How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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I guess I don't understand the damning evidence here. Again nobody but the accuser is claiming they knew anything about the incident. I guess maybe theyre claiming they do have evidence that Kavanaugh did know in advance the story was coming out and didn't just learn about it when the article was published? I guess you could say that doesn't look good. This whole thing has become mired in muck which is exactly what the democrats were gunning for.

There is no damning evidence. It's more misdirection and bullcrap that the poster fell for. Kavanaugh did know in advance because the story was public for days before it dropped in the New Yorker.

Martha Macallum specifically asked him about it during their interview. NBC is claiming that Kavanaugh testified that he wasn't aware of the allegations until he read them in the New Yorker. That couldn't be more false. He never testified to that and he is also quoted in the New Yorker denying the allegations in advance.
Yeah I think if Kavanaugh said he didn’t know until the wash post put up the story but tried to damage control before that’s gonna give flake and co enough to torpedo the nomination

It's a shame but you're probably right. I think Kavanaugh is probably a good man who partied a lot in college, but who did none of these things he's accused of. The liberal left should be ashamed but they won't be. It's win at any cost. If this doesn't rally the right in November we should also be ashamed.
Yeah I think if Kavanaugh said he didn’t know until the wash post put up the story but tried to damage control before that’s gonna give flake and co enough to torpedo the nomination

You're confused. Wash Po didn't run the Ramirez story the New Yorker did. Not to mention for the third time everyone knew the story was coming. It was public well before it was printed by the New Yorker. Go rewatch the Macallum interview which was before the story was printed. She specifically ask him about it.
Not really. The story was made public for days before the New Yorker ran the article. You're being played for a fool.

It depends on the date of the texts. You’re right allegations came out before the article BUT it will depend on if those texts exist, the date on them.
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You're confused. Wash Po didn't run the Ramirez story the New Yorker did. Not to mention for the third time everyone knew the story was coming. It was public well before it was printed by the New Yorker. Go rewatch the Macallum interview which was before the story was printed. She specifically ask him about it.

You’re right it was New Yorker. It doesn’t matter the times, post, New Yorker, GQ, yahoo, NBC; and many more have gone full lib and only the timing will matter

If this is true kavanaughs ass is cooked. I can’t help but wonder if trump is undermining kavaugh by expanding the investigation. It may be trumps strategy to keep the senate for the midterms.

A few things here and the most important being Kavanaugh’s wildside May cause him this seat.

But let’s think about this, he flashed her in college and yet 10 years later at a wedding that made her feel so awkward that she avoided him as much as one could?

What a weirdo! Seriously I have been at weddings where my buddies were marrying girls a few of us slept with, girls I’d seen flash us as well as us flashing them etcetc and never has anyone felt that awkward.

As an adult most normal people grow out of the immaturity and realize it’s more fun to laugh about than be ashamed or creeped out over.

All that said, I still don’t see enough there to draw any kind of statement to go so against BK that he won’t get approved. But I do agree that Trump would prefer to keep the house and senate vs get this nomination.
It depends on the date of the texts. You’re thw allegations came out before the article BUT it will depend on if those texts exist, the date on them.

The dates are irrelevant because of the simple fact that Kavanaugh has already admitted to the Senate about knowing in advance and he never said exactly when he first found out. He generalized.

When asked this is what he testified. “When did you first hear of Ms. Ramirez’s allegations against you?” Kavanaugh replied, “In the last week — in the period since then, the New Yorker story.”

He never said he first heard about the allegations by reading the New Yorker or when the story first came out. He said he heard about them during the period of the story. I already pointed out that the allegations were public for days before the story was printed and Kavanaugh is on record with the Senate staff telling them he heard about it through the grapevine before the story was printed because Ramirez and the New Yorker were calling around asking people about it and trying to jog her memory.
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The dates are irrelevant because of the simple fact that Kavanaugh has already admitted to the Senate about knowing in advance and he never said exactly when he first found out. He generalized.

When asked this is what he testified. “When did you first hear of Ms. Ramirez’s allegations against you?” Kavanaugh replied, “In the last week — in the period since then, the New Yorker story.”

He never said he first heard about the allegations by reading the New Yorker or when the story first came out. He said he heard about them during the period of the story. I already pointed out that the allegations were public for days before the story was printed and Kavanaugh is on record with the Senate staff telling them he heard about it through the grapevine before the story was printed because Ramirez and the New Yorker were calling around asking people about it and trying to jog her memory.

I hope you’re right
For anyone in Washington to take a stand that drinking disqualifies this man is intensely hypocritical. But what else is new.

The perjury nonsense is nothing more than a lie itself pandered about to get clicks. There are two elements for perjury:

1) intentionally lying

2) about a material fact.

The material fact element is the one intentionally glossed over. Although neither are met.
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I hope you’re right
It's all on record. He never said he didn't know until the story came out.

Here is his public testimony when asked by Hatch:

“When did you first hear of Ms. Ramirez’s allegations against you?” Kavanaugh replied, “In the last week — in the period since then, the New Yorker story.”

Here's what he said when asked by Senate staff during their investigation before the public hearing:

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I hope you’re right

From the New Yorker story

In her initial conversations with The New Yorker, she was reluctant to characterize Kavanaugh’s role in the alleged incident with certainty. After six days of carefully assessing her memories and consulting with her attorney, Ramirez said that she felt confident enough of her recollections to say that she remembers Kavanaugh had exposed himself at a drunken dormitory party, thrust his penis in her face, and caused her to touch it without her consent as she pushed him away.

There were 6 days between the time she first went public and the day the story ran. Kavanaugh testified he was first made aware during that week. He also testified he heard about it because she was calling around and asking people.

Also from the New Yorker story.

"In a statement, Kavanaugh wrote, “This alleged event from 35 years ago did not happen. The people who knew me then know that this did not happen, and have said so. This is a smear, plain and simple. I look forward to testifying on Thursday about the truth, and defending my good name—and the reputation for character and integrity I have spent a lifetime building—against these last-minute allegations.”

Kavanaugh is quoted in the story denying the allegations. So explain to me how in the heck can he deny them before the story if they're trying to say he didn't know until the story? Because they're lying to you. He never testified to not knowing until the story.

As I have clearly pointed out he was able to write a statement denying the allegations before the story was printed nbecause he actually testified he heard about the allegations during that week which lines up exactly with the New Yorker's timeline. They even say that she came forward and made her allegations public but it took them six days to print the story because they were searching for people to corroborate it.

That's exactly what Kavanaugh testified to. He heard about the allegations during that week and he also heard she was calling people to refresh memories.

Classmate: "Kavanaugh's a liar. He lied to the Senate when he said that he never blacked out from drinking."

Reporter: "Did you ever witness him blackout?"

Classmate: "No."

The drink shat isn’t gonna derail him. He admitted to drinking to excess. I personally have drank a lot at any given time like, hard liquor, 15-20 shots in a short period, been stumbling, slurring drunk but there is never a time I don’t remember what happened. Usually people drinking to blackout are mixing pills.

This idiot professor at ncst has no idea of his state of mind, and he’s not an attorney. What did he expect Kavanaugh to say?? Saying he drank to excess and made mistakes was pretty clear to me.
If the democrats are not crushed in the mid-terms, honor and decency will have sufficiently been destroyed and it will mark the death of our once great country.

At that point, they might as well just launch all nukes and end it, because it will be the beginning of a hopeless, detestable world, unfit for living.

I'm afraid it's only a matter of time regardless. It's an extremely dark, sad thought, but I think it's the truth. I just want a chance to turn it around.
i saw a bunch of tweets making fun of trump and kim. this is actually a real quote from Trump yesterday. kim wrote him letters and they fell in love? who knew the pussy grabber was a homo.

“I was really being tough and so was he. And we would go back and forth. And then we fell in love. No really. He wrote me beautiful letters. They were great letters. And then we fell in love.”