How will they rule ??!

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Just because I don't masturbate to right wing shit doesn't mean I'm a lefty. Will I lean left on every social issue? Damn right I will because I don't care what your church thinks I should do with my life because I find all religion to be made up hogwash.

I'm with you right-wing guys on the guns n' money other than I do feel a little more sympathy for poor people than corporations. I still believe we should cut spending across the board and keep taxes as low as we can. I just don't do the church and fear thing because they go hand in hand and I call bullshit on both.

So, quit trying to label me. I think Deeee's takes are as terrible as Heisman's in this arena (no offense meant to either poster). Again, if anyone says "if __________ is elected we're all doomed" I find them to be incapable of politically rational thought and their political takes lose all credibility. Left or right.

Is it really that hard to imagine that people can actually agree with positions on both sides without being fully in the tank for one team or the other?

Here's my presidential voting record going back to being eligible in 2000:

2000: Nader
2004: Bush
2008: Obama
2012: Johnson
2016: Likely Johnson again.

Definitely a lockstep lefty. :rolleyes:
Fair enough.

Pathetic Emory students need counseling and are in pain from seeing "Trump 2016" written in chalk on a sidewalk.

Academia is filled with pussies.

That reads from something out of the Onion. That can't be serious.

Here's the deal. I'm 40 in age and 12 in maturity, but I do know one thing. A lot of these whiny snotty brats were birthed by people in my age bracket. What a disgrace. Baby boomers gave us debt and my Generation X gave us an army of spoiled, snotty, entitled, intolerant brats.
i had no idea that mass murders are considered a political topic.

Maybe one day we can get an explanation as to why this is done. I would think that there are times when world wide event such as the bombings in Brussels should stand on there own. Deeefense where are you?
That reads from something out of the Onion. That can't be serious.

Here's the deal. I'm 40 in age and 12 in maturity, but I do know one thing. A lot of these whiny snotty brats were birthed by people in my age bracket. What a disgrace. Baby boomers gave us debt and my Generation X gave us an army of spoiled, snotty, entitled, intolerant brats.
I am 58 and 12 so, I am even worse.
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This is pretty much how I feel, and why a significant chunk of normal GOP voters may sit this one out.
I am on the fence right now on sitting it out. Perhaps we deserve another round of Obama type policies and eventually get enough people seeing how bad it can really get before we can effect real change. I want to see this country set on its ear with the type of demonstrations everywhere that we are seeing at Trump rallies. Perhaps, (wishful thinking maybe) that will send a message to our politicians that we have had enough and it is time to do the right things for this country.
If nothing else Trump will expose how irrelevant the president is. I mean you don't think congress/senate are just going to take a 4yr vaca do you?

Things will still get done.

Also all his immature BS has nothing to do with being president so what's it matter?
I understand the anger at Washington and politicians in general at Trump rallies. But Trump himself should not be the vehicle of change IMO, because of his ego, judgement, and personality. As much as I disrespect Hillary and what she stands for, in some ways, Trump, while I like some of things he says, could be worse for the country than Hillary. I just don't want my fingerprints on a Trump presidency or a Hillary presidency. We're screwed.

Politico: Establishment increasingly prepared to lose with Cruz than hand the party to Trump

Sounds like the GOP is going to acquiesce and give Cruz the nomination and consciously forfeit the 2016 WH race in an effort to preserve their chances for 2020.

"The most gifted and diversified field of Republican candidates since 1865" (h/t George Will) has produced this abortion of an election cycle. Congrats, primary voters. Congrats.
The economic/business wing of the Republican Party (which is actually what controls the whole party through transparent yet nevertheless successful evangelical social policy lip service) would rather have Hillary than Trump or Cruz. All the window dressing, in the tiny little minds they cater to, is cobbled together by folks that only worship money and don't give two flips about conservative or liberal. They just want somebody that is in on the game and Clinton is closer to Wall Street than anyone left running.
I understand the anger at Washington and politicians in general at Trump rallies. But Trump himself should not be the vehicle of change IMO, because of his ego, judgement, and personality. As much as I disrespect Hillary and what she stands for, in some ways, Trump, while I like some of things he says, could be worse for the country than Hillary. I just don't want my fingerprints on a Trump presidency or a Hillary presidency. We're screwed.

As I keep saying: there is a significant lack of evidence that a Trump presidency would be any better than a Hillary presidency.

and again: nobody gets blamed this outcome except for republican primary voters. Not the media. Not the democrats. The voters who were supporting either Trump or the various other unelectable sideshows like Cruz and Carson were the ones who actually went into the booth and pulled levers, so they bear the responsibility for Hillary's inevitable inauguration. CNN didn't make you do it. HuffPo didn't make you do it. You're the ones who let a field of half a dozen qualified, accomplished, and verifiably conservative governors wither away on the vine. To quote Pat Forde: You made your bed, now sleep in it.
jamo, I listen to talk radio, along with other news sources from both sides, since I don't really trust the objectivity of any them, but try to arrive some semblance of truth.

However, in many ways, I think talk radio has it's fingerprints on the phenomenon that is Donald Trump. As for the governors, I could hold my nose and vote for any of them at this point. Christie, however, has become a Trump sellout, (as has Carson). People of tired of Bush presidencies. Kasich is very close to being a Democrat. All seem like reasonable governors however.

In the end, at the last minute, I held my nose and voted Cruz, as the best option to defeat Trump, and hopefully get a couple of conservative judges appointed to the SCOTUS.
nobody gets blamed this outcome except for republican primary voters. Not the media.
Yes and no. Voters own most of the blame but the media giving $2b of airtime to Trump had a large influence and took away opportunity from the other candidates to get momentum. Much of the election process is an undercurrent of inevitability that emerges.
What I find funny is watching Republicans and Democrats fight each other as the Federal gov't does what it wants anyway.

Taking out anger on each party while the Federal gov't whistles past the graveyard. There's a special kind of obliviousness to that. No insight, but raging, burning ire. That's hilarious
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jamo, I listen to talk radio, along with other news sources from both sides, since I don't really trust the objectivity of any them, but try to arrive some semblance of truth.

However, in many ways, I think talk radio has it's fingerprints on the phenomenon that is Donald Trump. As for the governors, I could hold my nose and vote for any of them at this point. Christie, however, has become a Trump sellout, (as has Carson). People of tired of Bush presidencies. Kasich is very close to being a Democrat. All seem like reasonable governors however.

In the end, at the last minute, I held my nose and voted Cruz, as the best option to defeat Trump, and hopefully get a couple of conservative judges appointed to the SCOTUS.
Walker and Perry
However, in many ways, I think talk radio has it's fingerprints on the phenomenon that is Donald Trump.

I should clarify this some more. Before this, of course, you have Obama's desire to 'transform America' into an increasingly social democracy, and a GOP congress who seems to just go along to get along. So, it's more complicated than just talk radio.
Yes and no. Voters own most of the blame but the media giving $2b of airtime to Trump had a large influence and took away opportunity from the other candidates to get momentum. Much of the election process is an undercurrent of inevitability that emerges.
It's been largely negative coverage, tho. You'd think extensive reporting about a candidate ridiculing the disabled and disrespecting former POWs would turn off voters, but nope: like moths to a flame.

Also, this:

Can't go wrong with Johnson - and no one should hold their nose and vote for a R or a D cause you think you have to. If you don't believe in them you shouldn't vote at all.

While I agree in principle, he cant win. A vote for him is basically a vote for Hillary.

This is pretty much how I feel, and why a significant chunk of normal GOP voters may sit this one out.

His policies are actually pretty good. Its his personality and ego that are awful.

However, in many ways, I think talk radio has it's fingerprints on the phenomenon that is Donald Trump.

Media in general. Trump is ratings/clicks goldmine, and they cant help themselves.
I'll paraphrase a recent email I rec'd:

You come home one day and find that you have raccoons in you basement.

You call pest control: "I dont care what it takes I I just want them out".

You dont care if the pest control guy is dirty, smelly, foul mouthed, etc... you just want the raccoons gone.

We just need the job done and we dont care how it gets done (and no one really believes ANY of the other candidates can/will do the job).

That is why Trump is leading the polls.
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It's been largely negative coverage, tho.
Tons of softball interviews though and think about it from the perspective of who the primary voters are watching. Rush, O'Reilly, Hannity ,etc. He has obviously made demands for many of these shows that he will come on and boost their ratings but no tough questions.

Even Morning Joe on MSNBC has been under fire favoring him.
I'll paraphrase a recent email I rec'd:

You come home one day and find that you have raccoons in you basement.

You call pest control: "I dont care what it takes I I just want them out".

You dont care if the pest control guy is dirty, smelly, foul mouthed, etc... you just want the raccoons gone.

We just need the job done and we dont care how it gets done (and no one really believes ANY of the other candidates can/will do the job).

That is why Trump is leading the polls.
Not as good as my analogy of leaving your wife for Katina Powell due to her not putting out enough.
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“If this isn’t an opportunity for the Libertarian nominee — and I hope to be the Libertarian nominee — there will never be an opportunity, in my opinion,” Johnson said in an interview with several reporters at The Daily Caller’s newsroom this week.

Said Gary Johnson, who hopes to again be the Libertarian Party's nominee.

He had this to say about Rand:

“What’s disheartening is he’s got this libertarian label,” Johnson said, “which is applicable to half of what he had to say, but then on the social side, he’s a Republican. At the end of the day, he’s a Republican.”

Johnson argues his views are in line with most Americans. “I really believe that the majority of people in this country are libertarians, that we’re classically liberal at the end of the day, we’re fiscally conservative…but also we’re socially liberal. Who cares how you live your life as long as it doesn’t adversely affect mine?”

Read more:
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I'll paraphrase a recent email I rec'd:

You come home one day and find that you have raccoons in you basement.

You call pest control: "I dont care what it takes I I just want them out".

You dont care if the pest control guy is dirty, smelly, foul mouthed, etc... you just want the raccoons gone.

We just need the job done and we dont care how it gets done (and no one really believes ANY of the other candidates can/will do the job).

That is why Trump is leading the polls.
No, asinine thinking (as exemplified by that analogy) among the American electorate is why he's leading the polls.

Trump isn't even a pest control guy. He's the local carnival barker who promises he'll "Give ya the best pest control job you've ever seen, bar none!" if you just pay him in advance....even tho he's never even attempted to clear out raccoons.
I'll paraphrase a recent email I rec'd:

You come home one day and find that you have raccoons in you basement.

You call pest control: "I dont care what it takes I I just want them out".

You dont care if the pest control guy is dirty, smelly, foul mouthed, etc... you just want the raccoons gone.

We just need the job done and we dont care how it gets done (and no one really believes ANY of the other candidates can/will do the job).

That is why Trump is leading the polls.
And when the pest control guy determines the best way to get rid of the raccoons is to burn down your house...then what?
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Johnson argues his views are in line with most Americans. “I really believe that the majority of people in this country are libertarians, that we’re classically liberal at the end of the day, we’re fiscally conservative…but also we’re socially liberal. Who cares how you live your life as long as it doesn’t adversely affect mine?”

Read more:

For the most part, millennials seem to approve of socialism. In increasing numbers. They do seem to like being socially liberal however.
Tons of softball interviews though and think about it from the perspective of who the primary voters are watching. Rush, O'Reilly, Hannity ,etc. He has obviously made demands for many of these shows that he will come on and boost their ratings but no tough questions.

Even Morning Joe on MSNBC has been under fire favoring him.
Rush, O'Reilly, Hannity, etc. are not legitimate news sources, they are infotainment as is about 90% of every 24hour "news" channel.

After the Nevada caucuses during Trump's victory speech he was rattling off the different groups where he did well and he goes on to say..."...and we did well with the lowly educated. We love the lowly educated!". When he said that my wife turned to me and just shook her head. No words were needed. Trump is no dummy, he knows his base.
Rush, O'Reilly, Hannity, etc. are not legitimate news sources, they are infotainment as is about 90% of every 24hour "news" channel.
I said "coverage" and did not say they were legitimate news sources. You are such a contrarian moron. And lol, at your lowly educated quote when Obama made a concerted effort to get voters via social media and did quite well in the low educated demo. I would think someone like you, that claims to hate hypocrisy on both sides (unsubstantiated in 420 pages tho) could see that.
No, asinine thinking (as exemplified by that analogy) among the American electorate is why he's leading the polls.

Trump isn't even a pest control guy. He's the local carnival barker who promises he'll "Give ya the best pest control job you've ever seen, bar none!" if you just pay him in advance....even tho he's never even attempted to clear out raccoons.
I'm not surprised you dont get it.

Let me attempt to dumb it down for you.

Voters are unhappy and will vote for ANYONE who gives them hope.

Might be misguided, but thats where we are.
I'm not surprised you dont get it.

Let me attempt to dumb it down for you.

Voters are unhappy and will vote for ANYONE who gives them hope.

Might be misguided, but thats where we are.
No need to dumb it down. It's a dumb enough analogy as it is.

Voters are so unhappy they're willing to vote for a charlatan. It's not complicated. But congrats on somehow digging up a candidate who could be worse than Clinton. Surpassed all expectations, that's for sure!
Just so we're clear: 40% of republican primary voters are supporting a candidate who stood on the debate stage THIS SEASON and (1) blamed W for a fraudulent war, (2) championed universal health care, and (3) defended Planned Parenthood. These aren't stances from 20 years ago. They're from THIS debate season.
... who could be worse than Clinton.

1. He's not my candidate; I'm for Kasich (who I fully realize has no chance)
2. Your statement is is correct but that shows how desperate people are for someone other than Hillary

A "carnival barker" is a better candidate than Hillary Clinton.
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