How will they rule ??!

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Hillary Makes me sick to my stomach. Is she really as full of crap as the crap coming out of her mouth?

Someone explain to me what she actually does for Obama and his administration? Because basically she's blaming everything that is wrong on him? The People? The GOP of course? What the hell did she do the last 7.5 years?
That ipdish went on a rant about how docile trump rallies were and then had to issue a correction "uhhhh... Turns out nobody was actually provoked by the dude that took a sucker punch." His whole rant was garbage, bullshit and 99% probability that it was completely fabricated.

And who's brainwashed?

It's you. You're the one that is brainwashed (just to make that clear for your feeble little intellect).

This country was ****ing founded on protesting. I realize these are private events but if you're a big enough mental midget to argue that these people invited being sucker punched for protesting and the sucker punching is justified, then you're an idiot that needs to GTFO of this country because what you stand for is fascism, not liberty.
Typical liberal/leftist response. Can't post reasonably, must throw in insults and foul language when losing an argument. I did not say anyone was justified for punching. I do believe however at a rally that is a private event, they could and should be shown the door. These people are blocking public travelways, getting in people personal space and blocking their paths, and just disrupting with the intent to control free speech. No one is saying they cannot demonstrate but, they need to do it legally.

Oh, and by the way, spent 20+ years and 1 war defending your right to demonstrate. It is people like you who want to do away with real freedom of speech in this country and tell people who disagree with you to get out. Will never happen by the way, good luck with trying to make us.
Typical liberal/leftist response. Can't post reasonably, must throw in insults and foul language when losing an argument. I did not say anyone was justified for punching. I do believe however at a rally that is a private event, they could and should be shown the door. These people are blocking public travelways, getting in people personal space and blocking their paths, and just disrupting with the intent to control free speech. No one is saying they cannot demonstrate but, they need to do it legally.

Oh, and by the way, spent 20+ years and 1 war defending your right to demonstrate. It is people like you who want to do away with real freedom of speech in this country and tell people who disagree with you to get out. Will never happen by the way, good luck with trying to make us.
I am not a liberal. Typical republican puppet. Jf I don't sign my life over to the GOP and parrot everything they say I am a liberal/libtard/leftist/socialist/etc. You're so brainwashed.

Trump is not only kicking the protesters out, but he's kicking out minorities and people that just don't look like his supporters. And you are defending him. And I'M the one that is tryung to do away with free speech (I've never once made any kind of statement even remotely construed as saying I want to hinder free speech, unless you are insane enough to think my position that these people that sucker punch the protesters should be prosecuted is considered hindering free speech).

You are a typical looney toons party puppet (both sides has them). You project things your party characterizes in the opponent on all the people you disagree with, even if they never even come close to exhibiting anything that nearly resembles it. You have been brainwashed into pigeon holing everyone that doesn't 100% agree with every position you take (which is parroting the party) as a liberal. It's sad and scary.
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Trump is not only kicking the protesters out, but he's kicking out minorities and people that just don't look like his supporters.

Can you provide a source?

If you've read this thread, you know I don't like Trump. So I'd love to have a link to use to support a claim that Trump is kicking minorities and "people who don't look like his supporters" out of rallies.
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People like you are scary. Faced with overwhelming fact you still deny the truth in order to preserve your pride. It's this mentality that destroys societies. You are the true enemy.

Never denied the truth and even admitted my errors, as well as admitted that I was thinking regionally and he was using a globe from grade school. What more would you like?
Can you provide a source?

If you've read this thread, you know I don't like Trump. So I'd love to have a link to use to support a claim that Trump is kicking minorities and "people who don't look like his supporters" out of rallies.

"Trump is not only kicking the protesters out, but he's kicking out minorities and people that just don't look like his supporters"

No he cannot and, the above statement proves the point. He is one of those people who try and say they do not support anyone and yet attacks only those he disagrees with fundamentally and thereby showing his biased for the left. No courage to claim what he really is. He is for suppression of the truth when that suppression furthers his agenda driven hate.
The valdosta state students were kicked out and absolutely no one claimed they were being unruly... No one but the police chief, whose staff was being paid by trump for extra security.

Trump's PR team vehemently denied they had anything to do with these students being kicked out, but the police chief said that it was requested by Trump's campaign.

So who's lying?

I've already said that I realize these are private events and that technically trump can control who is there. But it definitely paints him in a certain kind of light when these things happen.
"Trump is not only kicking the protesters out, but he's kicking out minorities and people that just don't look like his supporters"

No he cannot and, the above statement proves the point. He is one of those people who try and say they do not support anyone and yet attacks only those he disagrees with fundamentally and thereby showing his biased for the left. No courage to claim what he really is. He is for suppression of the truth when that suppression furthers his agenda driven hate.
You're a complete buffoon. I hope you realize that. You still don't know or understand what I stand for yet keep trying to characterize me as a liberal because your feeble intellect only works in dualities. "der der der... Doesn't support trump... Must be a libruhl."

What I am is someone disgusted with the two party system. Someone that wants representation of the people by the people. Someone that is saddened by the fact that 25% of america is getting taken by a con man that claims he will provide that but has been for his own interests (and absolutely nothing at all but his own interests) for his entire life.

But keep dividing the country into the little categories you're capable of understanding.
Because I'm not, LEK. You are the other one like you tired to prove who I'd that work out for you guys? Talk about faced with overwhelming evidence and still believing what you want....yep, people like that sure are scary.
I know that your IP has changed multiple times indicating a proxy of some sort. No evidence has suggested otherwise. I still maintain you are from Memphis, based on your need to be liked and insert yourself, your need to over post, your syntax, your grammar, and your complete unawareness of being a pest.
No on the buffoon and never said you were a liberal because you do not support Trump. Your postings give me the impression that you are. But, let's just say for the sake of argument that you hate both sides (have not seen any hate directed the other way thus far). Now, I will also qualify that I too do not want Trump as president but, I do like a few things he wants to do. Build wall, stop taking in refugees until we can really clear them properly, etc.... You posted earlier that you do not watch TV or the news but, you also basically said that he only gets rid of minorities and people who look like they do not belong. Since you do not watch TV or the news, Where do you get your information from? Have you been to a Trump rally?
So crazy based on that one incident alone, you are of the belief that Trump is kicking people out of his rallies because they're black? Enough to make the statement, that Trump is "kicking out minorities and people who just don't look like his supporters".

That definitely sheds some light on your objectivity on the matter.
I know that your IP has changed multiple times indicating a proxy of some sort. No evidence has suggested otherwise. I still maintain you are from Memphis, based on your need to be liked and insert yourself, your need to over post, your syntax, your grammar, and your complete unawareness of being a pest.

I'm from and live in Harrodsburg, KY. Never had a desire to be anywhere near Memphis. I was unaware there was a limit to the number of posts an individual could make a day. I do know they have this thing called ignore, I've used it several times already. It's complicated so you might not understand how it works. If you need instructions I can have my 6 year old draw you a picture.
I dont really care about Trump. I think he is a racist, but I also believe people are showing up to his rallies to cause trouble, which in then, puts the blame on Trump. I just dont think he is presidential material, however, if he is president, I will accept it. His divisive rhetoric is not the step I think we should take as a country. The right already hates Obama, the left hated Bush, it just seems like more and more vitriol exists. It is evident that Trump divides people. Partly why I like Kasich. But I do not speak for everyone.

That being said, and I am not defending these links, its just there are numerous links that back up Trump kicking out minorities:

(I know the response will be "huffington post/time/msnbc/vice/aclu/1000s of other publications are rags) I dont really care, but lets not pretend that Trump isnt a bigot. He is. But you have the right to vote for one. Meh.

In some it is the Trump supporters, in others it is Trump's staff.
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When cruz, kasich, rubio et al would beat trump if it were a one one one race, it doesn't speak to the will of the people to nominate trump. Hell, I'm not so sure that billary or bernie wernie wouldn't beat trump for the republucan nomination.

Again, Im not sure how anyone can reasonably argue other GOP candidates are more popular while Trump is winning the election. It doesnt make sense.

Their values are way more in line with the right except for when it comes to protecting the borders.

Which is the issue they deem most important. Also why the Dems keep pandering to them on it.

Trump is not only kicking the protesters out, but he's kicking out minorities and people that just don't look like his supporters

That being said, and I am not defending these links, its just there are numerous links that back up Trump kicking out minorities:

Are minorities being kicked out? Yes. But because of actions, not because of their race. Their race is incidental to the issue.

Trump has loads of faults that are all more than fair game. I dont understand the need to try and paint him as racist.

His divisive rhetoric is not the step I think we should take as a country. The right already hates Obama, the left hated Bush, it just seems like more and more vitriol exists.

Welcome to modern day politics, sadly. Division is the way to the oval office. Obama picked up on the Bush hate, and tapped into it. GOP is tapping into Obama hate, and the Dems are tapping into Trump/GOP hate. Now itll just escalate until we reach a boiling point; which will probably happen this cycle it appears. Its just a matter of time before someone is seriously hurt or killed at a Trump rally, if not Trump himself. The protesters keep escalating their actions, and the Trump supporters do too. Scary situation.
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"The right already hates Obama, the left hated Bush, it just seems like more and more vitriol exists. It is evident that Trump divides people. Partly why I like Kasich. But I do not speak for everyone."

This is the whole thing in a nutshell and I agree with you on this. Don't necessarily think he kicked out those minorities because of race though, it was more because of disruptive behavior.
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So Trump is willing to tweet about Ted Cruz wife posing nude? Christ the man has no boundaries.

I promise you if he is somehow nominated and elected he will not make 4 years!

It won't happen! He threatens the too powerful in this world!
So Trump is willing to tweet about Ted Cruz wife posing nude? Christ the man has no boundaries.

I promise you if he is somehow nominated and elected he will not make 4 years!

It won't happen! He threatens the too powerful in this world!

What a bizarre twitter exchange between the 2 candidates. How embarrassing.
too busy doing kids stuff yesterday, but to catch up with those roused & outraged on my claims on latinos my evidence is based on the rhetoric of most latino leaders & the voting patterns of latinos. if they are oh so catholic and religious as some wish to be true, why the dramatic shifting to loving support of pro abortion anti family pro gay rights democrats? if they are such good workers who want to make their own way why is signing up for welfare so important to them, getting on Obamacare roles, getting food stamps?

the Trump-Cruz stuff was a slight of hand humblebrag by the Donald, to let those who didnt already know that his wife is a dimepiece who has been paid to take her cloths off. And as everything else with Trump, the clueless pundits will claim this will irrevocably end his campaign...when the end result is it will increase his popularity & lead in the polls. Just like calling McCain a coward, Megan Kelly on her period, Carly Fiorina ugly, and claiming he has a huge hog under his suit. in 2016 up is down, wet is dry, snow is hot. The George Costanza election, just do the exact opposite of what you should to win!
No one is outraged over your comments JHB4UK, just dubious. Just making comments about the horrors of Latinos with no stats or data to back it up is just an opinion.
Again, Im not sure how anyone can reasonably argue other GOP candidates are more popular while Trump is winning the election. It doesnt make sense.
Largely because the only people who will vote for Trump are the ones currently doing so and to date I don't recall Trump ever receiving > 50% of the GOP vote in any of the primaries to date.

It comes down to who won't vote for Trump vs who won't vote for Hillary. Talk about a stick-in-the-eye vs a punch-in-the-gut options...
Boy! With the millions the GOP superpacs are spending to try and stop Trump... what are they going to do, what are the going to say if he ends up with the nomination???

I don't know though...I've been saying from the beginning that I think that Trump will eventually pull a Ross Perot and pull out of the race at some point.
"The right already hates Obama, the left hated Bush, it just seems like more and more vitriol exists. It is evident that Trump divides people. Partly why I like Kasich. But I do not speak for everyone."

This is the whole thing in a nutshell and I agree with you on this. Don't necessarily think he kicked out those minorities because of race though, it was more because of disruptive behavior.
Probably. I havent given it much thought. Trump scares me, but it is what it is.
The George Costanza election, just do the exact opposite of what you should to win!

The comedic potential, if this were true, would be off the charts.

Can you imagine what Trump would say about Cankles on the debate stage?
The comedic potential, if this were true, would be off the charts.

Can you imagine what Trump would say about Cankles on the debate stage?

This is how I feel. I don't want a President Trump or President Hillary, but I do want to watch 3 debates between Trump and Hillary.
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New Quinnipiac poll: 54 percent of voters "would definitely not" vote for Trump. 43 percent "would definitely not" vote for Clinton.

Congrats to Dems (and faux moderates) for supporting their shitty candidate more than the GOP supports their shitty candidate!!
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too busy doing kids stuff yesterday, but to catch up with those roused & outraged on my claims on latinos my evidence is based on the rhetoric of most latino leaders & the voting patterns of latinos. if they are oh so catholic and religious as some wish to be true, why the dramatic shifting to loving support of pro abortion anti family pro gay rights democrats? if they are such good workers who want to make their own way why is signing up for welfare so important to them, getting on Obamacare roles, getting food stamps?
fyi, more Catholics are Democrats than Republican and that has been true for most of 200+ years. Reagan and Nixon's second term were only times in presidential elections where the POTUS received more Catholic votes than the Democratic candidate.
And who are these "latino leaders"?
Hispanics mind their own business. Abortion doesn't affect them because they don't seek abortions. They don't seek to tell you how to live your life. Perhaps they seek "Obamacare" because it is the law that you must carry health insurance or else pay a penalty on your federal tax return. Since when is being responsible a bad thing?

If you want to question their work ethic then you're truly exposing your if you haven't already exposed enough.
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