How will they rule ??!

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Why isn't it libel when these fake news outlets print these stories that they know are false? That was not an opinion piece. They made specific accusations about Trump that had absolutely no basis in fact and they made them to disparage and harm the President. Actually, libel is too weak, this is sedition territory and we've seen it far too often for it to go unchecked.

The worst thing that has happened to our country wasn't Pearl Harbor, or 911, it was a certain faction of this country "stupidly" electing the muslim, illegal immigrant, enemy of America, Barrack Hussein O'bama. Those 8 years cut this country deeply.
When Barr was Questioned about if he is in favor of putting journalists in jail “for exercising free speech” (or something to that effect) and he responded by saying something along the lines of they should be held in contempt if they falsely report things that are damaging, hurt the US, or create security issues. Seems this is a prime example.
Glad to hear the Paddock trusts Mueller again. He must be a republican now.

Missing the point. That Mueller had to clear it up at all tells you how fake it really is. He's sat and watched other fake news run rampant and not say a word

Lol and that coming after BuzzFeed demand they get specific on their denial. "Ok, all of it"

I agree with this. We need thriving hard driving HONEST news to keep all politicians honest. That's not what we have today at all
Wtf does this even mean lol.

"Its 99% false, but that doesn't mean its not true"

Lol wut

Over/under on the number of times Cosby has called a stranger a goddamn loon or unhinged lunatic IRL to their face?

Total is 0.5. I’ll take under.
Why would all media outlets run rampant with a story that was never verified, the reporter never saw the evidence, and based on anonymous sources?
That is serious lack of journalistic integrity, it’s essentially gossip that had people clamoring to fire up impeachment hearings, over gossip.
That’s how unhinged the left is, and that’s what is tearing the country apart. It isn’t Trumps actions, it’s people that can’t accept reality, nor offer any real policy.

EastKYWildcat, I gotta give you props for coming back tonight. A lot of people, no matter political persuasion would’ve laid low.
"Journalistic integrity".

Some jokes write themselves.
Over/under on the number of times Cosby has called a stranger a goddamn loon or unhinged lunatic IRL to their face?

Total is 0.5. I’ll take under.

Over/under on the number of times Cosby has discussed politics with a stranger in real life to their face.

Total is 0.5. I'll take the under.

As I've said 10,000 times. This is where I vent politics. First off, I don't talk to random strangers anyway. Second, if I saw some stranger loon yelling about impeaching Drumpf in real life, I'd actively avoid them because I have no desire to actually interact with random strangers, much less one who has already shown himself to be a lunatic.
When Barr was Questioned about if he is in favor of putting journalists in jail “for exercising free speech” (or something to that effect) and he responded by saying something along the lines of they should be held in contempt if they falsely report things that are damaging, hurt the US, or create security issues. Seems this is a prime example.

Sure it is. We have laws that deal with the crap that happened yesterday but for some reason we don't enforce them on a certain party. Cohen is going to jail, but what about all the people surrounding Clinton who openly defied Congress and destroyed evidence?
Wtf does this even mean lol.

"Its 99% false, but that doesn't mean its not true"

Lol wut

They don't know what to say....


Mueller really threw a curve ball. Focus group talking points haven't bubbled to the surface... Yet.

Hard to spin this one. They'll probably just ignore this ever happened after Trump announces whatever this afternoon and move on to the next outrage.

We won't see any of our resident lefties back in here until then.

All of these original thinkers and whatnot.
That might have to change their name after this fiasco. Maybe something clever and more to the point, like Demfeed, or Libfeed.
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So just to keep track---Trump and McConnell have shut down parts of the government, denied pay to people throughout America including the military, airport security and traffic controllers, plus the Coast Guard who are responsible for protecting the borders along two oceans so they can build something that nearly everybody involved says will not work. Meanwhile a Russian oligarch most likely gets the contract to sell America the steel to build it like it did with some contentious pipelines. Dumb Asses!
So just to keep track---Trump and McConnell have shut down parts of the government, denied pay to people throughout America including the military, airport security and traffic controllers, plus the Coast Guard who are responsible for protecting the borders along two oceans so they can build something that nearly everybody involved says will not work. Meanwhile a Russian oligarch most likely gets the contract to sell America the steel to build it like it did with some contentious pipelines. Dumb Asses!

lol the systems must be malfunctioning. Just spitting out loony toon left wing mad libs at this point.
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So just to keep track---Trump and McConnell have shut down parts of the government, denied pay to people throughout America including the military, airport security and traffic controllers, plus the Coast Guard who are responsible for protecting the borders along two oceans so they can build something that nearly everybody involved says will not work. Meanwhile a Russian oligarch most likely gets the contract to sell America the steel to build it like it did with some contentious pipelines. Dumb Asses!

If we’re ready to be intellectually honest about this...”Trump” isn’t shutting down the government nor is this administration withholding pay from people

The debt ridden federal budget- the practice of signing continuing resolutions to keep things floating- the enormous bloated budgets that still include military protection for underserved regions like....England...Italy...the bush era WINGS of department Level government bureaucracies that sprawled out of 9/11 .....the shell game of swiping earmarked funds and using them for pet projects (or just for....pets).....

ALL that crap - has been part and parcel of the bushes - the Clintons- and Barry Obama as well

This didn’t just magically erupt two years ago - come on now

You KNOW you know this
So just to keep track---Trump and McConnell have shut down parts of the government, denied pay to people throughout America including the military, airport security and traffic controllers, plus the Coast Guard who are responsible for protecting the borders along two oceans so they can build something that nearly everybody involved says will not work. Meanwhile a Russian oligarch most likely gets the contract to sell America the steel to build it like it did with some contentious pipelines. Dumb Asses!
First off, they are still working and will get paid so, that point is moot. Secondly, nearly everyone in your circles may agree with your wall stance but, a large portion of Americans are for walls because they work and most who actually guard the borders agree to this because they have actual proof that they work. Your post is just opinion based on blind adherence to fake news.
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So just to keep track---Trump and McConnell have shut down parts of the government, denied pay to people throughout America including the military, airport security and traffic controllers, plus the Coast Guard who are responsible for protecting the borders along two oceans so they can build something that nearly everybody involved says will not work. Meanwhile a Russian oligarch most likely gets the contract to sell America the steel to build it like it did with some contentious pipelines. Dumb Asses!

What are you bitching about?

Nancy doesn't care.

She, as Speaker of the House, has more important duties elsewhere in the world.

Your guys don't care.

After the Puerto Rico vaca, where's the next junket?

You don't care.

After yesterday(****, the last decade), why do believe anything your Overlords say?
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Sweet Jesus lord of mercy and Kentucky football resurrection....

There’s a HUGE Marxist demonstration outside our hotel here in Los Angeles....I’m about to walk through these cross eyed lunatics with my sixteen year old little warrior

Please God
pLease lord ....don’t let them have words
I’m wearing a Kentucky shirt so....that might trigger one of the once-useful-idiots
Sweet Jesus lord of mercy and Kentucky football resurrection....

There’s a HUGE Marxist demonstration outside our hotel here in Los Angeles....I’m about to walk through these cross eyed lunatics with my sixteen year old little warrior

Please God
pLease lord ....don’t let them have words
I’m wearing a Kentucky shirt so....that might trigger one of the once-useful-idiots
Those fools will be too busy destroying somebody else’s property or fighting each other to bother you guys.
If we’re ready to be intellectually honest about this...”Trump” isn’t shutting down the government nor is this administration withholding pay from people

The debt ridden federal budget- the practice of signing continuing resolutions to keep things floating- the enormous bloated budgets that still include military protection for underserved regions like....England...Italy...the bush era WINGS of department Level government bureaucracies that sprawled out of 9/11 .....the shell game of swiping earmarked funds and using them for pet projects (or just for....pets).....

ALL that crap - has been part and parcel of the bushes - the Clintons- and Barry Obama as well

This didn’t just magically erupt two years ago - come on now

You KNOW you know this

The problem I have with people like you is it is obvious you are intelligent but you focus on one side of the debate while ignoring allo else. If I thought you were actually open minded enough to converse honestly that would be a good thing. The problem I have is when I read your thinking and understanding of socialism I realized you simply dig down on one aspect ignoring all others to make your point. Hardly an honestly intelligent endeavor. There are many different forms and applications of socialism which are more aligned with capitalism than communism from the USA to Vietnam. For me you're too closed minded to entertain any such thinking and that is a bias I've have had enough of. So you are right I KNOW the problems we face have never been adequately addressed by republicans or Democrats just as I know Bill Clinton accomplished the most insofar as addressing the problem despite his failures at controlling his lust. All one has to have to eventually understand most of the problem and it's solution is Willie Sutton's explanation for robbing banks, "because that's where the money is." Consider this response to you as an acknowledgement of your intelligence while at the same time a plea to open your thinking up to more than pushing one slender slice of one side of an issue. I don't have the time for such silliness.
The problem I have with people like you is it is obvious you are intelligent but you focus on one side of the debate while ignoring allo else. If I thought you were actually open minded enough to converse honestly that would be a good thing. The problem I have is when I read your thinking and understanding of socialism I realized you simply dig down on one aspect ignoring all others to make your point. Hardly an honestly intelligent endeavor. There are many different forms and applications of socialism which are more aligned with capitalism than communism from the USA to Vietnam. For me you're too closed minded to entertain any such thinking and that is a bias I've have had enough of. So you are right I KNOW the problems we face have never been adequately addressed by republicans or Democrats just as I know Bill Clinton accomplished the most insofar as addressing the problem despite his failures at controlling his lust. All one has to have to eventually understand most of the problem and it's solution is Willie Sutton's explanation for robbing banks, "because that's where the money is." Consider this response to you as an acknowledgement of your intelligence while at the same time a plea to open your thinking up to more than pushing one slender slice of one side of an issue. I don't have the time for such silliness.


I'd wager a large sum of money that Castlerubrick is the most well read person on the entire Rivals network when it comes to Communism and Socialism.

I'm looking forward to you citing all the books you've read on the topic like he repeatedly has.

He entertains all viewpoints, that's for sure.
The problem I have with people like you is it is obvious you are intelligent but you focus on one side of the debate while ignoring allo else. If I thought you were actually open minded enough to converse honestly that would be a good thing. The problem I have is when I read your thinking and understanding of socialism I realized you simply dig down on one aspect ignoring all others to make your point. Hardly an honestly intelligent endeavor. There are many different forms and applications of socialism which are more aligned with capitalism than communism from the USA to Vietnam. For me you're too closed minded to entertain any such thinking and that is a bias I've have had enough of. So you are right I KNOW the problems we face have never been adequately addressed by republicans or Democrats just as I know Bill Clinton accomplished the most insofar as addressing the problem despite his failures at controlling his lust. All one has to have to eventually understand most of the problem and it's solution is Willie Sutton's explanation for robbing banks, "because that's where the money is." Consider this response to you as an acknowledgement of your intelligence while at the same time a plea to open your thinking up to more than pushing one slender slice of one side of an issue. I don't have the time for such silliness.
Please, Please, indulge us with your vision of a successful capitalist aligned form of socialism that will be good for America and will not rob us of insane amounts of our paycheck in taxes. Tell me how I will personally benefit from such a government. Explain how businesses and the economy as a whole will benefit and where the incentives for these businesses to expand, grow, and innovate will come from. We’re all curious.

Good thing that camera crew was there to capture this amazing act of kindness and generosity by our former dumbass-in-chief so he could post this pic on his instagram. So we're paying for at least 6 secret service agents to protect this imbecile.

I saw comment after comment from Democrats who said they wish Bush was still president and actually miss him compared to Trump.

That’s so funny because they must have the memory of a gold fish. Bush was the devil to them in 2006 and 2007, never accepted that he won the presidency. But like always, whoever the past Republican was that they called “Hitler” isn’t “that bad” but now this new guy, oh this new guy is super evil and is going to bring back slavery, deport the gays, and cause WW3.

But Bush is such a bitch. Never was a Bush fan. I’m sure he’s likable but he’s a globalist dick who let the press say whatever they wanted about him and never said anything about Obama but then comes out of the wood work when Trump takes over.

I’ll take Trump over the Bush family, Romney and McCain types any day of the week.
The problem I have with people like you is it is obvious you are intelligent but you focus on one side of the debate while ignoring allo else. If I thought you were actually open minded enough to converse honestly that would be a good thing. The problem I have is when I read your thinking and understanding of socialism I realized you simply dig down on one aspect ignoring all others to make your point. Hardly an honestly intelligent endeavor. There are many different forms and applications of socialism which are more aligned with capitalism than communism from the USA to Vietnam. For me you're too closed minded to entertain any such thinking and that is a bias I've have had enough of. So you are right I KNOW the problems we face have never been adequately addressed by republicans or Democrats just as I know Bill Clinton accomplished the most insofar as addressing the problem despite his failures at controlling his lust. All one has to have to eventually understand most of the problem and it's solution is Willie Sutton's explanation for robbing banks, "because that's where the money is." Consider this response to you as an acknowledgement of your intelligence while at the same time a plea to open your thinking up to more than pushing one slender slice of one side of an issue. I don't have the time for such silliness.

You have a point

I did focus on Marxist/ Engels version of socialism - because that’s the version normally put into practice throughout history

And I was a touch reactionary to the topic because I went from ignorance to suddenly understanding what happened in Russia’s socialist/ communist revolution...the only thing more horrific than the acts committed...was how it’s all been completely forgotten

The French did postulate on “utopian socialism “ before Marx - and most of their proponents (Leblanc- forgetting the others) ...thy didn’t insist on destroying the institutions of faith or the family as Marx and Engels did

So you ARE right about that (something I have mentioned in here albeit not nearly as frequently as asserting anti-Marxism)

I’m open to talking because I enjoy it and I think it’s more critical than ever before that we disband / disrupt the Marxist movement (neocons too) that’s high jacked the d-party

But I’m also more than willing to leave you thinking that I’m closed minded and unwilling to listen...I’ll speak the truth to you once about who I am

After that you can take it or leave it
But I’d prefer dialogue

And a Kentucky win over auburn please
Welp, only people having a worse day than Buzzfeed is Covington Catholic High School.

Yep. This will blow up x 1000000 to push the fake news catastrophe off the headlines.

Would be interesting to see all those maga hat wearers actually attend school there and/or actually have these beliefs rather than this being a fraud.

That's basically where we are today with fake news. You see something and automatically be critical because of their pattern of conduct
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The problem I have with people like you is it is obvious you are intelligent but you focus on one side of the debate while ignoring allo else. If I thought you were actually open minded enough to converse honestly that would be a good thing. The problem I have is when I read your thinking and understanding of socialism I realized you simply dig down on one aspect ignoring all others to make your point. Hardly an honestly intelligent endeavor. There are many different forms and applications of socialism which are more aligned with capitalism than communism from the USA to Vietnam. For me you're too closed minded to entertain any such thinking and that is a bias I've have had enough of. So you are right I KNOW the problems we face have never been adequately addressed by republicans or Democrats just as I know Bill Clinton accomplished the most insofar as addressing the problem despite his failures at controlling his lust. All one has to have to eventually understand most of the problem and it's solution is Willie Sutton's explanation for robbing banks, "because that's where the money is." Consider this response to you as an acknowledgement of your intelligence while at the same time a plea to open your thinking up to more than pushing one slender slice of one side of an issue. I don't have the time for such silliness.
You of all people have no room to talk about people not having an open mind and being one sided. All of your post have been anti Trump regardless of how good we are doing.
Yep. This will blow up x 1000000 to push the fake news catastrophe off the headlines.

Would be interesting to see all those maga hat wearers actually attend school there and/or actually have these beliefs rather than this being a fraud.

That's basically where we are today with fake news. You see something and automatically be critical because of their pattern of conduct

Obviously it's not going to matter, but I'm interested to know what unfolded before the video cameras came out.
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