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So @wildcatsboston1984 wants to invade Morocco to get the moooslim dudes who said “hey we like isis” and proceeded to rape and decapitate those two women? Why don't you sit this one out kid, you warmonger war criminal.

Look, until folks in these moooslim countries turn on their own bad apples.....which all reading this post will be dead and gone by then.....not a whole lot of options Bucko. F*ck them up when they mess with us directly and send them back to their cages till next time.
Pretty sure the pedo accusations were all lies too if these are lengths they were willing to go especially after what we know went on with Kavanaugh.

It was a false flag operation. During the campaign Moore said this was all a Democrat plot and the media laughed at him. He was right all along.

Also now I'm curious if the so called Russian bots in the '16 presidential election weren't actually D bots being used as a false flag to set Trump up and accuse him of collusion. We all know Hillary had the plan plotted out in advance and she also conveniently had a mega bot operation thanks to Brock and Media Matters. Who's to say this same secret experiment wasn't carried out.

Btw stuff like this is also why we laugh about "Russian troll bots being a threat to democracy."

Secret Democrat Experiment in Alabama Senate Race Imitated Russian Tactics - The New York Times

Democrats Employed Russian-Style Dirty Tricks and Democracy Is the Victim - The Daily Beast

Facebook suspends accounts that used disinformation tactics in Alabama’s special election - The Verge

An election hacked — by Democrats - New York Post

Democrats Spent Same Amount Of Money Building Fake Russian Bots As Russia Did On Real Russian Bots - The Daily Caller

Democratic operatives created fake Russian bots designed to link Kremlin to Roy Moore in Alabama race - Fox News
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And of course the media drug out their classic "without evidence" line that they always use against Rs but never Ds even though Moore and his team clearly laid out evidence and were exactly right all along. Fake news rags. All of them. They're D operatives not journalists. It's that simple.

Russian Twitter bots invade Roy Moore's account; Senate candidate blames Doug Jones, Dems
Posted Oct 16, 2017

Roy Moore's Senate campaign said Monday it does not know why thousands of fake Twitter accounts originating from Russia started following the former judge's account over the weekend, causing a spike in Moore's social media following.

In a statement Monday, Moore's campaign said they called on Twitter to look into the matter, pointing out that Moore has not paid for followers and that all of his support on the social media site was "organically" earned. It appeared that the social media company scrubbed thousands of the fake followers from Moore's account, @MooreSenate.

Many of the Russian bots shared the same characteristics.

Without evidence, the campaign pointed the finger at Democrats.

The Moore campaign said it learned about the spike in followers over the weekend, but said it received media calls about the incident before it could "begin to review and take action on this matter."

A Moore spokeswoman said that raised suspicions that Jones or Democratic sources were behind the incident.

"We highly doubt that reporters across the country spend most of their free time on Sunday breaking away from church, family, and football to review the Twitter followers of various candidates across the country," the campaign said. "It is more likely that Doug Jones and Democrat operatives are pulling a political stunt on Twitter and alerting their friends in the media. It's not surprising that they'd choose the favorite topic of MSNBC and the Fake News outlets - the Russia conspiracy. Democrats can't win this election on the issues and their desperation is on full display."

So @wildcatsboston1984 wants to invade Morocco to get the moooslim dudes who said “hey we like isis” and proceeded to rape and decapitate those two women? Why don't you sit this one out kid, you warmonger war criminal.

Look, until folks in these moooslim countries turn on their own bad apples.....which all reading this post will be dead and gone by then.....not a whole lot of options Bucko. F*ck them up when they mess with us directly and send them back to their cages till next time.
Been in three of those Muslim countries and two were allies and I can tell you, ally was only a word to keep us there to help them stay safe from the others. Most of those I encountered gave me a look as if to say "You're next". Anecdotal you Muslim loving liberals might say? I say a microcosm of reality.
"bkingUK said:
I’m all for US disengaging in the Middle East. I am just totally unconfident in the ability of this President to do it the right way."

What is the right way? Bet you have no answer. Here is one, no way is the right way for Trump haters.

We should just pull out by securing the best ways for us to do it and let those people off each other until a clear winner is picked and then let them know that if they are proven to be behind anything that resembles terrorism directed towards the US we will level them from the Air and Sea. No other option will be available and then another will take their place. Eventually, a government will form who will be content with having their way and be happy with what they got.
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Been in three of those Muslim countries and two were allies and I can tell you, ally was only a word to keep us there to help them stay safe from the others. Most of those I encountered gave me a look as if to say "You're next". Anecdotal you Muslim loving liberals might say? I say a microcosm of reality.
One of my sisters is our family free spirit....divorced with no kids, does Ironman triathlons, mountain climbs, basically works or travels to exotic/interesting locations year round. She’s hit most everywhere but the hardcore moooslum countries and I just have a feeling that’s what’s next.

I appreciate that she’s a no fear chick and you can live your on life as you see fit but I’ll be pretty concerned when she tells us “oh yeah next up going to do some sand surfing in Fallujah”
So @wildcatsboston1984 wants to invade Morocco to get the moooslim dudes who said “hey we like isis” and proceeded to rape and decapitate those two women? Why don't you sit this one out kid, you warmonger war criminal.

Look, until folks in these moooslim countries turn on their own bad apples.....which all reading this post will be dead and gone by then.....not a whole lot of options Bucko. F*ck them up when they mess with us directly and send them back to their cages till next time.
I never said I wanted to invade anywhere. I'm anti-war. I'm simply pointing out the hypocrisy of Trump's statement that he decimated ISIS right after they did another beheading.

Got any other brilliant fake news conclusions you want to come up with? We should get you on Fox News, the national leader in fake news!
I never said I wanted to invade anywhere. I'm anti-war. I'm simply pointing out the hypocrisy of Trump's statement that he decimated ISIS right after they did another beheading.

Got any other brilliant fake news conclusions you want to come up with? We should get you on Fox News, the national leader in fake news!

I guess we didn’t beat the Nazis either, I mean they’re still around every corner according to the Dems?
Look, The Islamic State In Syria, ISIS, is decimated. They control one town, Trump was correct.
I never said I wanted to invade anywhere. I'm anti-war. I'm simply pointing out the hypocrisy of Trump's statement that he decimated ISIS right after they did another beheading.

Got any other brilliant fake news conclusions you want to come up with? We should get you on Fox News, the national leader in fake news!

I don’t religiously watch CNN or Fox News... but reading your last sentence made me think about this.
We used to have a better breed of liberals in this thread. Some of them were very intelligent and just misguided. Of course that same intelligence told them to stay away from here after the election. Now all we're left with are the dregs.
How do those tweets help your case? they show that we already spent way to much money and already have barriers along the border that have drastically curtailed crossings. If crossings are down 90+% why would we spend another 50bil on a wall? border patrol has a larger budget than all but 10 countries military budget. We spend more on the border chasing off Mexicans than Israel spends fighting off the entire middle east.

One of my sisters is our family free spirit....divorced with no kids, does Ironman triathlons, mountain climbs, basically works or travels to exotic/interesting locations year round. She’s hit most everywhere but the hardcore moooslum countries and I just have a feeling that’s what’s next.

I appreciate that she’s a no fear chick and you can live your on life as you see fit but I’ll be pretty concerned when she tells us “oh yeah next up going to do some sand surfing in Fallujah”
I would really fear for her life. The be-headings recently discussed is just a small sample of what really goes on and it is not quick and painless. I just don't understand how so many of our people here wish to appease and hope that they will stop if we allow them to practice Sharia law in our borders. Once they get a foothold it will be hard to stop.
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I never said I wanted to invade anywhere. I'm anti-war. I'm simply pointing out the hypocrisy of Trump's statement that he decimated ISIS right after they did another beheading.

Got any other brilliant fake news conclusions you want to come up with? We should get you on Fox News, the national leader in fake news!

Decimated does not mean eliminated. Learn something before you post please. It is obvious you would rather have us at war than see Trump succeed which says a lot about your lack of good character.