How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
That's an attractive man.

More voter fraud.

Afghanistan is gonna have to come in and conduct our elections. What a joke of a country we’ve become.
Another case in Texas. This group was being paid by D political operatives.

Nine people arrested by Texas AG’s office for voter fraud
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Yeah it's a good thing you guys supported a president who served by supporting terrorist and went to churches who were enemies of America. Also supported a candidate who is traitorous and conspired with the Russians and also allowed an American Ambassador and other American patriots die at the hands of the enemy making support elements stand down instead of going in to rescue them. Supporting a president who with his admin sold weapons to drug dealers who killed both Americans and Mexicans with those weapons. How can you live with yourself? You are just as bad a piece of scum that they are but, you come here to malign a president that is making all Americans lives better including yours. Your need to have your side win "Trumps" any good character you might have had. Your low life agenda proves you are scum.
All that huh?? Such a precious rube.

That's a cute article that said basically nothing other than it admits will take several more years to actually gauge the effect of the tax cut. Anyway.

I work for a very large energy company. The investments in the plant I work for have increased. We are hiring. Our workforce is the largest it's been since 2007. We have taken a hit shorterm to distance ourselves fro. The purchase of any Chinese metal and are now only purchasing American made. We are also looking at opening up work to bring back jobs to making and machining our own products that left our plant in the 90s. Thanks to trumps tariffs on China. Yes we took a hit initially but this company was large enough to not care and are now doing business excluding china and looking to invest making these parts that we outsourced years ago back in house again.

We are very big so don't get me wrong. This is a huge development. So go play along with your bullshit kiddo.
So, did we charge/extradite Assange for testimony just so we could get him out of UK safely?
Yeah it's a good thing you guys supported a president who served by supporting terrorist and went to churches who were enemies of America. Also supported a candidate who is traitorous and conspired with the Russians and also allowed an American Ambassador and other American patriots die at the hands of the enemy making support elements stand down instead of going in to rescue them. Supporting a president who with his admin sold weapons to drug dealers who killed both Americans and Mexicans with those weapons. How can you live with yourself? You are just as bad a piece of scum that they are but, you come here to malign a president that is making all Americans lives better including yours. Your need to have your side win "Trumps" any good character you might have had. Your low life agenda proves you are scum.

James must love a good beating. He sets himself up for them on a daily.
are now only purchasing American made. We are also looking at opening up work to bring back jobs to making and machining our own products that left our plant in the 90s.

Hell yea! USA!

My biggest pet peeve is the hyocrisy by the left/hipster douchebags regarding business/trade:


....also, ship all jobs overseas and buy cheap China steel!!!!

You stupid mfers. Support your community, state, and country.

I also don’t see them “opening up” their communities and homes to the homeless/refugees. That’s not their job.

Thats a misleading headline James, intentionally. It doesn't say where the jobs were eliminated.

It's safe to say the 1000 largest employers are global companies, so it's entirely plausible that worldwide 140,000 jobs could've been cut, but that would have nothing to do with the tax cut,nor would it hurt Americans.
Why the top 1000 employers? When in reality it's probably the top 10 that have most of the cuts? Because it looks more dramatic to use 1000.

It's a weak article.
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Hell yea! USA!

My biggest pet peeve is the hyocrisy by the left/hipster douchebags regarding business/trade:


Yeah, nothing says "buy local" like selling the community $15 bars of soaps.

Buy Local means ripping off the community for 40X the price and then guilt tripping the community when the won't spend $300 for a plastic bead necklace from some girl with hairy armpits. And don't forget the $32 doughnuts either.... Rip Off.
The Democrat candidates in Georgia and Florida are dangerous to our republic. They don't care about the interest of the majority of the people all they care about is throwing a monkey wrench in the system and causing chaos. They are beat and know they are beat but instead of conceding and working with the winner to bring the state together they look for the courts to make irrational rulings in their favor. If this continues, and it will only get worse, we are headed for big trouble in the future.
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It's amazing that people will take a tweet (A MFing TWEET!) at face value, even if it contradicts objective reality.



Measurable unemployment is down to near record lows, labor force participation is up, more jobs than there are applicants*, wages on the rise

I mean, why would you even need to read that article to know it's, at least, highly misleading?

* Hilariously enough, this exact point is used to point out why we need to ship millions of Hispanics into the country. For an economy that sucks so bad, why do we have so many jobs to fill?
It's amazing that people will take a tweet (A MFing TWEET!) at face value, even if it contradicts objective reality.



Measurable unemployment is down to near record lows, labor force participation is up, more jobs than there are applicants*, wages on the rise

I mean, why would you even need to read that article to know it's, at least, highly misleading?

* Hilariously enough, this exact point is used to point out why we need to ship millions of Hispanics into the country. For an economy that sucks so bad, why do we have so many jobs to fill?
This is the liberal, irrational Democrat way. Spew out lies and then if people don't buy into it attack them and destroy them. They go to school to learn how to create chaos and demolish truth and justice. They are evil to the core.
Another amazing thing is how out of touch celebrities and media members are. Do they really think showing a picture of how smoking hot the first lady is will drive people away from Trump?

"Hey guys, look at how amazingly beautiful the first lady is. #RESIST" It doesn't even compute.

It's just like the Stormy Daniels stuff. So Trump banged a porn star, got her to go to court to demand to let everyone in the world know he banged her and eventually ended up, by court order, making her pay him for the privilege of sleeping with her. Again, these people think that makes Trump look bad in some respect.

These bitches always fail to see their hypocrisy. What happened to “my body, my choice” and “slut shaming” and “slut walks” and “female empowerment?”

Leave it to an old fat ugly ass hook nose to bash a former model who can speak like five languages and carries herself with class on a daily basis.
Florida is cover for all the House seats going to the Dems currently. Everyone is focused on Florida while everyday Dems pick up seats where the Rep was leading election night.

I don’t trust this hand count in the least bit either. Why are the machines burdened by a heavy load now, when they work perfectly fine Election night?
The whole thing is a sham, it’s ridiculous.

I started to post this last week. I had no idea it would be as successful as it has been. If the Florida recount last another month, there will be 350 Representatives that are Democrats.
I'm going to try and be a democrat today. Here goes. You're a racist, he's a racist, she's a racist, they're racists, you all are racists, if you voted for Trump you're a racist, if you voted against Hillary you're a racist, if you voted against Obama you are a racist, if you voted against any democrat you're a racist, if you are for strong border security you're a racist, if you are tough on crime you're a racist, if you are for tax cuts you are a racist. If you were for Brett Kavanaugh being on the supreme court you're a racist... Yeah I know it's pretty disgusting. But that's the life in a day of a liberal, democrat. Now let me go and soak myself in clorox and try to remove some of this liberal filth.
What's wrong with draft deferments? I had one, waited for the draft, & they chose to take others. You have a problem with that? Why? Were you there?

And what's the "essentially" volunteered crap? He did or he didn't. Which is it?

I essentially volunteered too right after i got the letter from uncle which started “greeting.” those old enough to have lived during the military draft can relate.
ot, but can you imagine the fiasco if a draft were to be implemented today?