How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Honestly, it’s gotten bad enough that I’d be scared to proceed even with consent. You about need a sex contract she signs. Even if you get a yes initially, if you piss her off and she’s crazy enough, she’ll just say she didn’t give consent. Boom. You’re a rapist.

I keep seeing these people asking what if it were your daughter? Well I have a daughter and a son. What would you do if your son was accused of rape? People like killa would probably help cuff him. It’s funny. The left talks about women being strong and yet all they ever paint them as is victims.

Yep. It's one of their more ridiculous arguments.

"Women are strong and could do anything a man can do." - Thinks women are made of glass, deserve special privilege of being believed no matter what (unless they're Republican), portrays them as victims while ignoring how privileged they are with college, promotions, not getting killed at work, manual labor, etc.

They do a similar shtick with minorities. "Minorities should be equal" Also leftists, "Minorities must have the standards lowered for them and be given special treatment to get to a quota."
CJ is claiming that Allison Lundergan Grimes political career is dead. This thanks to the 10 count indictment against her father and another man for making illegal gifts to her campaign against Cocaine Mitch. The indictment claims that she knew about the wrongful gifts.

Bye, Bye


Also, I think we should all send Mashburned a bottle of champaign. No one hates Thundercunt-Grimes as much as he does.
CJ is claiming that Allison Lundergan Grimes political career is dead. This thanks to the 10 count indictment against her father and another man for making illegal gifts to her campaign against Cocaine Mitch. The indictment claims that she knew about the wrongful gifts.

Bye, Bye

First, it was the claim by a board of elections employee that she was mishandling voter information and slow-walking efforts to purge inactive voters from Kentucky's voting rolls.

But why in the wide wide world of sports would Mrs. Grimes want to slow-walk purging inactive (read: dead) voters from the rolls? I just can't put my finger on why an upstanding Democrat politician would want dead people to be left on the voting rolls when everyone knows dead people can't vote. Does anyone here have an explanation for this weird development? We've already been told that voter fraud doesn't exist by the resident upstanding leftists, so what could cause such a weird coincidence?!?!?!
First, it was the claim by a board of elections employee that she was mishandling voter information and slow-walking efforts to purge inactive voters from Kentucky's voting rolls.

But why in the wide wide world of sports would Mrs. Grimes want to slow-walk purging inactive (read: dead) voters from the rolls? I just can't put my finger on why an upstanding Democrat politician would want dead people to be left on the voting rolls when everyone knows dead people can't vote. Does anyone here have an explanation for this weird development? We've already been told that voter fraud doesn't exist by the resident upstanding leftists, so what could cause such a weird coincidence?!?!?!

Grimes is a perfect last name for that skank.
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If Brett Kavanaugh was pro abortion. Would we be having all these lying, pro abortion,liberal whores slithering out from under their rocks and making these allegations against Kavanaugh?
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Oh, right, this is about how women are treated in this country, but we’ll get into that later....

- Feinstein
I am truly embarrassed for our country. Yes there are issues that need to be addressed but the far left continues to use these issues for personal gain. Damage to the country or others be damned. I am very worried what these people are doing to the country and what type of government my kids will have to grow up under.
Just reported that Charles Manson made a death bed confession that Brett Kavanagh touched him inappropriately in 1981.
"Like the Kennedy assassination, Challenger explosion and the twin towers, will the Kavanaugh-Ford hearing be a where-were-you moment? "

The person that wrote that was too young or not on this earth to recollect any of those events.

They desperately want a similar event to have a first hand story for themselves.
I remember exactly where I was when I heard the news that a plane hit the WTC, and I vividly remember watching the second plane hit. I can assure you I will not remember where I was when the Democrats trotted out some lying skank in an effort to destroy our Constitutional republic.
"Like the Kennedy assassination, Challenger explosion and the twin towers, will the Kavanaugh-Ford hearing be a where-were-you moment? "

The person that wrote that was too young or not on this earth to recollect any of those events.

They desperately want a similar event to have a first hand story for themselves.
Not going to go look it up but saw a USA Today story today about #metoo that ran a collage of Weinstein, Cosby, and Kavenaugh.