How will they rule ??!

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I’m all for US disengaging in the Middle East. I am just totally unconfident in the ability of this President to do it the right way.
I presume then you were confident in the last president removing all US troops from Iraq such that the result was the ISIS Caliphate that this president decimated. Do I have that right? OR are you thinking of another past president to do this right?

Grave concern? Like the million of graves of innocent syrians and americans fighting to protect oil pipelines/military weapons trade to enrich disgusting neo con/libs in washington.

Trump is doing what he campaigned on. End the wars and bring home the troops. Any lunatic that disagrees with that can go sign up to fight for Lockheed/Exxon private armies. Maybe you can go to the Golan Heights and fight for Genie Energy. Tell em Dick sent you. Take off and fight for your financial freedoms you evil bastards.
I’m all for US disengaging in the Middle East. I am just totally unconfident in the ability of this President to do it the right way.


Poster is a lunatic. Absolute nut case. Says everyone is emotional about "david hogg" and then he rants on a 50 page defense that sounds like a bi-polar/Borderline Personality Disorder talk. Guy is nuts. Plus he's around kids. Bet he ends up on Ky Bob's "Naughty Teachers".

I'll grab you by the pussy, bro.

You want me in this thread. You need me in this thread.

Diversity is our strength. Don't forget that.
Not sure what you’re talking about with Hogg.

You know our line in the sand. Come for Trump and all hell is gonna break loose. Bet, bro.

Ummm...not to ruin your life or anything, but I think you need a reminder:

Trump is the current president of the US. Not the king. His time in the Oval Office is limited - by design. He will not be there forever.

"Come for Trump?" Like if Mueller uncovers even more dirt and the possibility of impeachment arises? Or "come for Trump" like somebody tries to JFK him? Maybe something about the "DEEP STATE?"

I'm obviously unclear about what "come for Trump" means to you, but in any case....what in the hell are you and your neighborhood buddies gonna do about it?? Drive to D.C. and walk around with some signs (hand-made with love in your basement, of course)? Stand in front of the White House and yell really loud?

LMFAO!!!! Y'all aren't gonna do shit!!
Ummm...not to ruin your life or anything, but I think you need a reminder:

Trump is the current president of the US. Not the king. His time in the Oval Office is limited - by design. He will not be there forever.

"Come for Trump?" Like if Mueller uncovers even more dirt and the possibility of impeachment arises? Or "come for Trump" like somebody tries to JFK him? Maybe something about the "DEEP STATE?"

I'm obviously unclear about what "come for Trump" means to you, but in any case....what in the hell are you and your neighborhood buddies gonna do about it?? Drive to D.C. and walk around with some signs (hand-made with love in your basement, of course)? Stand in front of the White House and yell really loud?

LMFAO!!!! Y'all aren't gonna do shit!!

You're an unstable mf'er. I hope someone has an eye on you. You're a crisis waiting to happen.
lol you aren't grabbing jack. Unless it's a shit filled diaper off one of your "students"

I'll grab your government assistance check, you lazy liberal cuck.

You've done a decent job as Willy's unhinged replacement, but don't forget....

PJ Washington owns you.

Hell of a game for him yesterday though, right?
Diversity is a code word for anti-white.

Find that word used in any other context other than to celebrate less whites? You won’t.

No one goes to Arab, African or Asian countries or any non-white majority nation and demands diversity. NONE! No one thinks to ask why this is?

And here’s a perfect illustration of the diversity cult thinking diversity is anything other than whites.

A couple of years ago, I got into an argument with this moron who tried to say Howard University was diverse. Howard had a student enrollment of like 98 percent black. He viewed it not being white as “diverse.” Never mind that nearly everyone is black. Sooo diverse.
Ummm...not to ruin your life or anything, but I think you need a reminder:

Trump is the current president of the US. Not the king. His time in the Oval Office is limited - by design. He will not be there forever.

"Come for Trump?" Like if Mueller uncovers even more dirt and the possibility of impeachment arises? Or "come for Trump" like somebody tries to JFK him? Maybe something about the "DEEP STATE?"

I'm obviously unclear about what "come for Trump" means to you, but in any case....what in the hell are you and your neighborhood buddies gonna do about it?? Drive to D.C. and walk around with some signs (hand-made with love in your basement, of course)? Stand in front of the White House and yell really loud?

LMFAO!!!! Y'all aren't gonna do shit!!
It’s what the Left did when Trump won.
Grave concern? Like the million of graves of innocent syrians and americans fighting to protect oil pipelines/military weapons trade to enrich disgusting neo con/libs in washington.

Trump is doing what he campaigned on. End the wars and bring home the troops. Any lunatic that disagrees with that can go sign up to fight for Lockheed/Exxon private armies. Maybe you can go to the Golan Heights and fight for Genie Energy. Tell em Dick sent you. Take off and fight for your financial freedoms you evil bastards.
It's crazy they pretend a few thousand american troops in the Syrian desert was what's totally obstructing Russia from world domination
How do those tweets help your case? they show that we already spent way to much money and already have barriers along the border that have drastically curtailed crossings. If crossings are down 90+% why would we spend another 50bil on a wall? border patrol has a larger budget than all but 10 countries military budget. We spend more on the border chasing off Mexicans than Israel spends fighting off the entire middle east.
Translation: "I'm angry because Senator Paul speaks truth".
Rather a wall will curtail illegal immigration is another matter entirely, but a wall on the Mexican border will have as good of a chance at stopping all that he listed in the tweet as I have a chance at legally marrying a Victoria's Secret model and having it not end in divorce.

So tell us what will stop illegals from coming into our country?

Seems to me where walls have been put up they are very effective like the one in San Diego, Tijuana, Israel, southern border of Mexico... Dems don’t want a wall but can’t explain why, but the reality is if they don’t do something to block it they will lose votes in CA and TX and AZ. Only chance they have in the future is a bunch of illegals coming in and being told to vote D or else they lose their benefits and get shipped back. What if there were 1000’s of illegals coming from Russia into Alaska - what do you think Schumer and Pelosi would be asking for to stop them? Drones and technology or a wall. Thanks for playing.
What media leaves out, this guy has been there since Obama and was the guy who signed for the pallets of cash

Why was he still employed anyway? My really only biggest gripe with Trump is how on earth did he not fire some of these people day one? Firing people who worked under Obama should've been the easiest part of his job.
Saw where david Hogg is getting into harvard with an SAT score of 1270..that's lower than the bottom 25% who make over a 1400. Imagine taking a spot from an intelligent kid for a woke activist.
Stuff like this happens at every college in America. How do you think a guy like Eric Bledsoe got into Kentucky, for example? I can guarantee you someone applied with better grades and SAT scores than him but wasn't admitted.
How do those tweets help your case? they show that we already spent way to much money and already have barriers along the border that have drastically curtailed crossings. If crossings are down 90+% why would we spend another 50bil on a wall? border patrol has a larger budget than all but 10 countries military budget. We spend more on the border chasing off Mexicans than Israel spends fighting off the entire middle east.
