How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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yawn. Yeah I'm a scary socialist. And you want the feudal system to come back. Because you sure don't support capitalism any longer.

Is Beto a pedophile also?

Did Donald Trump brag about busting into a dressing room unannounced so he could see a bunch of naked teenage girls?

Oh yeah, he did.

You'd let Donald Trump grab your daughter by the pussy, wouldn't you?

LMAO you guys are too much. Twisted, sick-minded simpletons. And you idolize Donald Trump, of all people. It's amazing.
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Your favorite bro must have multiple accounts cause he has 9 ‘likes’...nobody but himself is liking that garbage
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Be quiet and watch the game.


Honestly, bro? I find UK basketball to be tiresome these days. I recently went all-in on the NBA, and even that doesn't involve watching games for hours at a time. YouTube highlights are clutch. So sick to see former UK players thriving at the next level. Fox was a stud when he played college ball, but he's developing into an absolute FORCE in the league. Really wish Cousins hadn't gotten hurt...he was my favorite player in the game. Weirdly, my current favorite is Donovan Mitchell. Well weird because he went to UofL and I used to care about such meaningless things, but totally normal because he's a damn beast.

If I'm being 100% transparent, I'd watch more Kentucky basketball this year if we had Zion Williamson.

But hey, at least we have my DOGG, the incomparable PJ Washington. Go Cats!
Your favorite bro must have multiple accounts cause he has 9 ‘likes’...nobody but himself is liking that garbage

Wow. Donald Trump likes walking into teenage girls' dressing rooms. You act like a teenage girl with your weird "likes" fetish.

Did Donald Trump grab your pussy?

Did you feel violated?

Oh and this is my only account, bro. Get on my level.
Honestly, bro? I find UK basketball to be tiresome these days. I recently went all-in on the NBA, and even that doesn't involve watching games for hours at a time. YouTube highlights are clutch. So sick to see former UK players thriving at the next level. Fox was a stud when he played college ball, but he's developing into an absolute FORCE in the league. Really wish Cousins hadn't gotten hurt...he was my favorite player in the game. Weirdly, my current favorite is Donovan Mitchell. Well weird because he went to UofL and I used to care about such meaningless things, but totally normal because he's a damn beast.

If I'm being 100% transparent, I'd watch more Kentucky basketball this year if we had Zion Williamson.

But hey, at least we have my DOGG, the incomparable PJ Washington. Go Cats!

Have we won more than one championship in your lifetime?
Have we won more than one championship in your lifetime?

Bill Cos - hey dog. If you are going to address favorite bro you have to use the right lingo and act like you are trying to be ghetto like him bro and say bro 17 times each post bro. Hope this helps.

Bro :D
Did Donald Trump brag about busting into a dressing room unannounced so he could see a bunch of naked teenage girls?

Oh yeah, he did.

You'd let Donald Trump grab your daughter by the pussy, wouldn't you?

LMAO you guys are too much. Twisted, sick-minded simpletons. And you idolize Donald Trump, of all people. It's amazing.

Is this your Xe bro?


No lectures on morality from you types.

Let me guess? This an outlier, right?
Bill Cos - hey dog. If you are going to address favorite bro you have to use the right lingo and act like you are trying to be ghetto like him bro and say bro 17 times each post bro. Hope this helps.

Bro. You actually said the word "bro" is "ghetto."


What else do you deem "ghetto?"

LMAO you are a basic boy. Entry-level idiot. Get with the times, or get run over. Are you actually a fan of UK athletics? Shameful.
Stick to obsessing over a college basketball team, knowing 100% of the players wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire. It's what you and most of this thread's posters know best, but hate to admit.

lol. Says the guy who lets his 9 yr old students piss on him when not on fire.
And smiles about it...

You're not even a Kentucky fan you effing loser.
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What is wrong about that tweet? the average American voter is under educated. And there is basically zero transparency & accountability in politics & government so they are free to do whatever the hell they want. Why do you think 90% of our laws now cater to big business and rich people and yet all the old ass **** politicians just keep getting voted back in? The health insurance companies wrote a large part of the ACA which is why it went from universal healthcare to mandatory health insurance and Medicaid expansion. A bunch of super rich ****s wrote the tax cut bill which is why it was 90% permanent handouts to big business and the rich and a small pittance to everyone else that phases out. The criminal justice bill was supposed to drastically overhaul and reduce the terrible mandatory minimum laws but then private prisons and sheriffs stepped in and said hell no, you can't take away our revenue stream. When housing crashed did they bailout the average joe who had over leveraged their house? nope, they bailed out big business who had over leveraged average joe. And you fools think Trump will change anything? he got rich by buying off politicians so him and his buddies could get away with that kind of crap. All his buddies and family are still playing the game and he isn't about to do anything to hurt them.
What is wrong about that tweet? the average American voter is under educated. And there is basically zero transparency & accountability in politics & government so they are free to do whatever the hell they want. Why do you think 90% of our laws now cater to big business and rich people and yet all the old ass **** politicians just keep getting voted back in? The health insurance companies wrote a large part of the ACA which is why it went from universal healthcare to mandatory health insurance and Medicaid expansion. A bunch of super rich ****s wrote the tax cut bill which is why it was 90% permanent handouts to big business and the rich and a small pittance to everyone else that phases out. The criminal justice bill was supposed to drastically overhaul and reduce the terrible mandatory minimum laws but then private prisons and sheriffs stepped in and said hell no, you can't take away our revenue stream. When housing crashed did they bailout the average joe who had over leveraged their house? nope, they bailed out big business who had over leveraged average joe. And you fools think Trump will change anything? he got rich by buying off politicians so him and his buddies could get away with that kind of crap. All his buddies and family are still playing the game and he isn't about to do anything to hurt them.
Libe hate tax cuts until they dont. Amazon just landed in New York because Cuomo gave a billionaire, Bezos, a tax cut. It's almost like you morons finally figure out high taxes impede economic growth.
Did Donald Trump brag about busting into a dressing room unannounced so he could see a bunch of naked teenage girls?

Oh yeah, he did.

You'd let Donald Trump grab your daughter by the pussy, wouldn't you?

LMAO you guys are too much. Twisted, sick-minded simpletons. And you idolize Donald Trump, of all people. It's amazing.
I would be embarrassed if platinum ever liked one of my posts. Yikes.
Kidney stone #3 currently making it's way through my innards. Thankfully I've got Percocet and bourbon on hand. These things hurt like a MFer.
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