How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .
Try to imagine if the roles were reversed in Florida. And democrats had just won 2 narrow victories for governor & the U S senate. Then on the day/s after election day, all of a sudden boxes of ballots starting turning up in the really heavy republican counties. And as these new votes were being counted. Their leads started decreasing. What would CNN & MSNBC be saying? And you can bet that antifa & the democrat mobs would be burning those republican counties to the ground. Imagine the outrage from CNN and MSNBC. But this crap that's going on in Florida now were democrats are trying to steal another election and we're hearing next to nothing about it from the hypocrites in the media.
How about we start using blockchain to track votes. Apparently that can't be hacked with current technology, and certainly not in the span of a single day.

Obviously that's not going to happen because the powers that be need to ensure cryptocurrency never becomes a thing. Widespread adoption of blockchain technology would expedite the end of fiat currency (which I don't foresee eve happening until the inevitable nuclear war the Ds get us into).
How about we start using blockchain to track votes. Apparently that can't be hacked with current technology, and certainly not in the span of a single day.

Obviously that's not going to happen because the powers that be need to ensure cryptocurrency never becomes a thing. Widespread adoption of blockchain technology would expedite the end of fiat currency (which I don't foresee eve happening until the inevitable nuclear war the Ds get us into).
Broward and Palm Beach County suck.

Broward shenanigans: Now up to 46,000 Democrat votes "found" after election day, with more to come. Brenda Snipes is a pro at stealing elections. The whole state knows it. She wants this to go to a recount and then they will go to work
How THE FU€|< is a person who was convicted of committing voter fraud allowed to be ANYWHERE NEAR this place, much less running it.

How is she still an election official?

How can you be caught trying to rig elections and keep your position?

And how do republicans let this happen? I’d damn sure not let a known cheater be in charge of counting of ballots.

As much crap as Kentucky takes for being hillbilly and redneck, we have a much more advanced voting system than Florida. In Danville you submit the ballot into a machine and the votes are tallied immediately. Of course, it would be hard to rig elections if you had that type of technology. Much easier to rig an election using a tote with a slot.
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How THE FU€|< is a person who was convicted of committing voter fraud allowed to be ANYWHERE NEAR this place, much less running it.
This is Broward County, Florida. This is the home of Debbie Wassermann Schultz. The election supervisor is elected by the people of Broward County. The lady is black. Nobody says a word down there because Miss Debbie will scream racism and voter suppression if you speak out. So everybody let's it go. It is a well known fact that if a state wide election is close Broward County and Palm Beach County will go into action.

The only way a Republican can win a statewide election is to have an insurmountable lead where Broward's hidden ballots will not be an issue. We knew this would happen because it always does. Remember 2000?
If you still can’t see how evil Democrats are, you’re a fool.

These people will do anything and justify everything. Look at what they have done to media and academia and social media. Look at what they do in the streets with violence and chaos. Look at the voter fraud. Look at their war on cops and ICE and their refusal to abide by the law. We are in a war where one side is still not fully aware to what their enemy does and is capable of.
Now that my frustration has subsided, we need to address the voting crap that's going on. This isn't a republican thing or a democrat thing, it's a good faith in elections thing. Here are my thoughts:
  1. Make election day a Federal Holiday so that people are off school and work
  2. No more early voting nonsense; hardship voting is fine and can be done at a few places with a sworn statement that you will be away on election day
  3. Use whatever the machines we use in Louisville are - I was actually impressed. You fill out a paper ballet that makes sense and then you put it in a machine to get counted. Paper copy and electric. Boom.

And voter registration. If you can post about politics on facebook 24/7.. you can vote. What a crock of shit.
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A few people in my personal life have responded to me with "You're using What-About-Isms, That's not a proper argument". and "You're trying to avoid the question!".

No. I'm trying to figure out where the goalposts have been moved to. When I say "What about Obama and detained kids?", it's not to give a pass to Trump.. it's to figure out why liberals don't care about a topic one day and become enraged about it the next. We can certainly get back to Trump and *insert heinous crime* as soon as I figure out if it's something you even truly care about.

Stop belly-aching and crying wolf over every little thing and this wouldn't be a problem. I can't have a proper debate on what Trump did when I'm still trying to figure out if Drone attacks are good (pre 2016) or bad (post 2016). I can't comment on something if I don't know if it's right or wrong!
A few people in my personal life have responded to me with "You're using What-About-Isms, That's not a proper argument". and "You're trying to avoid the question!".

No. I'm trying to figure out where the goalposts have been moved to. When I say "What about Obama and detained kids?", it's not to give a pass to Trump.. it's to figure out why liberals don't care about a topic one day and become enraged about it the next. We can certainly get back to Trump and *insert heinous crime* as soon as I figure out if it's something you even truly care about.

Stop belly-aching and crying wolf over every little thing and this wouldn't be a problem. I can't have a proper debate on what Trump did when I'm still trying to figure out if Drone attacks are good (pre 2016) or bad (post 2016). I can't comment on something if I don't know if it's right or wrong!

"Whataboutism" is all anyone ever responds with if you look at anything on Reddit.

1. That word is menatally retarded, and using it immediately shows your a loony toon leftist.

2. It's not "whataboutism" to point out someone is a hypocritical dipshit.

I agree with you. I'd like the laws to apply to everyone equally. If something applies to the actions of Trump, what about when Obama was doing the exact same damn thing? Why wasn't it bad then?
So after we lose the AZ and FL races we will be net +1 in the senate (52 seats). I am disappointed that it wasn't better but we should still be able to get all of our judges through. Flake is gone. Collins and Murkowski can vote no and Pence can break any tie.
The Republicans have had control in Florida much of the time since 2000. How they couldn't fix this election/vote/counting BS in the past 15 plus years is on them. What a bunch of BS.

If there's a better argument for BS bureaucratic slow and inefficient government, it's counting votes. R's should run on this.
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"Whataboutism" is all anyone ever responds with if you look at anything on Reddit.

1. That word is menatally retarded, and using it immediately shows your a loony toon leftist.

2. It's not "whataboutism" to point out someone is a hypocritical dipshit.

I agree with you. I'd like the laws to apply to everyone equally. If something applies to the actions of Trump, what about when Obama was doing the exact same damn thing? Why wasn't it bad then?


Can you imagine if Hillary was up there, with her oiwn snide remarks (as we know Trump does), and a conservative reporter pushed a FEMALE INTERN away after being an asshole himself? Can you imagine the outrage?

No instead, I'm hearing that the intern acted to rash.

Goalposts keep moving. I don't know what to believe anymore.
So after we lose the AZ and FL races we will be net +1 in the senate (52 seats). I am disappointed that it wasn't better but we should still be able to get all of our judges through. Flake is gone. Collins and Murkowski can vote no and Pence can break any tie.
That is the important thing. Getting conservative judges in their seats.

But there are warning flags out there for our future. The states of Georgia and Florida voted 50% for a socialist for governor. Georgia is considered a conservative state but 50% would accept a socialist. Florida is already 50/50 and will be pro-Democrat with the next election cycle. With the transplants coming in by the thousands and now felons can vote the GOP is facing a rough road ahead.
And in regards to the horrific and unspeakable crime that is *gasp* voter registration.. are any of you really using it as a means to supress minorities? There must be SOME bigots here, the left wouldn't lie about racism.

.. but me personally, I just want to make sure it's legit. I don't care if a whole gay black town came out and voted the entire left party line.. do you, boo. But you do have to be a citizen.. and you know, be alive. That part is important to me. We're deciding who runs the country and we're OK with ID not being required? What? This is like when David Stern held the lottery behind closed doors. No, you get your ass out here Stern, I want to SEE the Knicks really got the 1st pick in '85.

I want to KNOW that these were legit votes. I don't care who they voted for. But nope, I'm just a racist.
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How about we start using blockchain to track votes. Apparently that can't be hacked with current technology, and certainly not in the span of a single day.

Obviously that's not going to happen because the powers that be need to ensure cryptocurrency never becomes a thing. Widespread adoption of blockchain technology would expedite the end of fiat currency (which I don't foresee eve happening until the inevitable nuclear war the Ds get us into).
The US should never give up the world's most dependable currency. Too many advantages.
Blockchain has already been used at some town in Europe (Maybe in Switzerland? I forget), and Sierra Leone.

A few months ago, most were touting its ability but now I notice everyone is turning on it, primarily NBC News and academia. Hmm, wonder why they wouldn't want that?
The reason NBC news, academic, ect... are against this. Is because it will make it harder for democrats to cheat. And if democrats don't cheat like they are in Florida, it makes it much harder for them to win. I mean a person could be blind in one eye & couldn't see out of the other eye and they could see that the democrats are blatantly trying to steal these 2 elections in Florida.
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