How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .
I think it makes a lot of sense. She's getting D voters regardless, and she is also pulling some veteran votes.

Oh, and she's a woman. Kentucky is absolutely filled with women candidates right now.

My neighbor is a marine vet and McGrath supporter. I dont' know why, but I respect it. He can't be the only one. He's no liberal cuck either, he crawls around his yard in a full ghillie suit for fun.

I don't see any way she wins, and I don't think it will be close.

How a veteran can be a patriot and a Democrat is beyond me considering the left is the anti-American party. It’s the same damn group who roots against us, burns our flag, kneels for the anthem, finds the pledge of allegiance to be offensive, and spit on returning troops.
what happens when a SCJ becomes mentally incompetent? Can they be Replaced?

Impeachment is the only way. Justice Douglas had a stroke in 1974 and was gravely impaired. He refused to step down at the request of all his fellow justices. Fortunately, he finally relented and retired. Thurgood Marshall slept through hearings in his final years on the court. He should have stepped down but didn't.
Impeachment is the only way. Justice Douglas had a stroke in 1974 and was gravely impaired. He refused to step down at the request of all his fellow justices. Fortunately, he finally relented and retired. Thurgood Marshall slept through hearings in his final years on the court. He should have stepped down but didn't.
Thanks. What I thought. It’s why I’m for a say 30 year term limit on all Fed judges with a Const. Amend.
A failure to take the House and a GOP gain in the Senate would probably be worse than 2016 for leftists. A guaranteed two more years of unabated Trump. Think of all the judges Pablo McConnell can get on the district and circuit court benches in another two years
How a veteran can be a patriot and a Democrat is beyond me considering the left is the anti-American party. It’s the same damn group who roots against us, burns our flag, kneels for the anthem, finds the pledge of allegiance to be offensive, and spit on returning troops.

“......crawls around in his yard in a full ghillie suit for fun” might be a tip off as how.
Hill and Bill are going on tour. Colin Powell is trashing Trump. What swamp dweller Powell doesn't realize is Trump has made many of our lives better. Powell never did.

Ya gotta throw Barry in there as has he done for merica other than Bama phones....the legacy of 44

can anybody understand this?

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The SC has never had any legitimacy as an unbiased protector of the Constitution. It is a de facto law-making body (see Roe v Wade, eg) It is a political arm of whichever party gains the power to put its agents in. There is seldom a question of how each justice will vote when an issue comes before them. Unbiased? [pfftt]
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UN said a carbon tax equivalent to $49 per gallon of gas is needed to fight global warming by, wait for it, 2030.

Such crap. Rather than tax a naturally occuring event, wouldn't it be simpler to just have democrats get together and chant HO HO HEY HEY, GLOBAL WARMING GO AWAY!

Can't predict the weather 3 days out but know what the climate is going to do in 12 years.
This is not a joke but it is funny. Andy Bershear's Kentucky gubernatorial campaign is brought to you by Morgan & Morgan. By far, his largest contributor. [roll]

"Lawyers from the multi-state personal injury law firm that won a potentially lucrative contract from the Attorney General’s Office last year contributed $67,000 to Beshear’s campaign — slightly more than 10 percent of his total contributions."
McConnell thanks the Dems for doing the "one thing we couldn't do, fire up our base. They are on fire." I heard Hugh Hewitt say the same thing earlier, that in 20 years of doing national radio he'd never seen anything like the anger that the treatment of Kavanaugh caused on the right. And now some polls apparently say that Dems taking Congress, which was once assured, is now in some doubt....

Even if all that is true, I worry about dissipation. Human nature. All those people who were disgusted and outraged watching the Dem treatment of Kavanaugh......well, he "won", the battle is over, and I have to think many of them will move on and forget about how motivated they were just a couple of weeks ago. We have what, another 28 days before voting? A long time.....
McConnell thanks the Dems for doing the "one thing we couldn't do, fire up our base. They are on fire." I heard Hugh Hewitt say the same thing earlier, that in 20 years of doing national radio he'd never seen anything like the anger that the treatment of Kavanaugh caused on the right. And now some polls apparently say that Dems taking Congress, which was once assured, is now in some doubt....

Even if all that is true, I worry about dissipation. Human nature. All those people who were disgusted and outraged watching the Dem treatment of Kavanaugh......well, he "won", the battle is over, and I have to think many of them will move on and forget about how motivated they were just a couple of weeks ago. We have what, another 28 days before voting? A long time.....

28 days is a lot of time for the left to be even crazier. These people are sending pics of decapitation to politicians and their spouses, sending ricin, blocking streets, running people out of restaurants, etc. Conservatives will not be apathetic about this.
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