How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Not enough beer in Milwaukee to make me even think about coping a feel...This just solidified my opinion BK is innocent...


She's a real looker. Totally rape-worthy
so Trump took NAFTA and added some of the pieces from TPP and gave it a new name and his base slurped it up. if NAFTA is the "worst deal evah" why would you keep 99% of it in the new deal? he has definitely mastered the art of the con.
Actully if you watch Micheal Moore’s new movie Fahrenheit 11/9 he should we need to get back to the populous vote being more representative on the results.

Claims we should have more senators and that it is fair that Rhode Island and California have the same. Says that back when we started states had a few thousand people represented by those senators and now it’s millions and govt should be represented by that better.

It’s pretty riveting stuff if your interested in educating yourself on their train of thought.
Actully if you watch Micheal Moore’s new movie Fahrenheit 11/9 he should we need to get back to the populous vote being more representative on the results.

Claims we should have more senators and that it is fair that Rhode Island and California have the same. Says that back when we started states had a few thousand people represented by those senators and now it’s millions and govt should be represented by that better.

It’s pretty riveting stuff if your interested in educating yourself on their train of thought.

Obviously, Moore's diabetus makes him stupid.

We want this to determine our election


Over this? yeah, totally

Actully if you watch Micheal Moore’s new movie Fahrenheit 11/9 he should we need to get back to the populous vote being more representative on the results.

Claims we should have more senators and that it is fair that Rhode Island and California have the same. Says that back when we started states had a few thousand people represented by those senators and now it’s millions and govt should be represented by that better.

It’s pretty riveting stuff if your interested in educating yourself on their train of thought.

Get ready to be ruled by city states. Our founders knew better than this.
He learned from watching Obama & said, "I can do that bs, only better".
except all those people in the background of his announcement were the same people that were negotiating for Obama. they literally took a few open market provisions from TPP, added some token auto crap so Trump had something to feed the base, and then gave it a very lame new name. with Trump as marketing genius i expect the name to not suck. im fine with the deal because its literally almost the exact same deal as before. Trump is smart enough to know his base doesn't care what's in the deal as long as he is the one pushing it.
Let's not judge the man on the work he's done for the last 30+ years, his experience as an attorney and as a jurist, which just about everyone agrees is impeccable;
Let's judge him on allegations of sexual misconduct that have never been made before he was nominated, which are uncorroborated and unsubstantiated, 30+ years ago;
Let's judge him on whether or not he drank beer to excess in high school/college, 30+ years ago, which is nearly a rite of passage into adulthood;
Let's judge him on whether he got into an altercation with somebody at a bar 30+ years ago, because that is the best evidence of whether he is a capable and competent jurist;
In short, let's forget about the most direct and relevant evidence of whether Kavanaugh is right for the job, let's focus on the most temporally distant and extraneous information we can find and make that the focus of whether he is qualified.
Thank you again, liberal fvcktards.
except all those people in the background of his announcement were the same people that were negotiating for Obama. they literally took a few open market provisions from TPP, added some token auto crap so Trump had something to feed the base, and then gave it a very lame new name. with Trump as marketing genius i expect the name to not suck. im fine with the deal because its literally almost the exact same deal as before. Trump is smart enough to know his base doesn't care what's in the deal as long as he is the one pushing it.

I'd be interested in reading the source of your information. Please provide me with some links.
Does throwing ice disqualify someone from the Supreme does now....that blue wave is going to be a red tsunami.
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Thank God the system is in place to protect the sane from the insane.

Democrats can thank importing a foreign population and their offspring as the reason for this. Look at the demographic changes- that’s why Dems get more votes and it’s why they don’t want immigration laws enforced.

If this is true kavanaughs ass is cooked. I can’t help but wonder if trump is undermining kavaugh by expanding the investigation. It may be trumps strategy to keep the senate for the midterms.

I guess I don't understand the damning evidence here. Again nobody but the accuser is claiming they knew anything about the incident. I guess maybe theyre claiming they do have evidence that Kavanaugh did know in advance the story was coming out and didn't just learn about it when the article was published? I guess you could say that doesn't look good. This whole thing has become mired in muck which is exactly what the democrats were gunning for.
I guess I don't understand the damning evidence here. Again nobody but the accuser is claiming they knew anything about the incident. I guess maybe theyre claiming they do have evidence that Kavanaugh did know in advance the story was coming out and didn't just learn about it when the article was published? I guess you could say that doesn't look good. This whole thing has become mired in muck which is exactly what the democrats were gunning for.

Yeah I think if Kavanaugh said he didn’t know until the wash post put up the story but tried to damage control before that’s gonna give flake and co enough to torpedo the nomination