How will they rule ??!

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The entire morning was spent trying to prove this all was brought up as a political hit piece. Why does she have these lawyers, why did she wait till now, who paid for the polygraph and all that.

Instead of focusing on the complete lack of evidence that this night even happened. There isn't a single other person that says this night happened. She can't remember when and where, she can't remember how she got there or left. All of that seemed like a minor point today.
oh ok, I just just don't know how much time you can spend on that. Pretty silly that the very basic thing has no supporting evidence of any kind. So lacking that there is nothing really to ask.
Donnelly did not run as an independent and I did not vote for him.
I am just saying that ALL Dems that run in red states run as independent voices. And when they get there they screw the voters. Hell even Manchin has whored himself to Schumer.
I think the line of questioning proved exactly what Graham said....the Democrats absolutely used this woman for political purposes. I agree that he said she's a victim of Democratic party. They've controlled this & had the lawyers not even inform her that committee was willing to come to her & lawyers turned around & told the committee that she couldn't fly. Democrats do not give a crap about this woman. If they did they would've brought this up August 1st. Wow!

I honestly believe something happened to her or at least she believes it did. I don't think Mark Kavanaugh was involved. If he were I'd be the first to say don't confirm him, but based upon witnesses denying this & no other credible witnesses there's really nothing to really legally latch onto & not confirm him.
I am just saying that ALL Dems that run in red states run as independent voices. And when they get there they screw the voters. Hell even Manchin has whored himself to Schumer.
OK but when you wrote "you should not believe", I took that you meant me. Sorry if misunderstood.
oh ok, I just just don't know how much time you can spend on that. Pretty silly that the very basic thing has no supporting evidence of any kinds. So lacking that there is nothing really to ask.

I think that's the problem though. There really is no evidence that this ever happened. Even the people on her side, all say they don't remember this night. But it was kind of just slightly touched upon.

It seemed like they spent as much if not more time on how many times she flew on a plane compared to the actual night of the party.

I'm not saying I expected the entire 55 minutes to be focused on that night. But it damn it felt like trying to prove that night didn't happen or show there was no evidence that night happened seemed like a minor side point. Thought there were plenty of times Mitchell could've hammered home a point, but never did.
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I actually voted for the guy ... and, John McCain. So enjoy one on me.

It is a hell of a thing to have a higher approval from the opposition party than your own.
Part of me is wondering if the long-term Republicans are not playing this as a way to get voters out for the mid-terms. Believing that this will fire up the base to protect the Supreme Court nominations. If so, they are playing a dangerous game and likely will lose this.
I guess the WH realized how poorly this went and pushed off the Rosenstein show for another day. Can't let trumps circus moves go to waste.
You didn't hear what Trump said last night, did you? Just got your snippet of info off the MSNBC crawl, got out your jump to stupid conclusions mat, rolled the dice, hopped to your stupid conclusion, and typed that post from your wireless keyboard, eh?
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If this nomination goes down, the GOP needs to ram someone through before the election. This could be done by simply picking someone who was recently confirmed. That would allow for a quick confirmation. Mitch could also recess the Senate and Trump could recess appoint someone. That person would then be considered for the permanent job by the Senate and confirmed before the end of the year.
I like the recess appointment except one thing, that gives the Dems months to fabricate any number of heinous stories. Just ram the next nominee through, period. Anything less will absolutely kill the GOP
Like a few of us said when this all started, if he doe snot get confirmed Trump should immediately go get Barrett and push her through before the end the year. Would be a nightmare situation for the Dems, That said, if this blows up very likely they will have to wait until after the Midterms. if Dems get the Senate the court will be in complete gridlock until after 2020 elections.
I agree with most in this thread that the GOP could've handled it better, but the dems found a way to be even worse. I think the dems made fools out of themselves.
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Feelings, emotions and perception are more important than facts, reason and reality.

Way to go, liberal fvcktard America.

That's the thing. Today was all narrative. The Dems set the narrative, the GOP responded by trying to create a narrative that Ford came forward with this because of political reasons and she was in the pockets of the Dems.

Do I think that's true? Ya probably. But the GOP are horrible at creating a narrative and without a doubt the narrative of a girl that fought off an attempted rape, is far more powerful than the Dems using it as a political tool.
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Is it perjury when she said that the polygraph lasted a long time and she told her life story, weeping much - and the polygrapher ? said he only asked two questions and was concluded quickly?
Let me say 2018 under no circumstances will a liberal woman ever be considered for perjury. We just had a liberal woman break numerous federal records laws, run an obvious pay-to-play scheme with foreign entities, lie under oath several times while giving the federal authorities the finger and was still the chosen candidate by all the media and Justice Dept operatives.