is a simpleton's explanation caught up in warped politik for what is going on in this country. Stop crying wolf so you can open your eyes to what is actually happening. Heck the gilded age is your dang roadmap.
just as I know Bill Clinton accomplished the most insofar as addressing the problem despite his failures at controlling his lust.

Always a sure sign of a blind party ho. Clinton did zero to create the tech boom. Zero. He did however do more to pave the way for the housing/banking crisis than any other POTUS. Plus signed NAFTA. Plus allowed terrorism to grow exponentially.
There is the inconvenient fact that there has been a distinctive bump in communism favorability on the left over the last few data. Levi is a data science denier.
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The problem I have with people like you is it is obvious you are intelligent but you focus on one side of the debate while ignoring allo else. If I thought you were actually open minded enough to converse honestly that would be a good thing. The problem I have is when I read your thinking and understanding of socialism I realized you simply dig down on one aspect ignoring all others to make your point. Hardly an honestly intelligent endeavor. There are many different forms and applications of socialism which are more aligned with capitalism than communism from the USA to Vietnam. For me you're too closed minded to entertain any such thinking and that is a bias I've have had enough of. So you are right I KNOW the problems we face have never been adequately addressed by republicans or Democrats just as I know Bill Clinton accomplished the most insofar as addressing the problem despite his failures at controlling his lust. All one has to have to eventually understand most of the problem and it's solution is Willie Sutton's explanation for robbing banks, "because that's where the money is." Consider this response to you as an acknowledgement of your intelligence while at the same time a plea to open your thinking up to more than pushing one slender slice of one side of an issue. I don't have the time for such silliness.
[laughing] As a part time political thread this guy ^^^ serious?

FWIW, I only read 2-3 sentences before I lost interest.
There is the inconvenience fact that there has been a distinctive bump in communism favorability on the left over the last few data. Levi is a data science denier.

Science, much like facts, are optional and only used when it’s an advantage to their argument.
[laughing] As a part time political thread this guy ^^^ serious?

FWIW, I only read 2-3 sentences before I lost interest.
He is also a big hypocrite who only post negative in regards to anything Trump or anything coming from the right regardless of what good comes of it.
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Again intellectual but political poisoned BS! The Democratic has been in the hands of corporations just like the GOP for decades. I was a teddy Roosevelt and Eisenhower Republican but that nothing like the GOP today. My god man look! Take a dang look right now the GOP is crying about what they didn't do when they controlled all of government! It's a shitshow for the weak minded and saying Marxism has taken over the Democratic party is a simpleton's explanation caught up in warped politik for what is going on in this country. Stop crying wolf so you can open your eyes to what is actually happening. Heck the gilded age is your dang roadmap.

You’re an idiot, a Teddy Roosevelt Republican, are you 130 years old?

Spare us the bullshit, you know good and well why the wall didn’t pass the last 2 years. It’s the same reason it hasn’t now, Democrats.

This coming from the same guy that said Korea would be better off if America hadn’t gotten involved when North Korea invaded South Korea. Because North Korea is a beacon for the world.
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The problem I have with people like you is it is obvious you are intelligent but you focus on one side of the debate while ignoring allo else. If I thought you were actually open minded enough to converse honestly that would be a good thing. The problem I have is when I read your thinking and understanding of socialism I realized you simply dig down on one aspect ignoring all others to make your point. Hardly an honestly intelligent endeavor. There are many different forms and applications of socialism which are more aligned with capitalism than communism from the USA to Vietnam. For me you're too closed minded to entertain any such thinking and that is a bias I've have had enough of. So you are right I KNOW the problems we face have never been adequately addressed by republicans or Democrats just as I know Bill Clinton accomplished the most insofar as addressing the problem despite his failures at controlling his lust. All one has to have to eventually understand most of the problem and it's solution is Willie Sutton's explanation for robbing banks, "because that's where the money is." Consider this response to you as an acknowledgement of your intelligence while at the same time a plea to open your thinking up to more than pushing one slender slice of one side of an issue. I don't have the time for such silliness.


I assume the 2nd M in MMGA! Stands for Mueller?

If so, you look mad about the story being false. You constantly post about making Russia great again and now this.

Let me explain. No one here “trusts” Mueller. And that’s why when his office says something isn’t accurate, we know it’s not. If Mueller had one iota of evidence to incriminate Trump, it would have been shouted from every mountain top yesterday.

Just seems like after X number of stories that are “the bombshell” or “the smoking gun” turn out to be false, you’d stop spinning and just say well damn, wrong again.
So on gameday KSR decided to drop a political post sandwiched between sports posts. Then on top of that, supposedly no one wrote the article, just authored by "KSR". Then they turn off comments on it so no one can even say anything.

I use to defend KSR and never knew why people hated it. Now I see, this is silly. People get on there to escape politics. We really don't care what they think about politics. And now they put out their opinions and turn off the ability of their readers to respond?

Man, I hope someone else steps up and fills the void that KSR use to fill. No one is too big to fail, they need to know that.
Obviously it's not going to matter, but I'm interested to know what unfolded before the video cameras came out.

Guarantee it's at least partially fake. No way a school had that many kids randomly buy and wear maga hats, then randomly show up at a function in act in such a way.
1. KSR is an entertainment blog/radio show. Their main focus is Kentucky sports, it’s not their only focus. As soon as you idiots realize that the happier you can be because you won’t have to get so upset over a website.

2. The only reason this is even remotely political is because they’re a bunch of try hards who bought as much MAGA stuff as they could because it’s “cool”. If not for that everyone agrees they’re just being asshole high schoolers.
Guarantee it's at least partially fake. No way a school had that many kids randomly buy and wear maga hats, then randomly show up at a function in act in such a way.

It was a school sanctioned trip to the Washington DC March for Life. So they didn't just randomly show up somewhere. And I'm sure it was pretty easy for them to coordinate the MAGA hats.

I'm just curious as to how the situation developed. What events led to the group of high schoolers surrounding an Indian beating a drum.