How will they rule ??!

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I think we all need to call our Senators today, our Senators include Beulah (that penis had a mole) Feinstein, Spartacus, Duck Durbin, Rambo, as we call them to join us in the impeachment of Stephen Breyer. We cannot have underage drinkers on the Supreme Court.

And there goes half the Supreme Court. And Ruth is asleep again so we’re down to three. Of course one used a credit card to pay for a TV so they need to step down. Also I’m pretty sure the remaining two were in the vicinity of something that happened ranging from meh to horrible so they’re toast. When will we find someone capable of being on the Supreme Court?
If I have read this correctly. ND will lose a dem senator (Heitkamp-Hitler-esque name) to a Repub. Then that means dems will have to win Texas and Tennessee. LOL. They definitely won't win Texas and they probably won't win Tenn either. Hell, child molester Mendez in New Jersey may lose his dem seat.

Supermajority. Eat it. Breathe it. Live it. It's gonna happen
If the GOP gets Missouri, Florida, ND, and keeps Texas [laughing]

Also, Menedez is corrupt and allegedly an underage prostitute patron (not that that means much in NJ) and is only up 3 points, but he's still projected to win "easily", but Cruz has a 5-10 point lead over Beto with most of the polls showing the undecideds lean heavily Republican and it's still a "tossup"
If I have read this correctly. ND will lose a dem senator (Heitkamp-Hitler-esque name) to a Repub. Then that means dems will have to win Texas and Tennessee. LOL. They definitely won't win Texas and they probably won't win Tenn either. Hell, child molester Mendez in New Jersey may lose his dem seat.

Supermajority. Eat it. Breathe it. Live it. It's gonna happen

That’s how I read it too. What we’re seeing here is a party going so far left, everything else is going right.
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If the GOP gets Missouri, Florida, ND, and keeps Texas [laughing]

Also, Menedez is corrupt and allegedly an underage prostitute patron (not that that means much in NJ) and is only up 3 points, but he's still projected to win "easily", but Cruz has a 5-10 point lead over Beto with most of the polls showing the undecideds lean heavily Republican and it's still a "tossup"

Projections show Clinton in a massive landslide (2016)

If the election were held today, Clinton wins in a landslide (2018)
I'm revising my "Flake is actually working for the Dems and is in on this elaborate ruse" stance to "he is just extremely stupid and full of himself beyond belief." I mean, that should be the default when talking about politicians. I don't know what came over me.

Seriously, the entire Republican base hates him, and he is just too stupid to realize the instant he runs against a Democrat he will become the racist, transist, homophobe, rapist. He really thinks he's won them over with his bipartisanship. What an absolute moron

I’m not quite sure he knows what he’s doing. Most rock groups I’ve ever followed are far more conservative than liberal. I once read an article where James Hetfield talked about how out of place he felt in California. Ted Nugent lol. Gene “I slept with over 1,000 women” Simmons.

They were also furious Taylor Swift wouldn’t voice her political opinion. These people are nuts.
I'm revising my "Flake is actually working for the Dems and is in on this elaborate ruse" stance to "he is just extremely stupid and full of himself beyond belief." I mean, that should be the default when talking about politicians. I don't know what came over me.

Seriously, the entire Republican base hates him, and he is just too stupid to realize the instant he runs against a Democrat he will become the racist, transist, homophobe, rapist. He really thinks he's won them over with his bipartisanship. What an absolute moron
The only Republican Democrats love is one that has stabbed his party in the back. This is Flakes last shot at showing how much he despises Trump.
It's a shame but you're probably right. I think Kavanaugh is probably a good man who partied a lot in college, but who did none of these things he's accused of. The liberal left should be ashamed but they won't be. It's win at any cost. If this doesn't rally the right in November we should also be ashamed.

I do enjoy the hypocrisy of so many pieces of shit judging a guy for drinking when they themselves got smashed all the time and slept with multiple people in college and still do.

^Hollywood is one big STD party.
So now we know his motive. He is "Never Trump" and has fought Trump since he was elected. I doubt he voted for him. But Flake is not going to be President so I look for him to make the rounds on CNN, MSNBC and audition for a spot on cable news like Morning Joe Scarborough got. Flake and Joe are one in the same

Lol. Who does Flake think will vote for him? These people are so delusional. Republicans will hate him. Dems will destroy him after he served his purpose. He’s even more foolish than McCain.
Lol. Who does Flake think will vote for him? These people are so delusional. Republicans will hate him. Dems will destroy him after he served his purpose. He’s even more foolish than McCain.
And that is saying something. McCain looked like a fool the way he ran his campaign. He once got mad because someone mentioned Obama's middle name. If you can't mention your opponents middle name you need to get out of the race. He was afraid the MSM would call him a racist. Think about how stupid that is. A person is running for President of the United States and if you mention his middle name, you are racist. Only in America
Lol. Who does Flake think will vote for him? These people are so delusional. Republicans will hate him. Dems will destroy him after he served his purpose. He’s even more foolish than McCain.

He'll get free channel to channel coverage as an independent.

It's just like we witnessed the last two weeks. The propose wasn't to prove anything, the purpose is to keep Kavanaugh unseated.

The purpose of Flake running for President is not for Flake to win, but to deny Trump from winning.

Flake is just hoping to peal off 1-5% off of the Trump vote.
Its 11 minutes long but does a nice job connecting all the players in the Clinton cartel: Clinton, Rosenstein, Comey, Mueller, Barsoomian (sp?), etc

He'll get free channel to channel coverage as an independent.

It's just like we witnessed the last two weeks. The propose wasn't to prove anything, the purpose is to keep Kavanaugh unseated.

The purpose of Flake running for President is not for Flake to win, but to deny Trump from winning.

Flake is just hoping to peal off 1-5% off of the Trump vote.
Exactly, the Dems were already found to have funded Kelli Ward in the AZ race to create turmoil.
i saw a bunch of tweets making fun of trump and kim. this is actually a real quote from Trump yesterday. kim wrote him letters and they fell in love? who knew the pussy grabber was a homo.

“I was really being tough and so was he. And we would go back and forth. And then we fell in love. No really. He wrote me beautiful letters. They were great letters. And then we fell in love.”

Trump is not Shakespeare but even you know this isn’t literal. Just stop.
If the democrats are not crushed in the mid-terms, honor and decency will have sufficiently been destroyed and it will mark the death of our once great country.

At that point, they might as well just launch all nukes and end it, because it will be the beginning of a hopeless, detestable world, unfit for living.

I'm afraid it's only a matter of time regardless. It's an extremely dark, sad thought, but I think it's the truth. I just want a chance to turn it around.

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Ka-Boom? I'm not really sure how NAFTA 2.0 is a "trade victory" when its the same as NAFTA 1.0 (the worst deal in history) and has to actually get through a completely inept congress that will most likely have a Dem house not looking to work with him on anything. Trump has focused hi "IRE" on china for 2 years and gotten nowhere but a stupid tariff war.

Not gotten anywhere? Hmm, I don't think you understand the long game very well.
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If there was a "Most Improved" award for politicians Mitch would win by a mile.
Mitch knows we would kick him out in a heArtbeat if he screwed Donald. We’d probably have a state referendum the next day. This is merely my humble opinion
Ka-Boom? I'm not really sure how NAFTA 2.0 is a "trade victory" when its the same as NAFTA 1.0 (the worst deal in history) and has to actually get through a completely inept congress that will most likely have a Dem house not looking to work with him on anything. Trump has focused hi "IRE" on china for 2 years and gotten nowhere but a stupid tariff war.

I'm still waiting on the source of your information on this matter.

Do you have any?
Oh the irony...

If there was a "Most Improved" award for politicians Mitch would win by a mile.
Leftest will argue he is afraid of Matt Jones and the UK fan base who are in love with KSR so he is mellowing. But it is actually a fear of Trump's Army. Flake made it known he was Never Trump and found out in a New York minute he was toast in Arizona. I am counting on Mitch to continue down this new path of living in the light.