How will they rule ??!

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I don't believe a single one. This is nothing but Democrats, planned parenthood, & George Soros $$$$$$$

Anyone that doesn't see through this is a gullible moron.
oh really? yall idiots spent 10 years whining about how countries were laughing at us under Obama. now that they are literally laughing at Trump on live tv its cool cause they will come crawling for money? lol
they were laughing before because they were ripping the us off.
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I think that was the first little haymaker. Showed how easily she lied about them willing to come out to her for the hearing.

That was the first big hickup and you could see the quick panic from her team.
This dog n pony show is a disgrace . I think the judiciary committee might kiss her ass right in front of all of America. She isnt even being challenged . Period . ( at least yet )
Finally admitted R's admitted that they would fly out to interview her, and she basically answered despite counsel advising her not to
Jesus Christ. If the Dem's want to give her super soft questions I would get that. But the 4.5 minutes of this nonsense, then one small ball question is getting tiresome.
Okay she seemed somewhat sympathetic but she continues to talk about how everything was causing her so much anxiety. Writing a letter was anxious etc. She has been coached to talk about her anxiety over everything.
Unless the prosecutor has some bombshell, nitpicking over flying etc isn't going to cut it and the prosecutor failed immensely.
I watched/listened to zero of this so far and based on the comments here I made the right decision.

This event is approximately on par with the Minnesota Twins' 87th regular season game in 2002 in terms of importance.
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I'm with Chris Wallace on this. I'm pretty surprised about the lack of time spent on the actual night of the accident. There focus seems to be focused on everything this year.
I'm with Chris Wallace on this. I'm pretty surprised about the lack of time spent on the actual night of the accident. There focus seems to be focused on everything this year.

That was established at the very beginning by Feinstein. This is not about Ford, this is about the way America treats women.

I am 10000% ready to start treating women like our Muslim brothers and sisters do, and if you don’t agree with that, ladies, then you’re a racist pos. So what’ll be?
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Unless they are setting the trap of traps and the public isnt privy to it .. this has been the worst performance imaginable by the majority led committee .
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I'm curious if the last few section of time Mitchell gets, she goes back and focuses on the night of and no one else remembering this happening.

I'm guessing Mitchell has a plan.
Kavanaugh is dead meat. Nine Democrat eulogies and nine silent Repubs and one tip-toeing, kid-gloves questioner. They would have been better off releasing the old white men hounds and accepting the criticism.
They need to subpoena her Uber driver from the night of the alleged incident and see if they noticed anything wrong with her.