How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Who is Asian allabouttheUK?
if they are such good workers who want to make their own way why is signing up for welfare so important to them, getting on Obamacare roles, getting food stamps?

Because they left has made sure they can do both. Cross the border, have babies, sign up for everything coming and going, work for cash, have said babies grow up and vote Dem every election. Breed out any chance of anything besides a Dem president. Profit.

It comes down to who won't vote for Trump vs who won't vote for Hillary. Talk about a stick-in-the-eye vs a punch-in-the-gut options...

Thats definitely true.
No one is outraged over your comments JHB4UK
haha, false. look at the little screaming crying hissy fit I trolled out out fuzzy. of course it don't take much of a deviation from strict leftist political correctness to cause that bitch to do so.

very entertaining to make a little delicate progressive flower Mad Online
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haha, false. look at the little screaming crying hissy fit I trolled out out fuzzy. of course it don't take much of a deviation from strict leftist political correctness to cause that bitch to do so.

very entertaining to make a little delicate progressive flower Mad Online
Don't flatter yourself. I actually enjoy pointing out ignorance where it exists.
No one is outraged over your comments JHB4UK, just dubious. Just making comments about the horrors of Latinos with no stats or data to back it up is just an opinion.

No, not really. Is his comments something we should be outraged over? hahaha

I can name a million other things to cause outrage, JHB's post isn't one of them.
If anyone's interested, a former Bay Area associate of mine is selling these gems to support the West Fund, a provider of abortion services for low income families in West Texas :


The first round of printing was a success. Second round will be starting later this month and will continue until Cruz either drops out of the election or publicly denies that he was the Zodiac Killer. Until he addresses the issue we'll never truly know.
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haha, false. look at the little screaming crying hissy fit I trolled out out fuzzy. of course it don't take much of a deviation from strict leftist political correctness to cause that bitch to do so.

very entertaining to make a little delicate progressive flower Mad Online
rqarnold likes this
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New Bloomberg poll: Fav/Unfav Donald Trump 29% -- 68% Ted Cruz 32% -- 55% John Kasich 46% -- 32% Hillary Clinton 44% -- 53%

Quit being establishment-y and get behind him!!
Starting a "charity" to abort poor people sounds like an idea I'd come up with. If only I would have come up with the t shirt idea so people wouldn't find it morally reprehensible.
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My oldest son served a 15 month tour in southeastern Afghanistan. One of my co-workers did a tour in Iraq and one in Afghanistan. Both of them told me pedophilia (male on male) and bestiality were very common. This from a society and a religion where strict morals are to be adhered to? I say if that's the case Islam is nothing but a sham
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My oldest son served a 15 month tour in southeastern Afghanistan. One of my co-workers did a tour in Iraq and one in Afghanistan. Both of them told me pedophilia (male on male) and bestiality were very common. This from a society and a religion where strict morals are to be adhered to? I say if that's the case Islam is nothing but a sham
dunno know about bestiality, but the tradition of pedophilia in Afghanistan is well known (Frontline actually did an entire documentary about it). It's one of the few areas where both the Taliban and the western powers actually have a common goal [laughing]
Another person from the left talking about partisanship. Seriously?

Just because I don't masturbate to right wing shit doesn't mean I'm a lefty. Will I lean left on every social issue? Damn right I will because I don't care what your church thinks I should do with my life because I find all religion to be made up hogwash.

I'm with you right-wing guys on the guns n' money other than I do feel a little more sympathy for poor people than corporations. I still believe we should cut spending across the board and keep taxes as low as we can. I just don't do the church and fear thing because they go hand in hand and I call bullshit on both.

So, quit trying to label me. I think Deeee's takes are as terrible as Heisman's in this arena (no offense meant to either poster). Again, if anyone says "if __________ is elected we're all doomed" I find them to be incapable of politically rational thought and their political takes lose all credibility. Left or right.

Is it really that hard to imagine that people can actually agree with positions on both sides without being fully in the tank for one team or the other?

Here's my presidential voting record going back to being eligible in 2000:

2000: Nader
2004: Bush
2008: Obama
2012: Johnson
2016: Likely Johnson again.

Definitely a lockstep lefty. :rolleyes:
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Politico: Establishment increasingly prepared to lose with Cruz than hand the party to Trump

Sounds like the GOP is going to acquiesce and give Cruz the nomination and consciously forfeit the 2016 WH race in an effort to preserve their chances for 2020.

"The most gifted and diversified field of Republican candidates since 1865" (h/t George Will) has produced this abortion of an election cycle. Congrats, primary voters. Congrats.
Can we hit reset on the whole damn process?

Abolish two party system, go with four parties (far right, mid right, far left, mid left) and see what happens.
Can we hit reset on the whole damn process?

Abolish two party system, go with four parties (far right, mid right, far left, mid left) and see what happens.
meh. you'd have to revamp the Constitution in order to make something like that viable. it'll always distill down to two parties with how high-stakes our POTUS elections are.
Here's my presidential voting record going back to being eligible in 2000:

2000: Nader
2004: Bush
2008: Obama
2012: Johnson
2016: Likely Johnson again.

Definitely a lockstep lefty. :rolleyes:

Can't go wrong with Johnson - and no one should hold their nose and vote for a R or a D cause you think you have to. If you don't believe in them you shouldn't vote at all.
My oldest son served a 15 month tour in southeastern Afghanistan. One of my co-workers did a tour in Iraq and one in Afghanistan. Both of them told me pedophilia (male on male) and bestiality were very common. This from a society and a religion where strict morals are to be adhered to? I say if that's the case Islam is nothing but a sham

Did you expect Islam to somehow take unrefined, tribal cultures and magically promote them to an equal merit of any sort? "As if" they had gone through a cultural enrichment period through many centuries of prosperity, proving to the world an ability to create wealth and beauty on their own? They're own age of enlightenment happened for them somehow without the rest of the world showing it to them? And as if they have ever achieved the first notion of formal civility for the world to recognize and make sovereign - a quasi magna carta - where a deal could actually be struck between the lowly peoples and a legitimate governing body, legitimate enough to make this claim true: these lands and people are not tribal and have not been for the vastness of recorded history.

How is it that the descendants of Europe are without the ability to understand how unequal that culture is? Naturally so. Indeed, there is a sham taking place.
My oldest son served a 15 month tour in southeastern Afghanistan. One of my co-workers did a tour in Iraq and one in Afghanistan. Both of them told me pedophilia (male on male) and bestiality were very common. This from a society and a religion where strict morals are to be adhered to? I say if that's the case Islam is nothing but a sham

Morality, or affronts to it, is not evidence that a religion is true or not true. After all, a supreme being could be evil.

The unsubstantiated nonsense with zero coherence to the observable universe is what makes it rubbish.