How will they rule ??!

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This circle jerk is ridiculous.

The far right is destroying this country. Forcing religious preferences down our throats, capitalism has destroyed civilization and you people still dont get it. Trump is the first president to use Russians for political gain and he wont bomb Syria because the Russians dont want him to. Thousands of deaths are on your hands because you fail to accept genderless people who then become depressed and kill themselves. Black men are dying at the hands of police everyday, our Spanish neighbors are being treated like rats. This is a pure white supremacist play and all of you should be ASHAMED of yourselves.
Where’s the criticism of the Democratic Party within the party and their voting base? There isn’t any. Why are they always in unison? Why can’t any of them ever be critical of their party? Even on here; they don’t do it.

I’m suuuper anti-left and I’m registered as Republican but I have no issue criticizing this party. Where the hell is that on the left?

It's on the progressive side. Check out Jimmy Dores show. The MSM will not allow progressives to be heard because they dont want people to know there is a massive civil war in the party. Progressives dont want war and the establishment MSM and liberal backers want it. The media knows if they report on the progressive cause it will scare everyone because progressives are so insane. So in order to push the positions of the red state and create new wars while also hiding the insane policies of the fat left they just keep it as quiet as possible.
Didn't Comey, Strok, etc. all reference a 302 that existed months before August?

Yep iirc comey testified under oath that he reviewed it as director.

They're trying to bluff Flynn out of his argument by trying to remove his acceptance of responsibility credit. Basically means his guidelines will be adjusted upwards by either 2 or 3 points.

Would all depend on what was provided as Brady (exculpatory) material in discovery. They're required to provide it all to defense, even if it's redacted.

If it existed and they intentionally didn't disclose it, it's one of the most serious acts a prosecutor can ever be accused of. If it existed and they destroyed it, then that's even worse.

As always, it'll come down to proof. Very hard to prove this thing existed at the time comey testified about. There will sworn testimony it was a mistake or misunderstanding. Short of a smoking gun, that will be enough to satisfy a judge.
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Yep iirc comey testified under oath that he reviewed it as director.

They're trying to bluff Flynn out of his argument by trying to remove his acceptance of responsibility credit. Basically means his guidelines will be adjusted upwards by either 2 or 3 points.

Would all depend on what was provided as Brady (exculpatory) material in discovery. They're required to provide it all to defense, even if it's redacted.

If it existed and they intentionally didn't disclose it, it's one of the most serious acts a prosecutor can ever be accused of. If it existed and they destroyed it, then that's even worse.

As always, it'll come down to proof. Very hard to prove this thing existed at the time comey testified about. There will sworn testimony it was a mistake or misunderstanding. Short of a smoking gun, that will be enough to satisfy a judge.

So, are you saying all Comey has to say is he was mistaken and the judge will be good with that?
Story about Chinese money and censorship influencing our movie industry. Islamic terror money is there too if anyone will look for it. Those two are funding news and entertainment in an extended propaganda campaign.

We went from bieng attacked on 9-11 to the news refusing to say "Islamic terror" in about an 8 year span.
So we got a UNC douchebag running the WH now :(

Obama is a Tar Heel fan. Shut up.

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Since all of these people in Trump world are being charged simply for lying to the FBI when does McCabe get charged for lying to the FBI? Or when does Hillary and her associates get charged for lying to the FBI?

I mean McCabe was fired because he lied during an FBI interview and Comey testified to Hillary and several others weren't 100% truthful and forthcoming during their FBI interviews.

Or is justice not blind but instead a double standard and we're not supposed to care about Trump enemies lying to the FBI but only Trump friends.

Man they are going ape shit.

This is huuuuuggggeeeee.

From WaPo

The lawsuit was initiated by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, who describes himself as a tea party conservative, with support from 18 GOP counterparts and a governor. The plaintiffs argue that the entire ACA is invalid. They trace their argument to the Supreme Court’s 2012 ruling in which Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. wrote for the majority that the penalty the law created for Americans who do not carry health insurance is constitutional because Congress “does have the power to impose a tax on those without health insurance.”

As part of a tax overhaul a year ago, congressional Republicans pushed through a change in which that ACA penalty will be eliminated, starting in January. The lawsuit argues that, with the enforcement of the insurance requirement gone, there is no longer a tax so the law no longer is constitutional.

“Once the heart of the ACA — the individual mandate — is declared unconstitutional, the remainder of the ACA must also fall,” the lawsuit said.

The appeal goes to the 5th circuit. I read that's heavy R, but I really don't know.

If it goes back to SCOTUS, what does Roberts say about the tax?
As if this was even a question prior to all of this, but the Flynn incident is example nine zillion that there is an open two-tier justice system where people like the Clintons and anyone associated with them is protected while anyone associated with those considered "the enemy" will be destroyed, no matter hat length the uber-powerful branches of the government have to go to. If you aren't terrified by this then you are either ignorant beyond belief or you are a self-described team-Clinton. No other explanations.
As if this was even a question prior to all of this, but the Flynn incident is example nine zillion that there is an open two-tier justice system where people like the Clintons and anyone associated with them is protected while anyone associated with those considered "the enemy" will be destroyed, no matter hat length the uber-powerful branches of the government have to go to. If you aren't terrified by this then you are either ignorant beyond belief or you are a self-described team-Clinton. No other explanations.

It’s not just the Clintons, it’s the justice system being used as a weapon.
Clinton lied to the FBI, Clapper, And Comey lies under oath. Why are they not charged, and Flynn charged? That’s what is frustrating.

Flynn stated he knew they had listened to his conversation, why would he lie after stating that?

Forgot about him. He lied to Congress under penalty of perjury not once but twice. He even self confessed and wrote an apology letter. Not only was he not charged for lying under oath but he also kept his position as CIA director within the Obama administration. Clear double standard.

Although I have to admit that Flynn wouldn't have been charged in any other investigation. The only reason he's being charged now is because Mueller needs indictments to make his witch hunt look semi legit. It's the same reason he's prosecuting people for FARA violations. Half of DC is guilty of lobbying on behalf of someone without registering. It's the equivalent of political jaywalking. No one ever gets charged.

Same for Cohen and campaign finance violation. Normally it's civil and comes with a fine. Mueller has made it criminal. Again he has to keep up the appearance in order to keep pushing the narrative.