How will they rule ??!

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Sounds like she's got crazy eyes.

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Am I the only one sick of hearing people on the right saying "these women have a right to be heard"

It may not be PC to say it, but if they are lying bitches, no they don't have any right to be heard.

Give me one good reason why we should hear anything from these women.

They should be heard.

They were. Don't believe them.

Please, God, let this be true. I don’t get hopes up but there needs to be swift justice and major damage done to Dems for this evil they have done.

That said, I don’t put much stock into any of these type of things but one can dream.

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Lol. This guy was a binge drinking, ass grabbing, Dick thrusting, gangbanger who cut a swath across the Potomac for several years and nobody knew until he just happened to present a threat to the “right” to dismember an unborn mistake. Who knew?

Should have known. Anybody who studies the constitution in 3rd grade for fun has serious issues. Won’t be long till they find the body parts in his freezers.
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Anyone think this has anything to do with Kavanaugh’s role in the Clinton impeachment?

He was investigated for 3 years in 2006 and approved for the position he currently holds.

Former teacher of the year fired because she refused to give 8th graders who didn’t do their work at all partial credit. They literally didn’t turn a paper in and the school wanted her to give them 50%.

School has a no 0 policy. Education system is so broken.
Yep. I'm a teacher and we aren't allowed to give anything lower than a 60%. Kid doesn't do a thing, bombs every test, gets a 1% at the end of the year = bump it to 60% on the final report card grade. "It sets them up for failure in the future".
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Just sent Feinstein a scathing email. And yes, I know it was a waste of time. These people have no morals, no heart, and no conscious or guilt. In other words they are not really human.
Bwahaha, fun word play from a Trump supporter. They guy with ZERO morals or conscience.

It's really sick the lengths you all go to to try to discredit these women and the disgusting names you use. I guess if a woman drinks at a party they should expect to be raped. This is why women don't immediately go to the police. They are called whores and are blamed for making men have to rape them. Or unrelated dirt is dug up to try to silence them.

It is quite hilarious that you all crying innocent until proven guilty want Clinton locked up based on no evidence and also believe all of those who have accused Bill Clinton of sexual harassment/rape.

Fact is Republicans tried to race through this nomination because they knew about these allegations. They didn't want a lifetime appointee to actually be vetted and scrutinized. You guys are acting like this hearing went on for months and Democrats waited till last minute.

So why are Republicans so eager to nominate him, a nominee who has already lied under oath to the committee and now being accused of raping one woman, and groping others. Are there no other conservative judges? Oh they are hoping this Justice will give Trump the power to pardon himself or keep him out of jail. They also know they are going to get slaughtered in November and possibly even lose the Senate.

Isn't Trump also the same person who took out a full page ad asking for the Central Park 5 to be given the death penalty before all the evidence was out there? And still said they were guilty after DNA evidence exonerated all of them? Such hypocrites.

And are one of you guys crying over Roy Moore, the child molester? Not surprised. Republicans are morally bankrupt.
Yeah nice try - new one breaking now from 1998...

This is all coordinated - every 1-2 days until they get what they want. No matter how ridiculous. No matter how there are no witnesses, corroboration, etc.
Actually Ford named Judge as a witness and he's hiding so he doesn't have to testify. Yeah that doesn't look shady. Or the fact that Republicans refuse to let the FBI investigate. Or that Ford took and passed a lie detector test. Something I'm sure Kavanaugh would not do. Or that there are corroborated statements from 4 people she told about this years before he was nominated.

One is the actions of someone telling the truth and the other of someone guilty.
Oh and did I miss the reaction to the world laughing at Trump on here? So glad we're soooo respected now [roll]
Oh and did I miss the reaction to the world laughing at Trump on here? So glad we're soooo respected now [roll]

Yes Barry garnered so much respect by handing billions to regimes sponsoring terror, telling Americans you didn't build that and jobs were never coming back. The world may not respect Trump, but you better believe they know his interest is America first.
Regarding the questions asked of Kavanaugh on Tuesday:

Through a series of broader questions about his time during the Starr investigation, Kavanaugh continued to deny he had shoved a woman against a wall, behaved violently toward a woman or socialized with someone from Boulder, Colorado.
When asked if, during the Starr investigation, he dated a woman who "would fairly fit the description in the letter," Kavanaugh asked, "What's the description?"
"Just based on what I --," the transcript showed the investigator responding.
"Describe her appearance," Kavanaugh said.
"No it's -- all we have is what I read," the investigator said.
"Well, then I don't know what I'm responding to then," Kavanaugh replied.

These absolutely absurd allegations are so lacking in evidentiary foundation, they should not be dignified as being considered "allegations," and they sure as hell shouldn't be the subject of any serious line of questioning. Unbelievable where we are today.
Yes Barry garnered so much respect by handing billions to regimes sponsoring terror, telling Americans you didn't build that and jobs were never coming back. The world may not respect Trump, but you better believe they know his interest is America first.
No, he gave Iran back the money we confiscated from them as a good faith step to get Iran to agree to let inspectors monitor their program. We did this in conjunction with our allies. Now we have no way to inspect their program. Also, isn't this exactly what Trump is doing with North Korea?

You obviously missed his point on your 2nd point. Businesses don't build prosperous enterprises without good infrastructure.

And no he didn't say jobs were never coming back. He said some manufacturing jobs were never coming back, and that's true. Coal jobs are not coming back. Large scale manufacturing jobs are not coming back in the numbers we used to have. And most of that is because of technology and automation.

Trump's interest is Trump first. Business 2nd. The lengths he has gone to to protect businesses at the expense of the American people is unprecedented. The corporatization of America is now complete.

His policies are the perfect example of how short-sighted Republicans are. His anti-immigrant rhetoric will mean that the entrepreneurial immigrants that have helped drive American prosperity for decades will no longer be here to take over for an aging workforce. Instead they will go to Europe, Asia and other countries that embrace immigrants.

His anti-science agenda (not just him, the entire GOP is anti-science) and decreased investment in innovation will lead to a decline in technological advances and patents.

His 'America First' slogan is a contradiction of his anti-trade, anti-immigrant, anti-science agenda that helps drive growth and democracy.

Not to mention a debt fueled economy that continues to funnel wealth from the lower and middle class up to the wealthy class. The tax cuts will lead to cuts in Social Security, Medicare and other programs that benefit the 99%. I'm sure this was actually the intent.

An America First President does not paint the media as the enemy, cater only to his base, ignore the 53% of Americans who did not vote for you, comfort America's enemies, alienate our allies, and use his office to help his businesses gain access to sweetheart deals. He also doesn't lie to the American people 75% of the time he talks.

Former teacher of the year fired because she refused to give 8th graders who didn’t do their work at all partial credit. They literally didn’t turn a paper in and the school wanted her to give them 50%.

School has a no 0 policy. Education system is so broken.

School I taught in “asked” us to give every student a 50% instead of zero so they had a chance at the end of the semester. I had this mega popular girl in class and I tested it when she skipped. I gave her zeros for all 100% of zero she did. All of counseling staff applauded my courage. This 50% instead of zero is blatant grade inflation and holds no student accountable

BTW she didn’t graduate bc of my class and it took her there first semester of the following year to clear my class. The counselors loved me like Stalin
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Actually Ford named Judge as a witness and he's hiding so he doesn't have to testify. Yeah that doesn't look shady. Or the fact that Republicans refuse to let the FBI investigate. Or that Ford took and passed a lie detector test. Something I'm sure Kavanaugh would not do. Or that there are corroborated statements from 4 people she told about this years before he was nominated.

One is the actions of someone telling the truth and the other of someone guilty.

[roll] Let me know when you get Hillary’s balls out of your mouth. Ford passed a lie detector test -you may want to research what that test consisted of before you use that as your “we got him now” moment. How about Kavanaugh has already given statements under oath with penalty of perjury, and guess who gets to do that tomorrow? Paging psycho Ford - time for you to complain about who is asking you questions tomorrow, and why are you crying about a female prosecutor who specializes in sex crimes to untangle your web of lies under oath. If you are telling the truth you have nothing to worry about right.

Ramirez has already been proven to be a liar and is done. Swetnick has a history if drug usage and mental illness, and claims that she went to 10 parties where there were gang rapes. So you were 20 going to HS parties and drinking and having sex with underage kids, and these gang rapes occurred so frequently that you kept going back 9 more times? Yeah right.

Here is what I think happened. These ugly girls went to parties and drank so they had an out for sleeping with guys and used alcohol as an excuse to act like sluts. I think that Ford might have hooked up with Judge which is why he is quiet as well as correct - he did not see Kavanaugh do these acts but he might have slept with her. If these gang rapes took place it would have been all over the local area, and after the first one it would have been over. It is possible these girls acted like sluts and slept with multiple guys after drinking and it was consentual, and 30+ year later what they called being sluts is now gang rape.

Oh yeah - he’s with her ^ :D
Yep. I'm a teacher and we aren't allowed to give anything lower than a 60%. Kid doesn't do a thing, bombs every test, gets a 1% at the end of the year = bump it to 60% on the final report card grade. "It sets them up for failure in the future".

That’s insane. I couldn’t do it.
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Fact is Republicans tried to race through this nomination because they knew about these allegations. They didn't want a lifetime appointee to actually be vetted and scrutinized. You guys are acting like this hearing went on for months and Democrats waited till last minute.

He is already a lifetime appointee and was voted on in the Senate in 2006. Convenient or coincidence? Feinstein held these accusations about a sitting federal judge for 2 months???!!! Wow wow wow.
Actually Ford named Judge as a witness and he's hiding so he doesn't have to testify. Yeah that doesn't look shady. Or the fact that Republicans refuse to let the FBI investigate. Or that Ford took and passed a lie detector test. Something I'm sure Kavanaugh would not do. Or that there are corroborated statements from 4 people she told about this years before he was nominated.

One is the actions of someone telling the truth and the other of someone guilty.

The reason judge is hiding is bc HE has big time skeletons and the idiot dems aren’t going to only question him about Kavanaugh, they are going to ruin judge then do the if judge is guilty sonis Kavanaugh bc they were friends. Once the fbi starts investigating hell they may end up putting judge away for tax evasion. It’s all BS
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Oh and did I miss the reaction to the world laughing at Trump on here? So glad we're soooo respected now [roll]

My family is from a middle eastern country and was forced out by fundamentalist. Those we refer to as the MBH or he Muslim brotherhood. While Barack Obama was president the growth out this ultrasharia organization was given gasoline to thrive. Our government enabled them to take over in Egypt, strengthen in turkey, take over Libia, worked with them to take over Syria. You have no idea how Obama’s policies toward the MBH destabilized the world to the point that Iran and Russia are now in Syria. Obama did this shit intentionally not to mention he strengthened the ayatollah and their oppressive hyper fundamentalist regime in Iran. He screwed the region up bigly and there’s no coherent even he could make.
Oh the irony considering Trump tried to pay her to not tell her story.
What story? He screwed her. It was consensual. Who gives a rat's ass? And when is this lying prostitute (which is what a porn star is, by definition, not that there's anything wrong with that) going to give him his money back? She cashed the check. She broke the deal. Pay the man his money back, with interest. It's the right thing to do.
the senate committee has now received statements from and interviewed 2 separate men that claim to have been the person that tried to rape Ford. i hear rapists are well known to turn themselves in to congress. wtf is going on with this shit.
the senate committee has now received statements from and interviewed 2 separate men that claim to have been the person that tried to rape Ford. i hear rapists are well known to turn themselves in to congress. wtf is going on with this shit.

Lol derp these men are credibly accusing themselves.

"Wtf is going on with this shit" [laughing]

You really do seem like one of the lefties who is too stupid to understand.