How will they rule ??!

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I still can't fathom how Liberals can be outraged. We questioned both parties, there was no evidence, no one could go along with her story, we delayed the vote, gave you an FBI investigation, which turned up even more nonsense.

And now liberals are asking that women kneel at football games for this injustice. What injustice? I mean DNA, video, an actual story from another person, SOMETHING of substance. Seriously if they could show me ANYTHING, I'd probably change my stance on the guy. But there's just no crime.

It's like children stomping their feet. They've decided in their head that this guy raped Ford and they will not welcome the very likely possibility that this was all a farce. Ford could come out an admit this was fake, and they still would shed tears for what Kav put her through.
If you think of the allegations as being pretext to vote against Kavanaugh's conservative ideology, you will understand the situation perfectly.

Good Feinstein video.

BTW, Shelia Jackson Lee gave Ford's attorneys a large packet. Then her staffer started doxxing....or was he already.

This is everything anyone should need to know about this fiasco and shut up even the most libtarded liberal, but it won't.

She refused to hand over the results of her polygraph

She refused to hand over her 2012 therapist's notes

She said she was afraid to fly, but has flown dozens of times.

Since she did in fact fly, she offered no other reason for the delay

She said she wanted anonymity but contacted [the Washington Post] multiple times

Said she got advice from "beach friends" but didn't mention that the primary one was a former FBI lawyer, Monica McLean, who worked for Preet Bharara, a man Trump fired. She also failed to mention, when talking of her Beach friends at the hearing, that Monica was sitting right behind her.

She had a perfect memory of 1982 but couldn't remember basic things from the previous 10 weeks

She'd been drinking.

She changed the year of the alleged attack

She named 4 people, but had no backers

She couldn't remember how she got home even though her story had her escaping the house far from home, pre-cell phone.

She gave no location or any details that could be researched for verification.

She never told anyone and never claimed PTSD prior to Kavanaugh's name circulating 30 years later.

She said that she put the 2nd door on her house because of PTSD, but evidence shows it was to get around zoning laws to create a rentable apartment.

She said she didn't know that Grassley offered to come to her, even though it was broadcast nationally.

She feigned no knowledge of polygraphs even though her ex's sworn statement said she'd coached Monica McLean how to beat it in the 1990s, and in any case her profession should have at least well acquainted her with it.

She co-authored a paper on repressed memory creation years before she claimed to have one

Nothing is known of her pharmacology, but given her past alcoholism, her visits to a therapist and her general presentation, odds are high that it's extensive.

She scrubbed her social media. We know from a pussy hat photo that she was rabidly anti-Trump.

She had zero family or friends with her, not from the 80s nor from today. She was surrounded only by Democrat Party handlers.

Constant cries of bravery & "nothing to gain" vs a $700,000 GoFundMe and a career boosted a la Anita Hill

Literally all there is her word vs all of the above. Not a shred of evidence.
Remember when Ford was given credit for coming forward because she had "nothing to gain"? Now it's out of the bag, she has nothing to lose, and doesn't pursue the case further . . . does that count for anything?
Trump should go after Latino voters by telling them if Dems are elected Ronoldo will be put in jail just based on the word of the woman accusing him civilly.
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Now that Kavanaugh is done we can get back to local stuff. Can we pay McGrath to not air her ads? If I was a Dem I would not know which one to vote for, and does she get to combine all of her votes. We have:

Top Gun McGrath - 77 times in her ad we had to hear “I flew a fighter plane and blew people up so vote for me.”

When that did not get solid feedback from internals she went to “Betty Crocker McGrath” who bakes cookies for kids.

Then it was my mom did this and that so vote for me.

Next was back to fighter pilot McGrath, and that was followed by soccer goalie McGrath.

Back to Rambo McGrath and I will get people out of foreign countries McGrath.

How the heck are Dems going to know which one to vote for come November?
My favorite is the one where she claims Barr is making up claims that she supports end of term abortions, single payer healthcare, and open borders.

It's my favorite, because Andy Barr then made one of her saying those exact things.

If anyone wants an example of a "machine" candidate. Look no further than Amy McGrath. Local underdog candidates don't get flown to private very expensive fundraising dinners out of state, or to the border to film a very expensive commercial, or out fundraise an established incumbent the way she has. Some leftist focus group decided someone like Amy McGrath was their best chance of winning this seat, then they found her and have put all kinds of money into her
:joy: Would be awesome.

What if he pardoned Bill Cosby and appointed him?

I could envision the late Johnny Carson sitting on the bench, wearing his Carnak turban, as his clerk Ed McMahan hands him an envelope containing another case awaiting his decision.
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I'm really sick of "hurr durr Hillary won the popular vote, abolish the electoral college", arguments. While the same people claim the phrase "states rights" is a racist dog whistle. There is very little intersection of government need between the people of Montana and the people of Manhattan. If you want to get rid of the electoral college, limit the power of the federal government. You might not like it, but that one rule has done at least something to preserve the voice of rural people. Urban group think is not the answer to every problem.
senate and electoral college are all about protecting the minority from vicious crazy majority - thank God.
My favorite is the one where she claims Barr is making up claims that she supports end of term abortions, single payer healthcare, and open borders.

It's my favorite, because Andy Barr then made one of her saying those exact things.

If anyone wants an example of a "machine" candidate. Look no further than Amy McGrath. Local underdog candidates don't get flown to private very expensive fundraising dinners out of state, or to the border to film a very expensive commercial, or out fundraise an established incumbent the way she has. Some leftist focus group decided someone like Amy McGrath was their best chance of winning this seat, then they found her and have put all kinds of money into her

That is a good one. Always helps to use the candidates own words in an ad. Surely Barr is ahead by 10-12 points on her in a red state with her being an awful candidate. Whenever her ads come on I turn the sound down - can’t hear another “I will buzz your house in my F-18 Hornet and shoot a sidewinder at your pool if you don’t vote for me”(insert manly voice). Why they chose her and to go after Barr makes no sense.
Dream scenario (because I don’t give a shit considering we are at war with the left), RBG passes away in 2019, leftists go absolutely ape shit and become even more unhinged and damage things to the point that this party is forever destroyed.

Trump then holds an Apprentice-style replacement show with Ted Nugent for her seat.
what happens when a SCJ becomes mentally incompetent? Can they be Replaced?
That is a good one. Always helps to use the candidates own words in an ad. Surely Barr is ahead by 10-12 points on her in a red state with her being an awful candidate. Whenever her ads come on I turn the sound down - can’t hear another “I will buzz your house in my F-18 Hornet and shoot a sidewinder at your pool if you don’t vote for me”(insert manly voice). Why they chose her and to go after Barr makes no sense.

I think it makes a lot of sense. She's getting D voters regardless, and she is also pulling some veteran votes.

Oh, and she's a woman. Kentucky is absolutely filled with women candidates right now.

My neighbor is a marine vet and McGrath supporter. I dont' know why, but I respect it. He can't be the only one. He's no liberal cuck either, he crawls around his yard in a full ghillie suit for fun.

I don't see any way she wins, and I don't think it will be close.
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Why they chose her and to go after Barr makes no sense.
She's actually running relatively competitively. That's what millions of dollars of outside money will do for you.

Plus, a mother/combat veteran who's pretending to be a no-nonsense moderate (dare I say "maverick"?) is actually a much better strategy than screeching socialist lunatic. And Andy Barr is pretty much the definition of a white man in a brown suit. Hard to get people energized when you're offering the status quo. I still think he wins pretty comfortably, but McGrath, even as an obvious liar/opportunist, is probably the best the Dems could hope for in this election.