How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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the republican losers can't even get the funding bill through a procedural vote. flake voted no, another isnt going to show up, corker might vote no. Murkowski ripped into Trump because he offered nothing but bullshit at the meeting this morning. good ole GoP, all talk, no actual governing once in power.


Daaaaamn!!! DAVID HOGG has y'alls panties in a bunch?


Why are you guys so damn emotional? And didn't you all just say that college is a crock of shit anyway? Just a liberal training ground that leaves you $100K in debt with a piece of paper that means nothing?

Let this kid learn some good ol' LIBERAL MATH or whatever at Harvard and mind your damn business. Amazing that you guys get so riled up about dumb shit like this.

Is @cat_chaser gonna load up the van with his neighborhood buddies and drive up to the campus? Has "the line" been crossed????


this f--king guy

"drones and all of the rest are wonderful and lots of fun, but..."

Rather a wall will curtail illegal immigration is another matter entirely, but a wall on the Mexican border will have as good of a chance at stopping all that he listed in the tweet as I have a chance at legally marrying a Victoria's Secret model and having it not end in divorce.
Yep, the resident flunkies are back on today spouting about ISIS (the ones they support) like one picture or a few that show up here and there represent the lot. You guys are really dumber than a box of rocks but hey, keep on keeping on. It does make for good entertainment.
Yep, the resident flunkies are back on today spouting about ISIS (the ones they support) like one picture or a few that show up here and there represent the lot. You guys are really dumber than a box of rocks but hey, keep on keeping on. It does make for good entertainment.
Kooks and loons. For some reason, they love me and this thread.
How do those tweets help your case? they show that we already spent way to much money and already have barriers along the border that have drastically curtailed crossings. If crossings are down 90+% why would we spend another 50bil on a wall? border patrol has a larger budget than all but 10 countries military budget. We spend more on the border chasing off Mexicans than Israel spends fighting off the entire middle east.
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Daaaaamn!!! DAVID HOGG has y'alls panties in a bunch?


Why are you guys so damn emotional? And didn't you all just say that college is a crock of shit anyway? Just a liberal training ground that leaves you $100K in debt with a piece of paper that means nothing?

Let this kid learn some good ol' LIBERAL MATH or whatever at Harvard and mind your damn business. Amazing that you guys get so riled up about dumb shit like this.

Is @cat_chaser gonna load up the van with his neighborhood buddies and drive up to the campus? Has "the line" been crossed????

Not sure what you’re talking about with Hogg.

You know our line in the sand. Come for Trump and all hell is gonna break loose. Bet, bro.
ISIS just decapitated two women. Tremendous job decimating ISIS, the best!

Thought ISIS was decimated?

Oh yes, two women who went to radical islam land murdered by islamists is a sure sign the organization as a whole is back.

Makes sense. But it does tell me more about why cba freely reported it. In the past it would've been more sweeping under the rug or "motives unknown"
Not sure what you’re talking about with Hogg.

You know our line in the sand. Come for Trump and all hell is gonna break loose. Bet, bro.

Poster is a lunatic. Absolute nut case. Says everyone is emotional about "david hogg" and then he rants on a 50 page defense that sounds like a bi-polar/Borderline Personality Disorder talk. Guy is nuts. Plus he's around kids. Bet he ends up on Ky Bob's "Naughty Teachers".