How will they rule ??!

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How familiar are you with the amount of corruption from black preachers? They’re notorious for financial corruption. That doesn’t mean no other race does this but it’s staggering how much it happens in the black church. Just go a google search.

So no surprise that it takes place in politics.
I bet if you dig deep enough this ole boy would probably be called a preacher by someone. The Rev.
^ Another theory...

The entire country is on a dead-end path to the peter principle filling the most critical and important of positions. Complete opposite of Obama's totally ****ed economy where employers could hire over-qualified workers at every position (and underpay them). The sudden need for employees will yield some very, very bad hires based on degree alone, not merit or aptitude. And we all know the value of a modern college education these days...
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Supporting the president gets you banned from Disney. lol. Same company has disgusting LGBTQ theme crap at their park, has radical lunatics at ABC/Disney/ESPN and also making their movies.

Guy was not obscene nor assaulted or harassed anyone.
If that sign flies back and hits someone in the face they have some issues.

I do find it hard to believe it would be the same story/punishment if that were a Hope and Change sign (definitely a warning though), but the guy was a jackass nonetheless. He had already been warned for bringing flags/banners and he wanted to push the envelope...Go to the park and have fun.
If that sign flies back and hits someone in the face they have some issues.

I do find it hard to believe it would be the same story/punishment if that were a Hope and Change sign, but the guy was a jackass nonetheless. Go to the park and have fun.
Bullshit. There have been dozens if not hundreds of staged pics like this on Disney coasters and rides with props. Elaborate props. One family had a dining table and candles.

Nary a ****ing word from Didney.
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Bullshit. There have been dozens if not hundreds of staged pics like this on Disney coasters and rides with props. Elaborate props. One family had a dining table and candles.

Nary a ****ing word from Didney.
Lol - what’s BS? I said they would’ve just gave a warning if it were a sign they liked. It’s against their rules to do that stuff - so don’t be upset when they enforce it. They obviously lean left - go watch the Hall of Presidents show.

He had also got previous warnings. He was a jackass.
Watching the news, they said part of the invasion reached Tijuana and showed some climbing the wall. Any of them actually crossed into US territory yet?
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The Paris Climate Accord is a complete failure. Virtually no one is living up to their pledges. Trump was right to get us out of that garbage agreement. The U.S. is actually doing better than the E.U. thanks to our increased usage of American produced natural gas.

Note that the majority of G-20 nations that are actually increasing their emissions:

A number of G-20 countries actually saw their emissions increase in 2017, including Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Japan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Korea and Turkey.
If you haven’t completely lost any form of admiration or being enamored with Hollywood then you’re not paying attention or super misinformed/shallow.

It’s a dark industry. They play these make believe characters and people buy into this escape and fantasy for a couple of hours. These people often sleep with people for breaks, have huge drug problems, are more often than not completely ignorant (Jennifer Lawrence and Johnny Depp couldn’t even get past the 10th grade) yet are surrounded by people that make them feel like they’re important and smart.

But like you said, these are the same people who fall for Scientology (which there’s zero excuse to believe) and then have no problems with Harvey Weinstein or Roman Polanski until it’s beneficial for them to be against it. And people are kidding themselves if they think it’s only Hollywood studio heads and famous directors doing this. No, it’s from the bottom to the top- from crew, casting directors, agents, modeling, managers, etc. So many sell themselves for a chance to get ahead.

But when it comes to politics, my list of people I will no longer watch has grown significantly.
Aren't a lot of them on that #metoo list of people who are scumbags? What is up with not going after them right now or am I missing something here.
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The tall one is running for governor of Florida and the heavyset man is Noah Holliman Jr, the guy who rented the Avis car in Florida that was found with the stolen provisional ballots. To be political correct and not be in danger of being called a racist no one should say Andrew Gillum is a crook and trying to steal an election. But, some may think Andrew Gillum is crook trying to steal an election.

You're a tsicar. I always wanted to know how it sounded backwards since most of the people today using the term are thinking backwards.
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How stupid do you have to be in order to be a white Democratic Party voter? It’s an entire party who has been open about replacing you as a majority through immigration (and making you pay for it) and pushes to discriminate against you in admissions and job openings all while subjecting you to constant white bashing in media and academia.

How brainwashed and cucked are you to support that?
How stupid do you have to be in order to be a white Democratic Party voter? It’s an entire party who has been open about replacing you as a majority through immigration (and making you pay for it) and pushes to discriminate against you in admissions and job openings all while subjecting you to constant white bashing in media and academia.

How brainwashed and cucked are you to support that?

I don't understand this either. If you reversed the language that many dems use re: white people and had a GOPers saying that towards blacks the world would freaking end.
Lol - what’s BS? I said they would’ve just gave a warning if it were a sign they liked. It’s against their rules to do that stuff - so don’t be upset when they enforce it. They obviously lean left - go watch the Hall of Presidents show.

He had also got previous warnings. He was a jackass.

I agree. If he wants to wear a MAGA hat and they kick him out different story. There are safety concerns with the sign. He's trying too hard, seeking attention for himself and basically acting like the lib left looney tunes. I do agree they should treat all the offenders equally.
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Sen. Jeff Flake screwing things up again. He is refusing to vote for any judges until the Senate votes on his bill to protect Robert Mueller. Mitch had planned to confirm about 50 judges in the next few weeks. This Mueller protection act would never pass the House so what is the point.

I don't know why they don't just vote on it. It's blatantly Unconstitutional and Trump would just tell them to shove it up their ass if he actually wanted to fire Mueller.
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The Democrats are going to steal the election in Florida. The nonsense about overheating vote tallying machines in Palm Beach County is an absolute joke. Now they have to handcount 584000 votes.

Nope not this time. Scott is a fighter and had Trump and cocaine Mitch behind him.

They can try all they want but POS libs are going down.
Bullshit. There have been dozens if not hundreds of staged pics like this on Disney coasters and rides with props. Elaborate props. One family had a dining table and candles.

Nary a ****ing word from Didney.
OK. But news to me. Not a Disney person.