How will they rule ??!

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"Capitalism doesnt work because ppl are selfish"


"Socialism will work because ppl are unselfish"

Same ppl.

Or maybe they are confused that ppl in govt are nothing more than ordinary ppl themselves

“Point out the contradiction of leftists” is one of my favorite games. Pathetic that these little shits in college are never challenged with this because it would show how flawed it is. This was a regular occurrence during my college days but I was the one doing it; not the professor.

Jesse Waters does a great job of this in a comical way.

Politicians think they must regulate everything. Assumption of risk lterally covers this exact concern. Go into a place where people are drinking and throwing axes - you're on notice something dumb can happen and you may be injured.

Individuals must have the freedom to make decisions, even decisions that others may not agree with or think unsafe.
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That dipshit who openly roots against usa, cops, and military. He's a POS loser. @cardkilla
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Politicians think they must regulate everything. Assumption of risk lterally covers this exact concern. Go into a place where people are drinking and throwing axes - you're on notice something dumb can happen and you may be injured.

Individuals must have the freedom to make decisions, even decisions that others may not agree with or think unsafe.

So you’re saying it’s kind of similar to attending college gang bang parties on 10 different occasions?

That’s what this reminds me of.
Politicians think they must regulate everything. Assumption of risk lterally covers this exact concern. Go into a place where people are drinking and throwing axes - you're on notice something dumb can happen and you may be injured.

Individuals must have the freedom to make decisions, even decisions that others may not agree with or think unsafe.

I mean politics aside.. What must the insurance be to have not only an axe throwing business, but also include alcohol?

We thought about opening one of these near us, and once we said the word "insurance" we scrapped that idea real quick.
I think Democrats love the idea of big government because they think it’s a big giant broom that can come behind them and clean up their mistakes and protect them from themselves.

Democrats love to replace individualism and personal responsibility with big government regulation and oversight.
I mean politics aside.. What must the insurance be to have not only an axe throwing business, but also include alcohol?

We thought about opening one of these near us, and once we said the word "insurance" we scrapped that idea real quick.

"Passing fad" would probably scare me a little more than "insurance".

Do they even let you drink while throwing axes?
I mean politics aside.. What must the insurance be to have not only an axe throwing business, but also include alcohol?

We thought about opening one of these near us, and once we said the word "insurance" we scrapped that idea real quick.

It has to be pretty costly. I used to represent a group that owned some bars and restaurants. They took steps to put a mechanical bull in one of them. Turns out it made the insurance costs so insane, they decided against it.

So one would think costs of insurance would be to cover a business like throwing axes would be pretty significant
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And he recently signed that anti trump document.

This is a key problem with career politicians. Their sole source of high income is from garnering political favor for donor(s) or foreign agents.

I don't blame Lieberman for taking the money. How many years of high income/any income does he have left? He's got family like the rest of us.

But, he said he wouldn't.

Then he signs on to the ex Senator petition while nary a word about Hillary.

I didn't expect him to say anything about anyone in politics because he's an ex, but now he's had enough and we're a country of laws.

Bullshit, just cash in and fade the **** away.
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I don't blame Lieberman for taking the money. How many years of high income/any income does he have left? He's got family like the rest of us.

But, he said he wouldn't.

Then he signs on to the ex Senator petition while nary a word about Hillary.

I didn't expect him to say anything about anyone in politics because he's an ex, but now he's had enough and we're a country of laws.

Bullshit, just cash in and fade the **** away.

I don't blame him for taking the money. I blame the system that made a market for this type of service.

If we don't remove major money from politics, we're doomed as a nation.

The change that can be the most immediate and have incredible impact is term limits for Congress. We'd need more done, but that would be a giant step forward
The inaugural fund? Lol

Eff these people. You all see the shit the left does any time they lose? I look forward to the day these parasites get their comeuppance.

The left controls most if not all major metropolitan areas, nearly all media outlets and are backed billionaires that have more wealth than half the world's population. Make no mistake about it the left is the evil empire.
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Been saying for years the Big Three are:

  1. Term limits on Congress
  2. Reform on the lobbying industry
  3. Campaign finance reform
Shouldn't be able to become a millionaire from simply being a Congressman(woman)(trans). You should be serving the people and their best interests. Not scheming ways to fund your retirement.
you do realize the conservative politicians oppose everyone of those bullet points? They even went so far as to push citizens united to a conservative SCOTUS to undo the small amount of campaign finance reform that we had. aka, money is speech and corporations are people, lmao. Liberals have been asking for those changes for 20 years now.
you do realize the conservative politicians oppose everyone of those bullet points? They even went so far as to push citizens united to a conservative SCOTUS to undo the small amount of campaign finance reform that we had. aka, money is speech and corporations are people, lmao. Liberals have been asking for those changes for 20 years now.

They all opose it. Look at Nancy and Chuck. Mitch and Paul Ryan.

No matter may be said. Actions tell the real story
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you do realize the conservative politicians oppose everyone of those bullet points? They even went so far as to push citizens united to a conservative SCOTUS to undo the small amount of campaign finance reform that we had. aka, money is speech and corporations are people, lmao. Liberals have been asking for those changes for 20 years now.
I bet your nose grew a foot after that post.
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you do realize the conservative politicians oppose everyone of those bullet points? They even went so far as to push citizens united to a conservative SCOTUS to undo the small amount of campaign finance reform that we had. aka, money is speech and corporations are people, lmao. Liberals have been asking for those changes for 20 years now.

I know they oppose it. They all do...on both sides of the isle...regardless of your BS last sentence.

I am not on either side of the political fence, brother. I am pro-American citizens. Most of the time that means I lean right...but not on all of the issues. These 3 particular issues are probably the most (or at least in the top 5) non-partisan issues known to man. The fact that you just tried to make them partisan issues is very telling.

Your buddies Obama and McCain both ran on campaign reform in the primaries. I was thrilled about that...especially when both won their primaries. And then your buddy Obama saw how much money he could raise. Then poof...campaign reform was an afterthought. And then McCain followed suit. I considered that a watershed moment. That could have been a huge positive moment in American politics for the American people. But nah. Winning became more both candidates.

True liberals might have been pushing for those things for the last 20 years. Maybe. But the Democratic Party as a whole hasn't been pushing for it. Neither party has. Sure...a few here and there use it as a talking point. But that's about the extent of it.

Also, you do realize that the current Democratic Party is about 10,000 miles left of being what "liberal" used to mean? Don't you? Liberal doesn't even begin to describe what the Dem party is in its current state. Please tell me you at least understand that much.

And even if what you said were 100% true...then guess what? I'd still be for all 3. And would vote for any/all Dems that could make all three happen.
This is a 1 1/2 hour long movie, so watch it bits if you must, but definitely watch it.

Alinskyism has become the mainstream. When you see his tactics revealed in plain English, it becomes crystal clear that they are no longer tactics, but the central worldview of the Left.

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Where’s the criticism of the Democratic Party within the party and their voting base? There isn’t any. Why are they always in unison? Why can’t any of them ever be critical of their party? Even on here; they don’t do it.

I’m suuuper anti-left and I’m registered as Republican but I have no issue criticizing this party. Where the hell is that on the left?