How will they rule ??!

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So she lied about the polygraph? She said she was hooked up to the machine for hours and asked a bunch of hard personal questions that made her cry. She described it as telling her life story to a stranger.

The guy who gave her the polygraph was on tv last night. He said he asked her two simple questions in a very short amount of time and it was over.
Ford claims that a teenage boy groped her at a party and put his hand over her mouth. She believes that it could/would have turned into rape but that didn't happen so we will never know. These guys are not going to face any penalty for admitting to touching her boob over the top of her swimsuit as she claims. That is not rape.

One step further. She said that she thought he might murder her.
“Hopefully” she is laying a trap that Ford is a liar and cannot be believed. The “can’t fly” to DC because she is afraid of flying but flies all the time to Hawaii, Costa Rica, Tahiti... Lying about the polygraph test and events and dates. The fact they were going to fly out to her and she said she did not know that info.

She is probably using recent events and the fact that Ford can’t even remember recent facts and be truthful about them as a baseline to show how she can’t remember recent info, so how can we trust her account of the night she said she was attacked. Pretty sure the map of the distance from the house to her house and how she got home will be an interesting one for her to answer, and Mitchell better come back to that one. The fact that nobody has corroborated her story is another one to touch on. You know Mitchell is asking questions that she knows the answer to so she can nail her. If not this will be a waste. I do notice that Mitchell is smiling and disarming her and being friendly, and hopefully she is using good cop/bad cop on her. Lunch is probably the last break and hopefully Mitchell uses halftime to nail her - what if Mitchell comes out holding up 4 fingers coming out of the break and hollers “we own the 4th quarter @#$%! :D
“Hopefully” she is laying a trap that Ford is a liar and cannot be believed. The “can’t fly” to DC because she is afraid of flying but flies all the time to Hawaii, Costa Rica, Tahiti... Lying about the polygraph test and events and dates. The fact they were going to fly out to her and she said she did not know that info.

She is probably using recent events and the fact that Ford can’t even remember recent facts and be truthful about them as a baseline to show how she can’t remember recent info, so how can we trust her account of the night she said she was attacked. Pretty sure the map of the distance from the house to her house and how she got home will be an interesting one for her to answer, and Mitchell better come back to that one. The fact that nobody has corroborated her story is another one to touch on. You know Mitchell is asking questions that she knows the answer to so she can nail her. If not this will be a waste. I do notice that Mitchell is smiling and disarming her and being friendly, and hopefully she is using good cop/bad cop on her. Lunch is probably the last break and hopefully Mitchell uses halftime to nail her - what if Mitchell comes out holding up 4 fingers coming out of the break and hollers “we own the 4th quarter @#$%! :D

Ya it feels like she is trying to get answers for everything even the small things. I'm curious if she is going to then use her final turns to call out all of the inconsistencies and lack of corroboration of all the things she is saying.

Worst case scenario is she continues to ask these small questions, never challenges her and never takes off the gloves, and the GOP go out with a fizzle in this.
What a collosal failure by the gop. Who decided to appoint a random lady that's a low level state level prosecutor to examine her?

From everything I've heard, this girl is elite when it comes to sexual assault cases. The problem is, it is looking like she is treating this like a court case. She doesn't have hours upon hours to ask all these small questions then turn on all the inconsistencies. I feel like she is just going to run out of time before she does anything.

But I think it's pretty clear she is really good at what she is doing, just a horrible fit for this format.
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When I cross, especially when I know someone is lying, I spend the first part of the examination trying to set the hook by getting their story honestly in. That way they have no wiggle room for my second half; or if I just save it for closing.

Hopefully that's what she's doing. But I think she's allowed too much slow play for coming back around for hard cross. May have to save it for an overall statement
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Really hoping they haveha home the complete lack of evidence, the fact that no one including her friend remembers this, the fact that she doesn't remember where, when and how she got there and how she left.

All of that needs to be hammered home.
When I cross, especially when I know someone is lying, I spend the first part of the examination trying to set the hook by getting their story honestly in. That way they have no wiggle room for my second half; or if I just save it for closing.

Hopefully that's what she's doing. But I think she's allowed too much slow play for coming back around for hard cross. May have to save it for an overall statement

Agreed 100%. That's what I feel like what she is doing. I just feel like she has spent too much time doing that and is going to run out of time to turn it.
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Republicans likely losing the house and senate right now. Apathy will be at an all time high. Why support these weak individuals.

Perfect example of people, and not just you, making immediate conclusions. She hasn't finished testifying, he still has to testify and then all of the summaries will be written. Also it's still 5+ weeks until the election. It's very possible most will have forgotten this entire story by then.
What we are seeing is the culmination of years and years of Republicans afraid to stand up to the accusations of the left. They have lost the narrative and now have no idea how to respond.

This is why Trump won. He will stand up. People who want small government, want to keep their money versus paying taxes, people who want government out of their life have been accused of being racists, callous, bigots etc,. and nobody stood up. Trump stood up.

I cringe with Trump's speaking style and his choice of words. But at least he will stand up and say that is a load of crap. People can differ without being all of the labels the left sling.

Now the R's are laying down again and it is sad.
Such nonsense. This is all utter shit. May the worst happen to Democrats. Sick people.

I feel sorry for Kavanaugh and his family because Republican politicians are the biggest pussies!
Now in the PM session we get to hear from the triple douche package of the Hawaiian senator , Spartacus and Kamila Harris . 3 assholes.
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Perfect example of people, and not just you, making immediate conclusions. She hasn't finished testifying, he still has to testify and then all of the summaries will be written. Also it's still 5+ weeks until the election. It's very possible most will have forgotten this entire story by then.
No. People are tired of this and the Republican's sit back doing nothing. This is not a one-off event. Nothing came of the weaponizing of the IRS,/FBI, the ridiculous nature of the Russian investigation. Very few stand up and just say this is bullshit and it is time to end. Because they want to be re-elected they will do nothing. People who came out to support Trump are likely to say it just doesn't matter.
Lol Hirono telling Mitchell on how questions about sexual assault should go. The lady specializes in sexual assault cases. She understands the mental aspect of it all.

I have issues with the questions, but that is because it seems like they're all softball so far.
Man whenever it seems like Mitchell is going to hammer in a point, she goes "okay" then moves on. Starting to get frustrating to see.
I hate where this is going. It seems like the entire focus on this is not questioning if the night happened or if Kavanaugh did it.

It seems like the entire time is spent on trying to build a case of Democrats taking over this entire thing for her and trying to make it public.

If I'm Kavanaugh and seeing this, id be pissed. I also assume this isn't Mitchell's idea either. This seems like an idea from the GOP politicians.
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What we are seeing is the culmination of years and years of Republicans afraid to stand up to the accusations of the left. They have lost the narrative and now have no idea how to respond.

This is why Trump won. He will stand up. People who want small government, want to keep their money versus paying taxes, people who want government out of their life have been accused of being racists, callous, bigots etc,. and nobody stood up. Trump stood up.

I cringe with Trump's speaking style and his choice of words. But at least he will stand up and say that is a load of crap. People can differ without being all of the labels the left sling.

Now the R's are laying down again and it is sad.
This is kinda true but it is mostly fear of the media and populism. They have stood up well on this but they just do not have the votes to steamroll. 3-4 states really let the country down. And Flake is a piece of shit.
For me it's this. Kavanaugh was in the room when a friend of his (Judge, not Kavanaugh) groped this girl when they were in high school.

If I were a Senator, I would judge him on his past 30 years.

None of these Senators could stand up to this kind of scrutiny.
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