How will they rule ??!

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This is kinda true but it is mostly fear of the media and populism. They have stood up well on this but they just do not have the votes to steamroll. 3-4 states really let the country down. And Flake is a piece of shit.
Flake is actually worse the Booker in my opinion. How a man who was elected to represent can simply attempt to govern based on his personal hatred of Trump is disgusting.
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The republicans suck as champions of conservativism. They are the most inept group of people I have ever witnessed. The prosecutor is an idiot they screwed up by hiring someone they operate out of fear chicken to fight. Disgusting
In a way, this is the GOP's only option. Just asking her about the night of the "event" will result in nothing except her reiterating the same story.

Her attorneys are working pro-bono [laughing]. k
Welp it looks like Mitchell and the GOP are going all out to turning this into trying to prove the Democrats turned this into a political hit instead of proving this event never actually happened.

Either the GOP are beyond stupid at coming up with a plan, or they know something about this event and Kavanaugh might be guilty.
Finally talking about the night again. There is only about 5 minutes left though. I think she waited far too long to bring it back to this though.
Welp it looks like Mitchell and the GOP are going all out to turning this into trying to prove the Democrats turned this into a political hit instead of proving this event never actually happened.

Either the GOP are beyond stupid at coming up with a plan, or they know something about this event and Kavanaugh might be guilty.

I drove drunk in high school. I'm not that person now.

It boils down to that for me.
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She seems awfully jokey about a damn sexual assault that's apparently ruined her life. Again, this is disgusting Orwellian shit right here. Just using the apparatus of the State to crush someone into submission. Play ball or we'll wreck you should be this country's new motto.
Did she just admit to dating the guy whose house where that Whelan fella said theorized it could have happened? Sounded like it to me.
I drove drunk in high school. I'm not that person now.

It boils down to that for me.

Driving drunk and attempted rape are two majorly different things though. Many idiots (including myself) have drove dunk. Most people don't attempt rape. She is describing an attempted rape.

The problem for me is the GOP are so focused on proving this is a political hit piece instead of proving this night never happened. Even though there is no public evidence that this night actually happened. It's much easier to prove there is no evidence this night happened, then prove this was a democratic hit piece.
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Driving drunk and attempted rape are two majorly different things though. Many idiots (including myself) have drove dunk. Most people don't attempt rape. She is describing an attempted rape.

The problem for me is the GOP are so focused on proving this is a political hit piece instead of proving this night never happened. Even though there is no public evidence that this night actually happened. It's much easier to prove there is no evidence this night happened, then prove this was a democratic hit piece.

I don't think Kavanaugh assualted this woman in high school. He was in the room when his friend did it, and laughed about it after.
I don't think Kavanaugh assualted this woman in high school. He was in the room when his friend did it, and laughed about it after.

I don't want him on the SC if this is true. That's still a horrible thing to do. He was in a room while his friend tried to rape a girl and laughed during and after it. Then did nothing and is trying to cover it up now.

I don't care if he was 17. I was 17 and if my best friend was trying to rape a girl, I would've tackled him. And I am far from a choir boy.
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I don't want him on the SC if this is true. That's still a horrible thing to do. He was in a room while his friend tried to rape a girl and laughed during and after it. Then did nothing and is trying to cover it up now.

I don't care if he was 17. I was 17 and if my best friend was trying to rape a girl, I would've tackled him. And I am far from a choir boy.

I could agree to that. Let Trump find somebody else. Me, I would vote to confirm based his adult life and career.
I heard only a few minutes.

The real victim in all this is Mark Judge. Haha

Living out his days in obscurity and then thrust into this nonsense.
Sorry if I knew nothing about this before today and watched this. I would've came away thinking, that two guys tried to rape this girl in high school and the GOP whole case was trying to prove this came about only because of a political hit piece, not trying to prove this didn't actually happen.

Sorry but I think the Dems made the GOP look unbelievably bad today. I think the GOP was looking great last night with all the crap with the Avenatti bs. But lost all that momentum this morning.
Unless Kavanaugh knocks it out of the park here in a few the GOP has screwed this up so badly Trump may have no choice but to quickly replace him. Then again, we learned much of nothing from her today (as expected) so who knows how this will go.
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I don't want him on the SC if this is true. That's still a horrible thing to do. He was in a room while his friend tried to rape a girl and laughed during and after it. Then did nothing and is trying to cover it up now.

I don't care if he was 17. I was 17 and if my best friend was trying to rape a girl, I would've tackled him. And I am far from a choir boy.

Alcohol makes normal people do abnormal things , having said that I dont believe Cavanaugh did this .
I lost a large degree of respect/faith for the senate judiciary R's . I feel like I could puke . It was truly sickening to watch this shit . Now the same turds run to TV cameras for interviews . They have waved the white flag and a good man , an extraordinary man , is going to made into something he isnt . I loathe democrats so much its unhealthy . And flimsy ass pussy R's are not far behind .
I guess the WH realized how poorly this went and pushed off the Rosenstein show for another day. Can't let trumps circus moves go to waste.
Alcohol makes normal people do abnormal things , having said that I dont believe Cavanaugh did this .

That's not an excuse. I think all of us have had plenty of drunk nights. Id like to think no one here has sat back and laughed watching their friend try to rape a girl, or would have laughed if they were in that situation.

I also agree I don't think that Kavanaugh did this. But they it seemed like they spent 95% of the time today trying to prove this was a political hit piece instead of proving this didn't happen.

Listening to Graham right now, it's clear that was their focus today. He's so focused on it being a political hit piece. That was the first thing he brought up, then brought up him not thinking this happened. The priority of this should've been flipped.
I thought this woman was fairly believable. I also believe Kavanaugh that he's never sexually assualted anybody.

It was Judge. Not Kavanaugh.
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0% chance Kavanaugh gets voted in after this.

Ya know Kavanaugh gets to respond, right?

Unless Kavanaugh knocks it out of the park here in a few the GOP has screwed this up so badly Trump may have no choice but to quickly replace him. Then again, we learned much of nothing from her today (as expected) so who knows how this will go.

If that is the scenario, there won't be a quickly to it.

They will have to wait until after the election.

It wouldn't surprise me if they waited for the next Congress to be seated.
Well that was just terrible. When Lindsey Graham is the only one with balls to speak up, that should tell everyone the Republican party is done. Conservatives are going to have find another venue or simply concede their values.

We just saw the politicians allow a man to be destroyed without lifting a finger. Why would anyone accept Trumps nomination if this is how they are going to defend? Living in Indiana, they just gave Donnelly cover to vote no. If the Re-publicans force him through, the narrative will be simply white men patronized the women and didn't listen. If they withdraw or vote down, the Trump supporters are going to stay home. They needed to dent the credibility and did not even try.

We now live in a country where the simple allegation is enough. No details on when it happened, where it happened or any other details therefore no defense can be provided. This is what the Republicans now will let happen and no damn way this would fly if this was a Democratic nomination.

Republicans are impotent and the country will suffer for this.

The entire morning was spent trying to prove this all was brought up as a political hit piece. Why does she have these lawyers, why did she wait till now, who paid for the polygraph and all that.

Instead of focusing on the complete lack of evidence that this night even happened. There isn't a single other person that says this night happened. She can't remember when and where, she can't remember how she got there or left. All of that seemed like a minor point today.
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Well that was just terrible. When Lindsey Graham is the only one with balls to speak up, that should tell everyone the Republican party is done. Conservatives are going to have find another venue or simply concede their values.

We just saw the politicians allow a man to be destroyed without lifting a finger. Why would anyone accept Trumps nomination if this is how they are going to defend? Living in Indiana, they just gave Donnelly cover to vote no.

We now live in a country where the simple allegation is enough. No details on when it happened, where it happened or any other details therefore no defense can be provided. This is what the Republicans now will let happen and no damn way this would fly if this was a Democratic nomination.

Republicans are impotent and the country will suffer for this.
Perhaps when Dems are running as independent like Donnelly did (and Bredesen is in TN) you should not believe them. 3-4 states have screwed us.
Flake is actually worse the Booker in my opinion. How a man who was elected to represent can simply attempt to govern based on his personal hatred of Trump is disgusting.

I actually voted for the guy ... and, John McCain. So enjoy one on me.

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